Energy Gel



  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    I love GUs! I have one approximately every 45 minutes while running (so if you're running 11-12 minute miles, that sounds like about every 4 miles!). I don't eat a ton of carbs in my daily diet, so I definitely feel that I need to consume energy gels with this frequency.

    It's very individual. Don't know why everyone on here is saying that just because they don't need them, or they do their fueling differently, you should too.

    Here's an article for you!

    Mostly because we have all been there. Many of us used to think that way; that we needed a gel every 45 minutes for even short runs. It simply isn't so.
  • acheben
    acheben Posts: 476 Member
    I only tend to use GUs for runs that are longer than 8 miles or so. During my half marathon (or runs close to 13mi in length), I take a GU at around 4.5mi and 9-9.5mi.

    You're just going to need to find a routine that works for you.
  • BredaClaude
    BredaClaude Posts: 7 Member
    I really like the power bar gels. I just find that they give me boosted energy but upsets my stomach but if you drink water after taking the shot it helps.
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    I really like the power bar gels. I just find that they give me boosted energy but upsets my stomach but if you drink water after taking the shot it helps.

    Oh definitely. You should always get water in you soon after these things. When I am racing I always wait for my scheduled gel until the next aid station is in sight so I can get water right after I have the gel (and have a legitimate place to drop the packet)
  • adreal
    adreal Posts: 229 Member
    I think I am going to work on my mileage some and see how I feel when I get into longer runs. I have a goal of running a half by October.
  • laurieagain09
    laurieagain09 Posts: 183 Member
    I don't like the gu because the consistency of it. It's like forcing yourself to swallow toothpaste. I do like the gel blocks and sport beans. They do give me an energy boost. I take them around an hour in.
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    edited January 2015
    adreal wrote: »
    I think I am going to work on my mileage some and see how I feel when I get into longer runs. I have a goal of running a half by October.

    Good luck and keep at it! 10 months is a long way off to keep a goal so don't lose sight of it! You are on the right track, and this forum is a great place to get advice.

  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    Try the GU and see. It's not like it will kill you if you take one and don't need it. Lol! I think the Honey Stinger ones taste better.

    I use them for when I am going to be going for 2 hours or more and then I have one at an hour and about every hour after. So - FOR ME - I find them helpful during a half marathon, b/c it takes me 3 hours to complete one. I did a Spartan Sprint last year and I felt so silly eating my GU. Afraid everyone was thinking: "Look at the fat girl eating a snack!" (Of course, I know no one cared or was even looking at me.) But if I hadn't had them with me, I would not have finished.

    A 5k or 10k... I don't use them. I did a sprint distance triathlon a couple years ago and did not use anything for that, either.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I agree with the suggestion that you might need more carbs in your overall diet. Also, perhaps avoid running on an empty stomach. Something small but solid should help. On the rare time when I feel I need something during a run (12 miles or longer), I've used something simple like Welch's fruit snacks.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    adreal wrote: »
    I came across some Gu Enery Gel the other day and wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone has had any sucess with it. I have been running and trying to up my mileage but I feel that about mile 4 I start to lose my energy. Does anyone use any energy gels to get them a boost or is it a waste of money and time.


    I did 14 yesterday with no water/drinks or gels*. That said I did bring two along with me just in case I felt like I needed a boost. My preference is the high caffeine gels. I like the caffeine more than anything. I only take Cliff gels except for the salted caramel shot that GU has. Man, that's one tasty snack.

    They don't really become a factor for me unless I'm past 13 miles. Then I might take one, or two, or none depending on how I feel that day.

    *I didn't bring anything with me but I did have some cold coffee and a Kit-Kat bar before. Mmmm, chocolate and coffee.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited January 2015
    I found that if I am going to run 90+ minutes that I do best if I refuel every hour or thereabouts. Currently that would be every 5 miles for me, but since the convenient routes for me are in 2 mile increments I refuel every 4 miles like you have been. My 10k speed is around 73 minutes and I can do one of those without refueling, but if I will be running around 90 minutes or longer I perform best if I refuel about 1 hour in, and every hour after.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    adreal wrote: »
    I came across some Gu Enery Gel the other day and wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone has had any sucess with it. I have been running and trying to up my mileage but I feel that about mile 4 I start to lose my energy. Does anyone use any energy gels to get them a boost or is it a waste of money and time.


    I did 14 yesterday with no water/drinks or gels*. That said I did bring two along with me just in case I felt like I needed a boost. My preference is the high caffeine gels. I like the caffeine more than anything. I only take Cliff gels except for the salted caramel shot that GU has. Man, that's one tasty snack.

    They don't really become a factor for me unless I'm past 13 miles. Then I might take one, or two, or none depending on how I feel that day.

    *I didn't bring anything with me but I did have some cold coffee and a Kit-Kat bar before. Mmmm, chocolate and coffee.

    You should consider drastically decreasing your carbs so that you need something to get you through any run > 6 miles.

    Coach Jof
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    adreal wrote: »
    I came across some Gu Enery Gel the other day and wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone has had any sucess with it. I have been running and trying to up my mileage but I feel that about mile 4 I start to lose my energy. Does anyone use any energy gels to get them a boost or is it a waste of money and time.


    I did 14 yesterday with no water/drinks or gels*. That said I did bring two along with me just in case I felt like I needed a boost. My preference is the high caffeine gels. I like the caffeine more than anything. I only take Cliff gels except for the salted caramel shot that GU has. Man, that's one tasty snack.

    They don't really become a factor for me unless I'm past 13 miles. Then I might take one, or two, or none depending on how I feel that day.

    *I didn't bring anything with me but I did have some cold coffee and a Kit-Kat bar before. Mmmm, chocolate and coffee.

    Coffee before a long run? You are BRAVE!

    I absolutely love the Clif Strawberry flavor gel with caffeine. So good. And I love the little boost I get from it late in a run
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    adreal wrote: »
    I came across some Gu Enery Gel the other day and wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone has had any sucess with it. I have been running and trying to up my mileage but I feel that about mile 4 I start to lose my energy. Does anyone use any energy gels to get them a boost or is it a waste of money and time.


    I did 14 yesterday with no water/drinks or gels*. That said I did bring two along with me just in case I felt like I needed a boost. My preference is the high caffeine gels. I like the caffeine more than anything. I only take Cliff gels except for the salted caramel shot that GU has. Man, that's one tasty snack.

    They don't really become a factor for me unless I'm past 13 miles. Then I might take one, or two, or none depending on how I feel that day.

    *I didn't bring anything with me but I did have some cold coffee and a Kit-Kat bar before. Mmmm, chocolate and coffee.

    You should consider drastically decreasing your carbs so that you need something to get you through any run > 6 miles.

    Coach Jof

    Is this a joke?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I like them for mountain biking, especially if it's hot. I get horrible headaches if I don't take any extra electrolytes (I think the caffeine helps this too).
  • adreal
    adreal Posts: 229 Member

    Good luck and keep at it! 10 months is a long way off to keep a goal so don't lose sight of it! You are on the right track, and this forum is a great place to get advice.


    I find that if I pay for something then I will do it. If I find my mileage is doing better then I might try to squeeze one in early but right now I can't run a solid mile. I want to give my body enough time to get used to big runs and I live in the south so running when it is 9,000 degrees sucks :)

    Thank you guys for all the advice. It's nice to get supportive people.
  • I prefer Gu to any other kind. Try a couple flavours and brands to see what you like.

    As others have mentioned though, it's unlikely you actually need it at 4 miles. Gels can be hard on digestion and add unnecessary calories.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    adreal wrote: »
    If I find my mileage is doing better then I might try to squeeze one in early but right now I can't run a solid mile.

    What you'll probably find is that as your condition improves your ability to operate without fuel will improve. If you focus on your general nutrition, rather than gels, you should find your ability to run continuously improves.

    Personally, when I started running I was draining 500ml of water in 3 miles, now I'll do 10 mles without any. The body develops the capacity to do more with what's available, rather than supplementing.
  • nhiggins64
    nhiggins64 Posts: 3 Member
    Gels are for longer distances really and have no use for the shorter ones. Your body carries around 2000 calories of Glycogen (the fuel you use) in the muscles and liver - until that gets close to depletion then you don't really need anything. Mostly when you see people using them for shorter distances (under 10 miles) then it's more of a mental crutch to make them feel better - they don't actually NEED it - (but don't tell the Gel companies that, they love to make money out of us !!) For example, my wife won't go out of the door for a run without her water bottle - even if she's only doing 1 mile !! - same reason ;-) Stick at it... the fitness and results will come