Post here if you want more friends!



  • Olliontherun
    Olliontherun Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, my name is Oliver, I'm 32 years old, living and working in Darmstadt, Germany. I did competitive wrestling till my early twenties. Now I want to have my old weigt and shape back. I would be delighted about motivation and finding some supportive friends here.

    Wishing you all the best for your projects!

  • anewstart06
    anewstart06 Posts: 2 Member
    Looking to add friends so we can give each other the support we need in out journey. Please feel free to add me.
  • Chlo92x
    Chlo92x Posts: 168 Member
    Add me!! I always love giving support and I definitely need motivating!
    I post a lot and always log. Went thru a phase of not logging for a few months but i am back!! :smiley:
  • sunforme3
    sunforme3 Posts: 57 Member
    So need motivating friends!! Let's do this people!!! :)
  • YogiPartridgeBear
    YogiPartridgeBear Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! Astonished at all the inspiring people on MFP!!! Can't wait to get started!!
  • germaine_yee
    germaine_yee Posts: 299 Member
    Me too, Im new to this site(been here about 16 days) and would like friends who are positive,upbeat and likes to be encouraged as well as be encouraging to others.

  • germaine_yee
    germaine_yee Posts: 299 Member
    Hi there,

    I am trying to lose 15kg by August. Please help me get through this journey. Thx. =)

    therocpile wrote: »
    Post a reply below if you want people to add you, Let's keep each other motivated and on the right track!!

    Anyone is welcome to add me!!!

  • I'm in I log on a daily basis (Even the good with the bad) and post quite a bit looking for like minded chaps and chapettes
  • mmmmcupcake_
    mmmmcupcake_ Posts: 65 Member
    This could be us, but you
  • asha8907
    asha8907 Posts: 26 Member
    Looking for more motivators! Feel free to add me!
  • melissaclaire93
    melissaclaire93 Posts: 30 Member
    Totally looking for more friends! I'd love some supportive people to help me restart my journey so we can look DAMN SEXY together!
  • jojo4883
    jojo4883 Posts: 17 Member
    Always helpful!! Want the extra accountability! Feel free to add me
  • dallysagu
    dallysagu Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm new to MFP and still trying to get my head around it. Lost around 40lbs over the past 2 years but now I'm ready to take it to the next level. Would like to maintain or lose a few more pound but also get lean and fit along the way and increase my muscle mass. All advice and healthy recipes most welcome!
  • Radmomdo91
    Radmomdo91 Posts: 184 Member
    Yeh feel free to add
  • Cassie816
    Cassie816 Posts: 10 Member
    Looking for some motivating friends, feel free to add me! :D
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    Yes, yes I can always use one more or several more people asking me why I didn't blog yesterday! Let's do it!!
  • theseaismyhome
    theseaismyhome Posts: 18 Member
    Me please! I'm a newbie and have no friends :)
  • Mateuszz1
    Mateuszz1 Posts: 3 Member
    Add me, and open up your diary so I can steal your meal ideas!
  • rss8705
    rss8705 Posts: 5 Member
    I am a 34 year old woman who has been a member of mfp for a few years. I am very good at getting started with logging my food and exercise, however i get discouraged easily and give up. I have a few friends that are also members who seem to follow the same pattern. In the short spurts of time that i have used mfp, I have seen results. I am looking to meet some mfp members who are highly focused on changing(have changed) their lifestyle. I am looking to add a few friends who can be supportive, and not afraid to call me out when i start slipping. I have spent my entire life overweight and have had enough i want to be healthy for myself and my family. If you are looking to add a friend that you can support who would love to support you pm me and we can walk this journey together. If your not serious about taking this journey please don't waste my time as I have all ready wasted to much!
  • Hi I have been working out for a year now, Ive lost 4 inches, down about 5 sizes. I just started using this app and I love it. would like to join a group to help me keep my motivation up.