Toning legs and butt... Help!

I was blessed with hips and an *kitten* and I love my shape I just need help toning it, I have been working out but I don't know if I'm supposed to do less weight more reps or more reps less weight this is what I get confused on can anyone please help!


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Check out Bret Contreras, the glute man. His program is great for lower body.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,576 Member
    Brazil Butt Lift. Despite the silly name, it's a killer lower body workout.
  • getstrongkaylen
    getstrongkaylen Posts: 137 Member
    free weights! i love doing squats on the power racks & and the best butt exercise i do is the bulgarian split squat.

  • cottonman86
    cottonman86 Posts: 6 Member
    If you are satisfied with your shape and just want more tone and definition, You should workout with wieght that you can do reps of 12-16 times and do 3-4 sets on each workout. Shouldn't take long to see results. What exercises are you doing already?
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    If you already have hips and butt, you just need to lose weight overall. Resistance work is recommended though.
  • strueblood
    Spot reduction is a myth. If you have an excess of body fat out can't just tone certain parts of your body.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    pics or it is not true....JK

    OP - drop down and get your squat on ....I would say 4x8 on barbell squats would be a good place to start. Deadlifts will also work that area...lunges, split squats, good mornings...
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I'll second the suggestion to look up Bret Contreras. His program is Strong Curves and is part of a book by the same name but you can also get a pdf of the program (actually 4 programs) from his website. It entails squats but also various glute-dominant exercises like hip thrusts, which activate glutes more than squats.
  • rick_po
    rick_po Posts: 449 Member
    Your flabby muscle isn't really muscle. It's that last bit of fat you need to lose. You get rid of it by losing weight in the normal way - primarily through diet, but also with cardio exercise to help increase the calorie deficit.

    If you like your general shape already, you should add strength training to keep the muscle you already have. Someone mentioned Brett Contreras - his Strong Curves is an excellent program. He spells out the program in great detail in the book. If you follow that program, I think you'll be happy with the results. Some other good programs if you prefer: Stronglifts 5x5, Starting Strength, all pro beginner, or New Rules of Lifting. Or, if you don't have access to a gym, try a bodyweight program: You Are Your Own Gym, or Body Boy You, or Convict Conditioning.
  • shirerose
    shirerose Posts: 116 Member
    strueblood wrote: »
    Spot reduction is a myth. If you have an excess of body fat out can't just tone certain parts of your body.

    uh... i don't think she said anything about wanting to reduce any of her spots?? she wants to tone. people can absolutely tone/lift specific areas.

  • shirerose
    shirerose Posts: 116 Member
    rick_po wrote: »
    Your flabby muscle isn't really muscle. It's that last bit of fat you need to lose. You get rid of it by losing weight in the normal way - primarily through diet, but also with cardio exercise to help increase the calorie deficit.

    If you like your general shape already, you should add strength training to keep the muscle you already have. Someone mentioned Brett Contreras - his Strong Curves is an excellent program. He spells out the program in great detail in the book. If you follow that program, I think you'll be happy with the results. Some other good programs if you prefer: Stronglifts 5x5, Starting Strength, all pro beginner, or New Rules of Lifting. Or, if you don't have access to a gym, try a bodyweight program: You Are Your Own Gym, or Body Boy You, or Convict Conditioning.

    but building more muscle can help lift and tone the extra flab. i lifted weights for 3 months before my wedding and i looked amazing. i didn't lose weight. but my breasts were perkier from more chest muscle and my thighs and butt were firmer and more lifted as well.
  • kayesdesigns
    Ok thanks guys for the info I will check out that Bret Contreras guy! @cottonman86‌ how long should I do that for?... 1 week and add more weight the next week or add more reps? The exercises I do already are squats, leg presses, deadlifts I just didn't know like if I should be doing the same ones everytime or switch them up everytime I do legs? Cause I also do cardio every other day I try to do legs twice a week or is that too much?

  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    If you are already doing those, then watching your diet aka calorie count is going to be > everything else.
  • kayesdesigns
    @shirerose‌ thank you!! @JeffseekingV‌ ok makes since thank you!
  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    I was NOT blessed with a good looking backside or legs, I made them myself. In the past two years all eyes have gone off my chest (What was once a double to almost triple D to a low D or C now) and to my butt and legs. I did it by bike riding and squats. Comparing myself beside girls who do nothing but cardio and squating my legs are far more toned and muscular and my backside far more...upright and rounded?

    So, do biking or cycling maybe.
  • kayesdesigns
    Thank you! @jemhh‌
  • kayesdesigns
    @LifeInTheBikeLane‌ I have thought about that just wasn't sure if it will make me loose my shape but cool deal ty!!
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    I got the Strong Curves e-book yesterday. So far I like it. There are a lot of exercises and he tells you what muscles ( and area of the muscle) that each exercise works. I am still in the process of learning the moves, but I can tell I'm going to love this program, and I am excited to see results.
  • kayesdesigns
    Oh awesome I'll have to check that out tonight thank you!!
  • just_another_day
    just_another_day Posts: 23 Member
    I was doing stronglifts but got bored doing the same exercises. I started strong curves last week and really like it so far. There are a variety of exercises and the program is spelled out for you so you know what your workout will be.