Blood Pressure and Medication...



  • keithw1975
    keithw1975 Posts: 20 Member
    Any suggestions on a good decongestant/antihistamine that won't up my BP? I suffer from terrible allergies.
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    Antihistamines like Doxylamine (check for things ending in "amine:) didn't raise my BP. Everyone may be different. I think that Benadryl is one.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    How much sodium are you ingesting? Are you getting enough potassium?

    While your numbers aren't really scary yet there seems to be some family history which is why your Dr is probably anxious to control it. You may be able to get your numbers into the normal ranges just through lifestyle modification (regular physical activity, aim for 1,500mg sodium daily and shoot for 4,700mg or more of potassium daily) I've been able to significantly reduce the dosage of my meds and get numbers that are consistently in the healthy ranges but I'll be the first to admit 1,500 mg of sodium takes a fair bit of planning to hit.
  • keithw1975
    keithw1975 Posts: 20 Member
    I am not sure on my sodium intake. There for a while I was eating about half a bag of chips at night before bed. I have cut that out, so hopefully that will make a difference with the sodium.

    I just took my BP again, and now I am down to 112/75. The feeling crappy part of the meds has started, hopefully this will pass. I really don't feel like working out when I feel like this, but I am going to push through it. :)
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Sounds like you should talk to your doctor about dosage if it's dropping you low and you feel "crappy".

    For what it's worth, I'm on Losartan 50mg. Been on that dosage for a couple years; blood pressure meds for about five. Overall, I'm considered in excellent health, but continue to have prehypertension numbers, so I stay on the meds for now. I haven't experienced any side effects with Losartan. I did have a problem with another brand, dry cough, and had to switch.

    As for allergies, I use a prescription, Nasonex. Best thing ever for me. None of the over-the-counter meds did much for my allergies.

    I'm a firm believer in not taking medications unless needed, but sometimes you need the help.
  • goddessofawesome
    goddessofawesome Posts: 563 Member
    Honestly I'd be more concerned that your doctor is "pushing" the blood pressure meds instead of offering alternatives to lower your BP that don't require medication. I'd find another doctor to be honest.

    As far as allergy meds that won't raise your BP, that's something that you would have to check out at the pharmacy. There obviously have to be meds that won't effect BP -- or is safe for those on BP meds -- so I would look for those or ask the pharmacist at the store (a quick google search came up with a Mayo Clinic article that said to stay away from meds that have decongestants in them such as pseudoephedrine, ephedrine, phenylephrine, naphazoline and oxymetazoline as decongestants relieve nasal stuffiness by narrowing blood vessels and reducing swelling in the nose. This narrowing can affect other blood vessels as well, which can increase blood pressure.). Or you can just use a nasal spray (I use a saline spray sometimes when I have a cold) which doesn't have any drugs in it and will flush your sinuses.
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    edited January 2015
    i had elevated blood a kid though i had perfect my mom was worried when i told her about my elevated bp....chalked it up to the laziness and the 'college diet' i was on ...... lol.....lots of microwaved/instant type's gone down now. but i've also started eating better. kicked the salt shaker.....i no longer drink bottled water. i do drink filtered water on ocassion.....also take garlic caplets daily...once a day with breakfast, and it seems to be helping.

    my goto snack before bed/late evening is celery and peanut butter.....typically 3-4 stalks of celery and a tablespoon (weighed out with my digital kitchen scale) of peanut butter.

    also have ditched the sugar bowl, and powdered coffee creamer....i am also down to 1 large cup of coffee per day, rather than 6 large now use a splash of half and half in the coffee, rather than cream/sugar....

    apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon mixed in 8 oz. of water.....twice daily))
    coconut water
    cayenne pepper
    l-arginine - over the counter, down the vitamin aisle...

    are all said to have blood pressure lowering properties...

    btw, have you had an allergy test done, to see what you're allergic too? i used to have bad allergies, pre-myfitnesspal......but it's weird, since losing the 99 far. i don't have as many flare ups.....unless i goto my mom's house, who has a lot of animals...the honey and apple cider vinegar are said to help alleviate allergy problems too.....

    the bigest thing is, i wouldn't recommend taking more than one supplement at a time....try the garlic for a couple weeks.....under the dr.'s supervision...if that don't work, then try the l-arginine.....

    obviously, if you start to get light what you're eating.

    how much WATER do you drink daily? not talking "liquid" but actual water......aim for half your current body weight, in fluid ounces....of water.....per day, as a minimum. i typically start my morning out with the 1 cup of water, and the tablespoon of apple cider'd be amazed at how easy it is to drink water, if you spread it out through your day.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    ahoier wrote: »

    how much WATER do you drink daily? not talking "liquid" but actual water......aim for half your current body weight, in fluid ounces....of water.....per day, as a minimum. i typically start my morning out with the 1 cup of water, and the tablespoon of apple cider'd be amazed at how easy it is to drink water, if you spread it out through your day.

    Seriously? Considering there's not a compelling reason to drink 8 cups of water (in addition to other fluid intake) could you cite a credible source for making this assertion?

  • Dee00006
    This sounds so familiar. I tried negotiating with my Dr to not go on BP meds. 6 months later with increased exercise and watching my diet, I still had trouble with my BP. There is something called Essential Hypertension. In my case, it means I don't have an underlying reason for high BP, I just do. Look it up on the Internet. I finally gave in and started taking Lisinopril. Some people will have allergies with meds, I was to Lisinopril. Like others mentioned, I had a dry cough and tired. I switched to Losartan and have had no problems. I exercise, did a half marathon, etc. I was concerned about side affects but things worked out. You still may have a chance to reduce the dosage with exercise and wt loss. Every individual is different. Good luck
  • Pinkylee77
    Pinkylee77 Posts: 432 Member
    There is a reason that hypertension is call the silent killer because you feel OK and then you have a stroke. Most people can not make enough long term life style changes to prevent the need for medication.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    There are a gazillion choices for hypertension meds out there, and no good reason to stay on one that makes you feel crappy or has other negative side effects.

    I inherited high bp from my dad, it was creeping up by my early 30's. I am not overweight, am a non-drinker, eat low sodium because I grew up eating that way as a result of dad's hypertension, active daily -- the only lifestyle factor my doctor could hound me about at the time was smoking. I quit smoking and my bp didn't change. Then she got me to cut my coffee intake -- no change. Eventually I was put on a low dose thiazide diuretic. After about 10 years, bp started creeping up again, and Ramipril was added. That was a disaster. Although it brought down the bp nicely, it caused debilitating fatigue for me (apparently not a common side effect). Found out my dad was taking Atacand with great success, and it has been a success for me too... although the first 3 or 4 days were nasty (I was forewarned). Now I don't feel like a ticking time bomb

    The condensed version of that is... If at first you don't succeed, try again.

    I have chronic year-round allergies as well and stopped taking a combined antihistamine/decongestant when the bp problems started. I just take a straight antihistamine now.
  • performfully
    performfully Posts: 126 Member
    I don't understand why you're not discussing this with your doctor. As someone who's 21 with heart conditions, I'm very thankful for my heart medication (including one that's a combo for BP). Ask for different medicine? Ask her for alternate lifestyle changes that don't include medication? I didn't do well with my 1st medication after a month, the second was the charm though. You can ask to switch. By the way, my dad 'only had high BP' and didn't like taking his medication. He died from a heart attack, otherwise totally healthy, when I was 19. I wouldn't suggest doing that.
  • keithw1975
    keithw1975 Posts: 20 Member
    Today my BP was 108/67 this morning before going to work. This afternoon at my follow up doctors appointment they took it again and said it was 140/100! The doctor asked how I had been feeling, so I told her that while I was active I felt OK, but that when I would sit down I sometimes felt very light headed. She said to come back in a month, and if it wasn't down then, we would try a higher dosage.

    So how can my BP numbers be so far off what she is getting? I had another doctor check my cuff to theirs a few months back and they were very close.
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    could be white coat syndrome. That happened with me a lot as well even if I went to the pharmacy and had it checked right before going into the office. A little surprised they are going for a higher dose so soon if you feel light headed