Getting fat, already depressed, thinking about giving up and havent even started.



  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    The exercise you are doing is great! Keep it up! There is no need to run if you don't want to. Choose an activity that you like, after all this is YOUR life and YOUR health. Use the calorie goals set here, log your meals, and strive for healthy food choices. Weight loss and weight gain is more often than not related to diet. You could lose the weight gain (30 pounds) in a little over 7 months if you aim for losing 1 pound a week. 1 pound a week gives you some room for error and more daily calories. If you are very motivated, aim for 2 pounds a week. This will give you less daily calories and more consistent exercise, but the weight would be off in 4 months. I would advise playing with the mfp calculators and goals to see how they differ and pick something that you feel comfortable with.

    Don't let your weight define you. So you gained weight. Congratulations, you are the average american this year :smile: Now, you have decided that you are not comfortable with this weight and are looking to make changes! That is fantastic! The people that love you love you. Why would they call you fat? You may have an excess body fat ratio right now, but that does not mean it is permanent! It is also not who you are. It is merely a fact, like saying you have brown hair or white teeth. Don't let the judgement get to you. Use it for motivation. Self honesty is important, but there is no need to beat yourself up! Healthy eating and exercising is hard enough. Be kind to yourself! You were disgusted with yourself, and that may be the kick in the pants you needed. Now lose the disgust! You can do this! It may not be overnight, it may not be in 2 months, but it can happen quickly if that is what you are motivated to do. It can also happen slowly, and that is fine also!

    I am not sure if you need motivation, but I am at 178 pounds (183 a week and a half ago) and have a decent amount of weight to lose. I would be happy to add you as a friend if you are looking for support. Welcome and good luck!
  • debraguevara
    debraguevara Posts: 7 Member
    First things first. You succeed by doing one thing at a time and staying in the present. Treat each meal as a separate entity, don't dwell on the whole day, month or year. Focus on what you have to do now and then do that one thing now. You will start to feel better about yourself as you accomplish each little task and the overall task won't be so daunting. You must eat at least 1000 calories a day to support your organs. Set your goal for each day and then allow your self to eat an extra 200 to 300 calories about every five or six days so that you won't feel deprived. You can eat anything you like as long as you don't exceed your calorie limit. I find it hard to meet my daily calorie goal but I make myself eat all the calories. As you go you will find that you will start substituting better foods for the calorie grabbers and it will get easier.

    Hang in there.
  • brminor
    brminor Posts: 46 Member
    I understand your journey, from college to now (10 years total) I have gained over 40 lbs...some might think 40lbs over 10 years isn't bad, but I am only 5'4 and I weigh 178 pounds. Yes, I had a baby, but he is 18 months old now..and quite frankly I was overweight before I had him. My husband is only 20 pounds heavier than me, but he is 5'9 and has a muscular build....I have been trying for the past 5 years to lose weight off and on, but every time I lose, I get comfortable and gain some back. After having my son, I dropped 20 pounds and got down to I am back at 178 is from poor eating and lack of exercise. Don't beat yourself up! Today is a new day and you just have to take it one day at a time. If you try to eat healthier and incorporate some physical activity into your life, the weight will come off. These quick fixes you hear about are usually temporary and those people typically end up gaining the weight back plus some. I have found that through proper diet and exercise, you will see results. Aim to lose one pound a week and over time, it will add up. Good luck with your journey! Feel free to add me as a friend.