Women with PCOS on MFP???

I was recently (very, very recently) diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and I was really bummed out about it. Now I refuse for my "new normal" to continue to affect my health! I would love to have friends that have PCOS and are trying to lose weight for support and to share tips, ideas, or whatever as we journey to healthier women!


  • xXHunnybeeXx
    xXHunnybeeXx Posts: 3 Member
    Just before I was diagnosed with PCOS I had gained about 3stone told I'd probably never have children :( . Once I found out that healthy eating and dieting can help I soon turned my life around and after about 2 years I had actually lost about 3/4 stone and a miracle happened I was pregnant :O so of course gained loads weight again and after baby was born I dropped all my baby weight almost instantly (mostly water) I then got the contraceptive implant (worst thing I've ever done) I've gained almost 3 stone in a year :( I'm getting it out next Thursday so hopefully that will help with my weight loss :D
  • Birth control doesn't work for me at all...so my options for regulating my cycle are limited to losing weight (praying that regulates my hormones) and eastern medicine treatments ( accupunture, herbs, Ayurveda, yoga). What is a stone equivalent to in kilos?
  • KKJackson91
    KKJackson91 Posts: 69 Member
    Birth control doesn't work for me either, and my only hope for regulating my cycles and maybe getting pregnant are to lose the weight. My SW: 256.4 My CW:232.4. I've lost 23 lbs to far and it is possible but it's very hard. Every day is a struggle for me, so I know how you ladies feel. Feel free to add me:)
  • Beckeh87
    Beckeh87 Posts: 15 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2010 when my husband and I first started trying for a family. I was absolutely devastated, became clinically depression and gained a lot of weight, which increased my irregularity. I have not had a period since November 2013 and before that it was 2011. Now I am trying to drop the weight I gained and a little more to hopefully restart my ovaries. Would be great to have some friends that know how it feels, feel free to add me.
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member

    Great group of PCOSers here on mfp. Lots of good info and help there if you read thru it all and ask questions.

    Often need to go lower carb/higher fat for pcosers to lose weight because the hormones and/or insulin resistance make carbs very bad for us.
  • I have had PCOS since I was 14 and was also told I probably would never have kids. I ended up going to a fertility clinic and with hormones I got pregnant 3 months later. At the time I was 288 pounds. Because of my weight and PCOS I had a lot of complication my last 3 months. Now I am ready to have another baby but want to loss a lot of weight first.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    kholder87 wrote: »
    Birth control doesn't work for me at all...so my options for regulating my cycle are limited to losing weight (praying that regulates my hormones) and eastern medicine treatments ( accupunture, herbs, Ayurveda, yoga). What is a stone equivalent to in kilos?

    1st = 6.35kg

    I also have PCOS, and the best thing that's worked for me most recently are a low-carb/high-fat diet and Inositol supplementation. Weight loss is still excruciatingly slow, but I can eat a sane amount of food and not gain weight, which is a win in my book (especially when I see women practically starving themselves).

    A big second for Alliwan's link to the PCOSis group, too.
  • BlaxkOrchid
    BlaxkOrchid Posts: 5 Member
    Doctor told me I had PCOS in the summer and gave my birth control it works. Im just happy I haven't gain weight from the birth control but losing weight is hard. It seems like I cant lose weight for nothing so I need to be stricter.
  • I have pcos! Don't let it get you down, weight loss is still very possible! 2 years ago I went from 230 down to 165, but then I got pregnant and I'm still working my way back down. It's hard, but definitely not impossible!
  • tjackson0104
    tjackson0104 Posts: 1 Member
    I've seen success with a low GI diet. It helps to regulate my blood sugar so the insulin doesn't have to do as much work. Zumba is amazing too, because you can loose up to 1100 calories per hour and its so much fun!
  • I have PCOS as well. It took doctor's four years to finally figure out what was wrong with me. I was really bummed out about it for awhile, but the only thing I learned you can do is accept it and work twice as hard to reach my weight goals. Weight loss is possible though! At one time I weighed 232 pounds and managed to get down to 185! I had to be pretty aggressive with logging my food and exercising almost daily. It took about five months to lose the weight. When I started birth control I gained weight, not blaming it on the pill per say, but it did make me want to eat more, which is exactly what I did.. and I ended up gaining back almost everything I lost. After switching pills about three times I've finally found one that works pretty well for my body. Anyone can feel free to add me as a friend, it's comforting to know there are others out there who are affected by PCOS the same way I am.
  • NJGamerChick
    NJGamerChick Posts: 467 Member
    PCOS for what feels like forever. First diagnosed with insulin resistance in 1999. I feel better eating a higher protein, moderate carbohydrate diet. The less carbs for me, the less the spikes. Even fruit can spike my glucose levels.

    Anyways, feel free to add me if you'd like. Good luck, all!
  • I have PCOS too, I'm 22 years old and got officially diagnosed when I was 18 years old. I've been over weight my whole life and have struggled with weight loss. I've been on my Birth control pills for 4 yrs and it's regulated my periods great! Now I only have to lose the weight. My goal is to be 100 lbs lighter by the time I get married. I really want to start a family with my now boyfriend but because of the PCOS the doctor said I could have babies unless I lost weight. It's such a struggle for me because I'm such a good lover, but I'll do anything to be healthy and to be able to have a baby someday..
  • I was first told I had pcos then metabolic syndrome when I was 25. I hadn't been cycling, had high testosterone and all the symptoms that come with that. My dr put me on metformin. I had a period 3 weeks later and was like clockwork after that.
    When we decided to have a baby, he warned us that it could take awhile to get pregnant, with my history. It took 3 months :smile:
    I know we are blessed.
    Best wishes, all!
  • jessp2011
    jessp2011 Posts: 40 Member
    I was first diagnosed with PCOS when I was in college, and my dr put me on Metformin. I followed a healthy diet for a while but then went back to poor eating habits/lack of exercise. Even though I was taking Metformin regularly per my doctor, I gained a lot of weight over the years due to my unhealthy lifestyle. I was able to have a baby last year despite being at my highest weight and only gained 19 lbs during my pregnancy. I lost all of the weight within 2 weeks of delivering my son, but I now am determined to get healthy and lose 70 lbs. Please feel free to add me if you also have pcos.
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    edited January 2015
    Welcome to the club!

    Here's a group you may like ;)


    Edit: I just realised someone already posted the group link! Great minds think alike ;)
  • Laurablaisdell22
    Laurablaisdell22 Posts: 5 Member
    I also have PCOS and have been diagnosed since I was 17 to 18. Weight loss has always been a struggle but when I started working at a new hospital and tried to eat a little different I saw some improvement. I am still working on my goals and have lost about 21lbs without truly sticking to a plan. I have a long way to go. Anyone can feel free to add me, I like meeting new people and hearing your stories
  • snrwalwyn
    snrwalwyn Posts: 3 Member
    Me too
  • emilylong02
    emilylong02 Posts: 2 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 13 and now I'm 22. I kept weight off throughout high school when I was playing lacrosse and riding horses, but then it crept back up on me once I went to college and stopped riding. I used to weigh 135-140 and now I weigh 165.

    I've been trying a lower carb, higher protein/fat diet since the holidays (mostly cutting out starchy carbs like bread, pasta, etc), and while I haven't lost much weight yet, I have been feeling better. I used to get constipated and bloated, but now I'm regular and feeling good. I've also started working out again, which has helped my energy. Most of my exercising is from horse back riding, which really helps me core.

    I have taken birth control since I was 14 and my periods have been pretty regular because of that. The only problem besides my weight is the dread facial hair I have. Anyone else have that?
  • gettingback1
    gettingback1 Posts: 13 Member
    My hair went crazy. Best treatment is laser. It makes life so easier. I don't feel ashamed and embrassed that I can't control having facial hair. It took a really bad toll when I was younger and couldn't afford laser treatment.