Will this get my abs out of hiding?



  • Way to go Vismal. Looking great. I just started back working out n I've been hitting my abs hard. Hope my work pays off like yours. Good job.
  • katkins73
    katkins73 Posts: 416 Member
    carrieous wrote: »
    vismal wrote: »
    bos10fit wrote: »
    That's gynetics. Not everyone is equally blessed ^
    Genetics she says...genetics...lol Where were those genetics back in 2011??? I must have had latent genetics that didn't show themselves until I turned 27...

    dam you are gorgeous.

    Amen to that :D
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    I'm going out on a limb and guessing that Vismal's genetics might have had a meeting with a diet with a calorie deficit and a workout plan that is rich in IRON.....

    LOLOLOL amen EW... amen .... his genetics really liked that meeting ;)
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    bos10fit wrote: »
    That's gynetics. Not everyone is equally blessed ^

    yeah ...um ... no its not. (*genetics)

    Everyone has abs. Just lose the fat and you're good.

  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    bos10fit wrote: »
    That's gynetics. Not everyone is equally blessed ^
    Genetics she says...genetics...lol Where were those genetics back in 2011??? I must have had latent genetics that didn't show themselves until I turned 27...

    Hopefully that will shut the nonsense up.

  • pscarolina
    pscarolina Posts: 133 Member
    Here, read this: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1161603/so-you-want-a-nice-stomach/p1

    You're welcome. :wink:

    PS: If you haven't seen the OP's abs yet, check them out on page 4 of the thread. That woman knows what it takes.

    OMG yes...a must read if you want abs (still a work in progress here)
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    edited January 2015
    Abdominal muscles are muscles. In order for them to show beneath your skin you must work them out properly. Cardio does not grow muscle. Sit ups do. Lifting weights does. Anaerobic activity does. Treadmills do not. Vismal did not get his abs on the stairmaster. He got them by building the muscle.

    This isn't just a mess of situps. Compound weight lifting tends to do the best. Weighted squats, deadlifts, etc. if you go that route. The right kettlebell routines can shred you pretty good as long as you get past those itty bitty 5lb bells.

    And if you're like my wife, put down the rice, pasta and ramyun and pick up some shrimp, fish, pork, chicken lamb and beef. Tofu and other soy products are good too, but you'll need to supplement creatine if you want to do it exclusively. And beans, beans are good. Pretty much anything with protein. Muscles don't regularly feed and grow on carbs. You need fats and proteins.
  • berrydana7
    berrydana7 Posts: 78 Member
    You could try adding an extra 10-20 minutes of cardio to really burn away the calories and fat. You still want to keep in the strength training for overall fitness, a toned body, and lean muscle (which will burn more calories at resting). You could also focus on more HIIT training, for overall body toning WHILE keeping the heart rate way up and burning those calories.

    thanks :D So 10-20 mins cardio after lifting?
  • berrydana7
    berrydana7 Posts: 78 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    There are no "clean" and "dirty" foods. Eat at a deficit to lose, as the working out is for your health.

    Agree. Otherwise, no need to add in a 3rd upper body day. And if you're able to follow up HIIT with more cardio, you're doing HIIT wrong. Otherwise your routine is the same as mine, just without the 3rd upper body day and I do shorter cardio sessions (10 mins post-weights)

    Okay then, I will just do a 10-20 min sprint session :) Do you normally do anything before the sprint session?
  • berrydana7
    berrydana7 Posts: 78 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    There are no "clean" and "dirty" foods. Eat at a deficit to lose, as the working out is for your health.

    Agree. Otherwise, no need to add in a 3rd upper body day. And if you're able to follow up HIIT with more cardio, you're doing HIIT wrong. Otherwise your routine is the same as mine, just without the 3rd upper body day and I do shorter cardio sessions (10 mins post-weights)
    I agree. You have 2 upper body days, and will be in a deficit. There is no need whatsoever for an "arms" day. I feel like a lot of people aren't doing true HIIT. They do interval training and call it HIIT. If you do HIIT correctly you'll not be able to follow it with anything but resting. You'd be to exhausted/taxed to do further activity without rest. If you do feel up to doing something after a HIIT session, you didn't go hard enough.

    Alright so one back day and arm day would be good? because what i was doing before was back/triceps for 1 upper body day, back/biceps for the 2nd upper day and biceps/triceps for 3rd upper body day :) So the 10-20mins post-weights cardio is fine? :) Do you do HIIT on your off days? Yes i will keep that in mind, thank you for your feedback! :)
  • berrydana7
    berrydana7 Posts: 78 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    bos10fit wrote: »
    Abs are made in the kitchen. Clean eating only.
    Clean eating only? My abs must not pay attention to that rule... There are no clean foods and clean eating is a completely meaningless term. You can eat virtually any food you want and still have abs providing you eat the foods in moderation.

    iifym for the win :D
  • berrydana7
    berrydana7 Posts: 78 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    bos10fit wrote: »
    That's gynetics. Not everyone is equally blessed ^
    Genetics she says...genetics...lol Where were those genetics back in 2011??? I must have had latent genetics that didn't show themselves until I turned 27...

    awesome progress!!
  • berrydana7
    berrydana7 Posts: 78 Member
    carrieous wrote: »
    thats not enough cardio, imo. do 30-45 mins and especially run sprints.

    how often would you do the 30-45 mins cardio? Do you do it post lifting?
  • berrydana7
    berrydana7 Posts: 78 Member
    aakaakaak wrote: »
    Abdominal muscles are muscles. In order for them to show beneath your skin you must work them out properly. Cardio does not grow muscle. Sit ups do. Lifting weights does. Anaerobic activity does. Treadmills do not. Vismal did not get his abs on the stairmaster. He got them by building the muscle.

    This isn't just a mess of situps. Compound weight lifting tends to do the best. Weighted squats, deadlifts, etc. if you go that route. The right kettlebell routines can shred you pretty good as long as you get past those itty bitty 5lb bells.

    And if you're like my wife, put down the rice, pasta and ramyun and pick up some shrimp, fish, pork, chicken lamb and beef. Tofu and other soy products are good too, but you'll need to supplement creatine if you want to do it exclusively. And beans, beans are good. Pretty much anything with protein. Muscles don't regularly feed and grow on carbs. You need fats and proteins.

    good advice! I know I already have abs since you inevitably use your abs to stabilize your body as you lift. The thing is, I have a layer of fat on top I want to melt to reveal the abs underneath. And to do that, I'll have to be in a calorie deficit and do HIIT to kick up my fat burning ability. I think it's fine to eat rice, pasta and ramyun so long as it fits in your daily macros :) it's all about moderation! :D