60lbs to lose and feeling like I have a mountain to climb!



  • loveyhowellthethird
    loveyhowellthethird Posts: 28 Member
    edited January 2015
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I too need to drop 60 lbs and I know it can be done as I have done well with weight loss before. I'm the gorilla glue in the family, its very hard to find an hour to myself, I am making myself hit the gym every other day for 1 1/2 hour. 45 mins of cardio follow with weights. Tonight will do weights and then a Zumba class. Staying away from processed foods and fast food is helping, giving up Coke Zero. Im focusing on low carb and high protein. Good look to you, my short term goal is to get to 199 by end of Jan. Little goals help me, just like jogging, get to the mailbox, get to the next driveway etc.
  • seandcavanaugh
    seandcavanaugh Posts: 1 Member
    It's all about setting small goals and taking it one day at a time. You'll get there be patient and disciplined in your nutrition. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. I recommend looking into some paleo recipes, I've never lost weight faster.
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    I have 60 to lose still. Lost 29 an now the last 60. I have my 30 year class reunion this summer so super determined to get this done an move to maintaining.

    47 years old
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    As for your question about carbs, yes, it's been shown that eating higher protein & lower carbs leads to more weight loss. See this blog post to read excerpts from the studies & click through to read the originals if you want to.
    Try 45% carbs, 20% fat, 35% protein to stay within the healthy macro ranges.
    break it down into chunks and try and go for 10lbs at a time, I turn 40 in 4 weeks and would like to lose 10lbs for then so its a good starting point.
    When I started, I had 110 lb to lose, and over the last year I've averaged 1.5 lb per week loss. Of course, I had some weeks where I lost 4 lb, and an entire month where I stalled & lost nothing. :angry: It's not linear. One week I lost 4, the next week 1, the next week 2... it just happens.
    All you can do is trust science, keep eating fewer calories than your body needs, keep exercising every day, and the weight will come off.

    Starting with 60 lb to lose, it would be reasonable to aim for 1 - 1.5 lb per week at first.
    When you get down to about 40, 0.5 - 1 lb per week.
    As you get closer to your healthy goal weight, even 0.5 lb per week will be a victory.

    Realize that as you lose weight your BMI will drop, and you will need to eat fewer calories in order to keep losing weight. When you hit a plateau, drop 50 calories. You can also increase the intensity &/or duration of your exercise. For example, instead of just walking, find a place that's hilly or use the hill setting on the treadmill (or just give it a few degrees of incline in a steady state).

    Take a piece of notebook paper, or maybe make a word document, and list every mini-goal, every 5 lb you'll lose, every time you drop 1 BMI number, when you'll go from obese to overweight to healthy... you need lots of little victories. Write down the date you meet each goal. Decide on little celebrations - new earbuds, cute socks, a massage, dye your hair, go for a hike in a park you've been meaning to visit.

    I did a newbie help post which compiled links to lots of helpful info, including sexypants, accurate logging, goal-setting (including weight, calories, and macros), and motivation/encouragement.

  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    bluvsu wrote:
    I have 60 to lose still. Lost 29 an now the last 60. I have my 30 year class reunion this summer so super determined to get this done an move to maintaining.
    Losing 60 lb by summer is neither a realistic nor healthy goal, unless you're starting out morbidly obese, with a couple hundred to lose.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    When I feel like I'm never gonna get there, I remind myself that the time between now and whenever I hit my goal is going to pass by no matter how I spend it.
  • chrisdigginsdb15
    Hi! I did this last year what you are looking to do this year. My tips for getting started.

    1. Keep it simple. I would have gone nuts doing everything last January that I do now. It snowballs, just pick a few things and do them religiously.
    2. You drink water now. That's all you drink, ever. It's worth at least 5lbs up front, maybe 10 if coffee has been your thing.
    3. Workout, but don't kill yourself. 15 min twice a day got me going. I used fitness videos. Pick your favorite and give a good effort morning and evening. Don't kill yourself if you miss.
    4. Watch the calories. Use MFP and log. It's easier and you cheat less than when you keep it in your head.
    5. Embrace grumpiness. It is not fun to eat at a deficit. It's less fun to be fat. You will not be an a great mood. This is a good thing. Push through it an your resolve will grow.