Starting over! Any other nerds on here?

So I lost about 30 pounds last year and proceeded to gain back 50, so here I am starting over again. Looking to add some more friends on here (Most of the ones I added back in the day aren't active any more).
I'm a super SciFi nerd
Also I work in Sports Nutrition so that's cool too I guess
I do standup comedy
My favorite foods are pizza and mac'n'cheese
I love beer
Dieting is hard and it sucks.


  • Super nerd here but a cool one :) into heaps of scifi stuff from movies to video games also really into out doors solo sports such as snowboarding, surfing etc
  • Hi. Starting again to. I'm a whovian and fan of anything with space ships and time travel. A sedentary lifestyle, cheese and carbohydrates are my weakness. Also my mum is boycotting me so I hope we can help each other.
  • vanartsdalen2
    vanartsdalen2 Posts: 13 Member
    edited January 2015
    Nice to meet you, Why's your mom boycotting you?
    Cheese and carbs are also HUGE weaknesses of mine. When I diet I cut out all cheese and up my protein so much that in order to stay in my calorie range I have to do mininal carbs
  • terrijayne
    terrijayne Posts: 31 Member
    hey there. carbs are my weakness too. totally cut out carbs for the last 2 weeks and slowly reintroducing them 1 potato at a time is my plan
    and dont start me on the cheese. i got a fridge full of the stuff i cant eat atm. sorry that noise was me sobbing
  • vanartsdalen2
    vanartsdalen2 Posts: 13 Member
    Oh man! Yeah I cheese completely out of the house! Out of all carbs potatoes are the only ones that usually stall me, but I love them! So good!
  • AuroraD82
    AuroraD82 Posts: 56 Member
    edited January 2015
    requesting permission to access friendship? :P
  • vanartsdalen2
    vanartsdalen2 Posts: 13 Member
    Do it! For some reason my mobile app won't let me go to profiles though so I can't send requests
  • ClaireTonito
    ClaireTonito Posts: 31 Member
    I'll most likely send you a friend request too if that's ok! Think I've figured out how to do it. That's great that you have previously lost 30lbs you did it once so you will definitely be able to do it again :) I've got 34 to go so could do with some of your hints along the way and I'll do my best to help you too!
    Apart from Doctor Who and such shows I do hope you have found the awesomeness of Dean, Sam, Castiel and Crowley aka Supernatural :smiley:
  • kristynicole4
    kristynicole4 Posts: 40 Member
    edited January 2015
    I love your post haha. yes it does suck. I put on 40 lbs in Australia of all places!! Tons of alcohol, takeaway, and no gym... stupid me. I've been home since April and the scale has barely budged. I need to get smart about it. I still love my beer too haha. Cheese is THE WORST. I'm good about not buying pasta, but I love me some goat cheese. Chips are a problem too... If it's in the house, I can eat a whole bag. :/ pita and hummus doesn't compare!
  • RaesMommy33
    RaesMommy33 Posts: 4 Member
    Starting over here! Started at 210 and got down to 140. Had a baby 4 weeks again and need to lose about 40 lbs. let's do this!! Add me if you want!!
  • Milynne
    Milynne Posts: 95 Member
    Nothing wrong with being nerdy! I, too love doctor who and my fiance is an Uber sci-fi guy! If he buys one more star wars lego or action figure we'll be forced out of the bedroom for lack of space!

    Pizza, reeses pieces and Nutella are my weakness...
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    <<<< Has lightsaber on desk, plays D&D online regularly, collects Star Wars book... I was Nerdy before Nerd was cool
  • Hello :)
    I am an anime fan,cosplayer,nerd of various topics and things.
    I am starting over as well. I have a terrible habit of starting and getting into it than wanting to spoil myself and stop. I restarted officially last Monday. Began buying more healthier options for work(work for the state) and working out afterwards. I figured new year,new job,back in school,fresh start. So far its been a lil hard but I'm getting there. Try not to eat too much heavy or fried foods.
  • renku
    renku Posts: 182 Member
    Game of thrones and Walking Dead are my workout videos in my home gym. Feeling the pain of gaining back lost weight as well, need to get back on track
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    FR sent. Pretty much everyone on my friends list is a nerd, so your in good company.

  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Watching Star Trek right now, does that count? ;)
  • vanartsdalen2
    vanartsdalen2 Posts: 13 Member
    Hell yeah!
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    I own an R2D2 soy sauce jar. Just sayin'
  • I own a sonic screwdriver. I am not able to add you as friends with my smartphone though. Weird. :'(
  • hemmymomma
    hemmymomma Posts: 22 Member
    Ooh !!! Looks like I fit in here perfectly ! Nerd here ( major doctor who fan )too !!! Kinda I starting over myself. I have 5 kids and lost 70lbs after my last baby ( she will be 2 in March ) then got really sick with a bad gallbladder. Had a rough surgery and long difficult recovery. Now here I am having gained 20 lbs back. I was 30lbs away from my end goal and now I'm 50 lbs away. I lost most of my weight doing t25 so I'm doing that again as well as counting my calories. Been at it again for about 2 weeks and the scale hasn't budged. Trying not to get discouraged. I really have to keep myself motivated. Otherwise it is REALLY hard for me to get my head in the game !