Me again!! Still stalled- please take a look at my diary wise ones!!

mezeade Posts: 19
edited January 2015 in Health and Weight Loss

Hi folks, this was my thread last week. I'm still at 76.7kgs which I was at after the first few days of starting this (Jan 1st). Is my body still catching up? Seems longer than usual! It's about now I give up and think screw this, I want to drink every night and eat what I want.....

Please take a look at my diary. I'm on 1200 and as you can see, have only exercised once in this time (short walk- I have an ankle injury so very sedentary) and didn't eat back.

I start the day with toast and lots of salmon, generally, which keeps me full most of the day. I eat loads of fish. I log scrupulously and weigh even the butter and jam I scrape on my toast. I'm trying to eat what I enjoy and not obsess about 'healthy foods', generally I'm ok I think. I had a big booze night the first Thursday so ate less that day (still went a bit over) and had a massive yum Cha night this Monday and didn't bother controlling myself as I love chinese too much! I'm eating a bit less each day this week to compensate so I'm still in a weekly deficit.

I'm pretty much sticking to the calories and not cheating. If I steal a mouthful of my husband's dinner steak, I even log it! What gives?


  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    any time I drink alcohol, I stall for at least a week afterwards.
  • alexandrapott
    I'm exactly the same (and the same weight).. I suspect water retention from both alcohol and Chinese salt
  • hurricaneemly
    hurricaneemly Posts: 23 Member
    Are you still possibly rocking sodium retention from the Chinese meal?

    This would be my bet as well. Sodium sticks with me forever. When I'm stalled and there's no obvious reason, a quick check of my sodium level tends to answer the mystery.

    Perhaps try limiting sodium and doubling up on water for a couple days. Alcohol and sodium are hard to budge without a ton of water to cleanse it out.

  • mezeade
    mezeade Posts: 19
    I do eat a lot of salt, as you can see, most nights I stirfry seafood with soy, fish sauce etc. maybe I need to find something else- pull out the coconut aminos from the old Paleo days!!
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Hi there,

    I've had a look back through a few days and my suggestions (take them or leave them as suits you...) are:

    * Stick to a more consistant routine - it makes it easier if you've got more set list of breakfast, lunch and snacks.
    * Be wary of alcohol. Not only is it empty calories, it causes people to get snackish and lowers inhibitions towards eating more. I just find that I lose a lot more weight when I basically don't drink.
    * Have bigger, more filling main meals. Focus on low fat protein with lots of veg. (PS how on earth can you bring yourself to eat a can of tuna for breakfast! I'm impressed and slightly horrified...)
    * Make sure your snacks are filling with complex carbs and fibre instead of things like chocolate and noodles.

    Best of luck! :)
  • mezeade
    mezeade Posts: 19
    Alcohol is a really tough one for me. I could and would drink a few glasses every night. The reason I thought calorie counting would work for me is so I can factor them in. I'm trying to limit to one social night a week.....this then becomes a blowout!

    The chocolate and noodles I guess are comfort foods, a small square with acuppa at night. I'm not hungry on 1200 but I do find I feel like mindlessly snacking which might account for some of the inconsistency, like the days I feel like a mouthful of yogurt!!

    Ok, so less salt and watch the booze. This is hard!
  • JPZ98
    JPZ98 Posts: 70 Member
    I have not looked at your diary but you mentioned an ankle injury. I would research exercises that you could do such as upper body or leg lifts...anything that you could do till the ankle gets better.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Yipes. Your sodium is through the roof. Cut back and you should see a change.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    edited January 2015
    When I eat Chinese food my weight is always up for a few days after. Try upping your water intake.
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    Your daily caloric intake is too high. Looking back at your diary, you are consistently over.

    If you want to lose weight every week you have to give up some of those calories unfortunately.
  • mezeade
    mezeade Posts: 19
    edited January 2015
    Your daily caloric intake is too high. Looking back at your diary, you are consistently over.

    If you want to lose weight every week you have to give up some of those calories unfortunately.
    January 15, 2015 9:24AM

    With all due respect, you must be looking at someone else's diary. I've been over once significantly and once very little. In fact, I'm overestimating. I prelog the milk for my tea and often don't use it. In fact I prelog the salmon in the morning and often have much less. So you think I should go significantly under 1200 then?
  • sequinsquats
    sequinsquats Posts: 5 Member
    No no, don't go under
    Are you drinking any water? I don't always remember to keep track that, but was curious.

    I would agree with watching the sodium, the booze, and snacking. Drink lots of water. I read an article today on water retention and how it affects the scale, it might be a little insightful as well.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    The sodium is off the charts. My biggest question is: are you weighing your food? I personally do not, but I predict you could be overestimating a little bit possibly. I have when I was not losing weight.

    I mean even the chewing gum I had. I am so meticulous I logged cough syrup when I sick a few weeks ago.

    What is your height? Have you calculate protein / fat / carbs ratios correct? I see low carb and moderate amount of protein.. You are not exercising at all.

    I use .5 gms per pound of body weight * 4 calories = 200 calories of protein I need on a basic diet. I am going to check your protein calories again..

    Just some random thoughts...

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Ok you are good on protein. That was my bad.

    I saw the one day where you had 116 gms and only around 1000 cals that day. About 460+calories protein.

    I think you are eating a possible amount that is under where you should be calorie wise. You are allowed to 1200 that is setup and that is already with a deficit and most days you are around 900 to under 1100..

    You should def be losing.. Maybe the deficit is too low.

    My body has to take two weeks or more to start to handle a moderate deficit. Is there any thing else you can tell us to help zero in?
  • mezeade
    mezeade Posts: 19
    edited January 2015
    I really can't. If anything I'm overestimating. I've said a number of times that I weigh absolutely everything that goes into my mouth. Believe me, there is no cheating, if anything, if you take off prelogged salmon, some of those days are significantly lower than what I've logged. I'm 5'4" and 45.

    I have not been able to lose weight for the past year beyond early water weight. By now I usually give up and start bingeing, but this time I'm giving it a good go. I'm not relying on exercise, although have been painting the house these holidays, sometimes I've put in 4-5 hours a day. (Not logged) my bloods are fine, I'm nowhere near menopause apparently, thyroid and vit d normal.

    I don't get it! In the past the first 5 kgs have fallen off, then I spend a few months losing the rest, but this time I'm stumped.

    I will go with reducing sodium for now. My protein is usually good because I live on seafood and still have a few paleo habits I lean on.

    Also I will add that even in the stalled weight, I measure on Saturdays and both weeks have lost a few CDs off b,w,h.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    mezeade wrote: »
    I really can't. If anything I'm overestimating. I've said a number of times that I weigh absolutely everything that goes into my mouth. Believe me, there is no cheating, if anything, if you take off prelog fed salmon, some of those days are significantly lower than what I've logged.

    I have not been able to lose weight for the past year beyond early water weight. By now I usually give up and start bingeing, but this time I'm giving it a good go. I'm not relying on exercise, although have been painting the house these holidays, sometimes I've put in 4-5 hours a day. (Not logged) my bloods are fine, I'm nowhere near menopause apparently, thyroid and vit d normal.

    I don't get it! In the past the first 5 kgs have fallen off, then I spend a few months losing the rest, but this time I'm stumped.

    I will go with reducing sodium for now. My protein is usually good because I live on seafood and still have a few paleo habits I lean on.

    How are you overestimating if you weigh your food? Do you use a food scale?
  • Draven49
    Draven49 Posts: 10 Member
    Maybe your losing inches and not pounds. Sometimes it takes time so the two to catch up to each other..Don't give up!!! It will come off!!!
  • SexyKatherine73
    SexyKatherine73 Posts: 221 Member
    Your calorie goal is way to low, at 5'1 1/2 with light Exercise MFP puts me at 1450 calories a day and yet yours is set to 1000 this could be one of your issues. (unless a doctor had said to eat less, the minimum you should eat is 1200 for a female)
  • mezeade
    mezeade Posts: 19
    mezeade wrote: »
    I really can't. If anything I'm overestimating. I've said a number of times that I weigh absolutely everything that goes into my mouth. Believe me, there is no cheating, if anything, if you take off prelog fed salmon, some of those days are significantly lower than what I've logged.

    I have not been able to lose weight for the past year beyond early water weight. By now I usually give up and start bingeing, but this time I'm giving it a good go. I'm not relying on exercise, although have been painting the house these holidays, sometimes I've put in 4-5 hours a day. (Not logged) my bloods are fine, I'm nowhere near menopause apparently, thyroid and vit d normal.

    I don't get it! In the past the first 5 kgs have fallen off, then I spend a few months losing the rest, but this time I'm stumped.

    I will go with reducing sodium for now. My protein is usually good because I live on seafood and still have a few paleo habits I lean on.

    How are you overestimating if you weigh your food? Do you use a food scale?

    Prelogging then not eating said item. I'm sorry but really some people reply without reading. Either way I am not going above 1200 with one exception. It really feels like people here are determined to explain everything with the old, you're not weighing, underestimating etc.
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    mezeade wrote: »
    Your daily caloric intake is too high. Looking back at your diary, you are consistently over.

    If you want to lose weight every week you have to give up some of those calories unfortunately.
    January 15, 2015 9:24AM

    With all due respect, you must be looking at someone else's diary. I've been over once significantly and once very little. In fact, I'm overestimating. I prelog the milk for my tea and often don't use it. In fact I prelog the salmon in the morning and often have much less. So you think I should go significantly under 1200 then?

    My bad, sorry....I was looking at the red as being over.

    Reverse that and you probably need to eat closer to goal everyday.