Starting over! Any other nerds on here?



  • tiffanycompton33
    tiffanycompton33 Posts: 56 Member
    Michonne or 7 of 9 are my sources of body inspiration. Does that count?
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    I file my comics in this order Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, Green Lantern New Guardians, Red Lanterns, Guardians of the Galaxy, Guardians 3000, Coffin Hill, Hinterkind, Uncanny Avengers. I have all of the Star Wars Expanded Universe books on .mobi and .epub depending if I want to read on my kindle or surface tablet. I watch Big Trouble in Little China 2-3 times a month. Billy Zabka was the Karate kid, not Ralph Macchio. If I won a 400 million powerball lottery, I'd fund a live action Voltron movie. Han Shot first. Pirates of Dark Water is Hannah Barbara's best work.

    Shall I keep talkin nerdy or are you ready to track your calories in/out and lose some weight.
  • BeardedStud
    I am a scout leader and that seems to qualify as nerdy lmao.
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    I'm not sure if I qualify as geek, nerd or dork but I'm sure I'm one of them. :P

    I'd love to support you! I also believe in being able to eat and drink what you want, just keep within a calorie deficit. :)
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    I'm nerdy, but in a scary, semi-scholarly way. I'm way into epics and epic poetry (Iliad, Odyssey, Tain bo Cuilagne), mythology, Conan the Barbarian, Slaine (the comic book, not the rapper), video games (Legend of Zelda and FF series, in particular), and lots of classic lit (as I am a high school English teacher). Does that count? I delve into nerddom in many other respects, but I guess that's all I care to share for now.
  • cuddlechimp12
    cuddlechimp12 Posts: 11 Member
    I completely understand. I had lost 20lbs and then had to move cross country and gained 20+ pounds back. It sucks. I am also starting over. Good luck and I hope you reach your goal!
  • go2grrl
    go2grrl Posts: 190 Member
    Comics, post apocalyptic fiction, the Doctor, cheese, beer drinker/home brewer and a librarian to boot! I've had my nerd card for a long time! Sending a request now :)
  • KatDJZ
    KatDJZ Posts: 224 Member
    Nerd here too. Into a lot of the typical nerd things - comics, Marvel movies, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, etc. I love to read, am pretty internet-obsessed, watch way too much tv and movies, and trivia :)
  • fallenstar01
    fallenstar01 Posts: 4 Member
    Total nerd right here!! Trekker, Whovian, Brown Coat and so on. Two beagles named Tiberius and Porthos. Can I just friend request everyone in here? LOL!!
    I'm in a weight loss competition at work that ends March 14th. EEK
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I love sci fi but when these nerd gathering happens, then people dont tend to talk sci fi and the other people on your friends list think you are bonkers.
    Sci Fi ive seen most of it, currently in S4 DS9 revisiting and fantasy as well plus computer games, mostly MMO. Dieting is pretty straightforward, just a bit dull imo.
  • DrWhoIsYerDad
    DrWhoIsYerDad Posts: 263 Member
    I'm nerdy, add me.
  • joseccastaneda
    joseccastaneda Posts: 267 Member
    I own an R2D2 soy sauce jar. Just sayin'

    I opted for the R2D2 measuring cup set.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    These nerd orgies usually end in a lot of friends being made.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Can I brag? I have a death star ice cube maker. Perfect if you like chilled brown liquor.
  • adidrea
    adidrea Posts: 275 Member
    Haha, your post is funny. Totally a nerd here! Sci-fi, fantasy, video games...anything really :) I'm trying to lose my "oopsie" 40 lbs as well! Motivation buddies? :blush:
  • boss_ladii87
    I'm a disney nerd if that counts, got a portrait of Ariel tattooed on my arm ;) I also love Star Wars, Doctor Who, and anything Marvel since that's what my kiddos love. Feel free to add me ;)
  • Jpat0
    Jpat0 Posts: 201 Member
    Hey! I love beer as well, along with various nerdy things. I have 50 lbs to lose, you can do this! Wish you the best in your weight loss journey!
  • jakedner
    jakedner Posts: 186 Member
    If owning the 4th Dr's sonic screwdriver and a 12 ft scarf makes me a nerd, then count me in! :p I am just getting back on track after being derailed by the holidays. If you need one more friend to provide support, feel free to add me.
  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    Can I brag? I have a death star ice cube maker. Perfect if you like chilled brown liquor.
    I WANT one!

  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    go2grrl wrote: »
    Comics, post apocalyptic fiction, the Doctor, cheese, beer drinker/home brewer and a librarian to boot! I've had my nerd card for a long time! Sending a request now :)

    Fellow home-brewer here, with a tattoo! See what I mean? These forums get me all riled!