I ate 600 calories today and I was full. Help.



  • lilxmissxhavic
    lilxmissxhavic Posts: 21 Member
    I was always fairly active all through school, playing soccer every recess and lunch,
    After I finished high school I became an Outdoor Ed intern and a Hike/Outdoor Activities leader, I was constantly on hikes/camps/ect.
    I went to america to visit family and visited my greatgrandmother who doesnt cook, we went to diners every night, and having always been larger, but a reasonable weight, I wasn't concerned about anything I was eating and put on a lot of weight.
    Going to uni for the last 3 years has given me a largely sedentary lifestyle, I used to try and walk from the station to uni and back (about a 10 minute walk one way) but my uni is in a bad area and someone tried to put me in the back of his car and since then I havn't wanted to walk alone and have taken the bus. I've also been eating out steadily more and more.

    When I did my lifeguard update and could barely swim 100m I got a bit of a wake up call.

    Unfortunatley the profile pic isn't recent. I'd like to get back to there, I don't mind being larger if I'm healthy thats the way my bone structure is I'm fairly sure. But weighing over 90kg's isn't healthy (And is bad for my horse) And not being able to swim 100m when I used to be able to swim all day is awful.
  • lilxmissxhavic
    lilxmissxhavic Posts: 21 Member
    Krissy and Emilie- this week I've been using my digital scale for solids and a measuring jug for liquids.
    Brian- Today was 600ish calories before I went to McDonalds to get a large fries and had some chocolate. I don't mind having junk food some of the time, but doing it daily to reach my calorie goal doesn't seem like a good strategy.
    My fit bit is giving large readings because I either take my dog for a 1hr/5km walk each morning or today (the 15th) I had a lifeguarding shift, so I paced while I watched my pools. I'm making an effort to get 10,000 steps a day.

    Yeah sorry about the terrible logging, I was camping and in/out of reception all the time and then I had my wisdom teeth out and was pretty not motivated.
  • MrsCaldwell628
    Which day was the 600 calorie day? Today's 1248 consumed? Yesterday's 1199? The 1608 on the 12th?

    Your fitbit is generating some large burns for short periods of time. It doesn't look right based upon what shows in your MFP diary. That coupled with the extremely inconsistent logging over the past six weeks makes any feedback purely speculative.

    I haven't look at the diary, but she did mention in the first post, I think, that she added McDonalds to get her calories up past 600. Not sure if that helps!
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    edited January 2015

    You don't know why she gained weight.

    Au contraire. I know *exactly* how she gained weight.

    The same way everyone does. The same way we all do. The way you and I did. Overconsumption of calories. A caloric surplus.

    It can happen no other way. Physics, y'know? It doesn't lie and you can't break it.

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Food is neither good nor bad ... it just is. A body needs both calories and nutrients.

    The one "600 calorie" day isn't just one ... there are multiple low intake days logged over the past six weeks.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Avidcutz wrote: »
    I gotta call shenanigans here.

    There is no way someone who eats to near obesity (30-ish BMI) gets "full" at 600 cal and "struggles" to reach 1200.

    The Cognitive Dissonance is screaming.

    I'm not buying it.

    Except it happens ALL the time. Like, have you opened a book or consulted a doctor? This is why most eating disorders in fat/obese people are not addressed, because of the myth that they can't have one.

    Of course fat/obese people can have eating disorders

    but it ain't one that's associated with eating less than 600 calories a day now is it?
  • lilxmissxhavic
    lilxmissxhavic Posts: 21 Member
    Brian, most of the previous weeks are innacurate, I was camping/recovering from surgery so I either had crappy reception or was in pain and trying to sleep too much to be bothered properly logging. This weeks (From sunday) is where I started tracking properly.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Brian, most of the previous weeks are innacurate, I was camping/recovering from surgery so I either had crappy reception or was in pain and trying to sleep too much to be bothered properly logging. This weeks (From sunday) is where I started tracking properly.

    Looking at your diary since Sunday, you average about 1400 calories a day. I don't see a problem. I would question how you're getting your burns though, they seem really high. I get the fitbit adjustment but you have exercise logged on top of that.
  • lilxmissxhavic
    lilxmissxhavic Posts: 21 Member
    Yeah I think if I'm wearing my fitbit while I walk my dog I shouldn't enter dog walking as a seperate exercise, I'm still getting used to it all.

    The excercise I'm doing is walking my dog each day for about 5km/roughly 1hr and then pacing up and down my house while I'm waiting for my kettle to boil/tea to brew to get 10,000 steps.
    Unless I have a lifeguarding shift in which case I'll do 5km/roughly half an hour on the rowing machine and pace while I'm watching pools to get to 10,000 steps.

    Today(16th) I have a 5hr lifeguard shift and will probably be walking the whole time, then I need to public transport/walk into the city, and then I'll be playing some sport so my step count is going to be ludicrously high. Last time I had a 5hr shift I walked 22,000 steps before 10am.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Yeah I think if I'm wearing my fitbit while I walk my dog I shouldn't enter dog walking as a seperate exercise, I'm still getting used to it all.

    The excercise I'm doing is walking my dog each day for about 5km/roughly 1hr and then pacing up and down my house while I'm waiting for my kettle to boil/tea to brew to get 10,000 steps.
    Unless I have a lifeguarding shift in which case I'll do 5km/roughly half an hour on the rowing machine and pace while I'm watching pools to get to 10,000 steps.

    Today(16th) I have a 5hr lifeguard shift and will probably be walking the whole time, then I need to public transport/walk into the city, and then I'll be playing some sport so my step count is going to be ludicrously high. Last time I had a 5hr shift I walked 22,000 steps before 10am.

    Your fitbit is already counting the walk. If you want to log it (I do because I like to see it), count it as 1 calorie.
  • MrsCaldwell628
    Yeah I think if I'm wearing my fitbit while I walk my dog I shouldn't enter dog walking as a seperate exercise, I'm still getting used to it all.

    The excercise I'm doing is walking my dog each day for about 5km/roughly 1hr and then pacing up and down my house while I'm waiting for my kettle to boil/tea to brew to get 10,000 steps.
    Unless I have a lifeguarding shift in which case I'll do 5km/roughly half an hour on the rowing machine and pace while I'm watching pools to get to 10,000 steps.

    Today(16th) I have a 5hr lifeguard shift and will probably be walking the whole time, then I need to public transport/walk into the city, and then I'll be playing some sport so my step count is going to be ludicrously high. Last time I had a 5hr shift I walked 22,000 steps before 10am.

    You're correct. If you are logging from your fitbit then you should not be logging manually as well. It's one or the other. Also, is your fitbit a heart rate monitor or just a step counter? Not having an actual HRM can lead to miscalculating of calories burned. Just a thought...
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Yeah I think if I'm wearing my fitbit while I walk my dog I shouldn't enter dog walking as a seperate exercise, I'm still getting used to it all.

    The excercise I'm doing is walking my dog each day for about 5km/roughly 1hr and then pacing up and down my house while I'm waiting for my kettle to boil/tea to brew to get 10,000 steps.
    Unless I have a lifeguarding shift in which case I'll do 5km/roughly half an hour on the rowing machine and pace while I'm watching pools to get to 10,000 steps.

    Today(16th) I have a 5hr lifeguard shift and will probably be walking the whole time, then I need to public transport/walk into the city, and then I'll be playing some sport so my step count is going to be ludicrously high. Last time I had a 5hr shift I walked 22,000 steps before 10am.

    There is no need to log step based activity while wearing a Fitbit. Even with non step based activity you need to make sure you log the correct start and stop time or your exercise calories will get messed up.

  • anth102
    anth102 Posts: 3 Member
    I really dont think you need to worry too much. 600cals for one day is no biggie. It would only be an issue if it was 600cals day after day after day. Looking at your diary, your cals per day for the last few days average at 1295, and that includes the day you only had a 308cal croissant! Some days you'll be hungry, some you won't. if you average out at a reasonable intake each week then don't sweat it

    easy ways to increase calorie intake - forget the diet food / low fat stuff (it's all got terrible additives anyway) go for good, healthy, full fats such as oil, butter, cream, nuts, mayo, cheese etc. A big handful of nuts is 400cals alone. If you eat the right foods, you'll easily hit your calorie target.

    Good luck!
  • projecthotbel
    projecthotbel Posts: 32 Member
    Some days I am satisfied with a small amount. I don't eat junk food to make it up. That seems counterproductive.

    Eating under 1200 is not really a terrible thing, as long as it is not a thing that you do for an extended amount of time.

    Bank the calories for days you are hungrier.
  • lilxmissxhavic
    lilxmissxhavic Posts: 21 Member
    Fitbit flex, no heart monitor.
    Good to know, I'll add it as 1cal in future.
  • AbbieBeckett
    AbbieBeckett Posts: 70 Member
    The nuts idea is great, they're not too filling and high in cals. You could also change the bread in your sandwiches or switch to wraps, they're quite high cal. If you want to add me as a friend I have an open diary and I stick to around 1200 a day at the minute. I like to think my meals are not too filling so maybe you could get some ideas for meal ideas that are a little higher in cals?
    Good luck to you x
  • AbbieBeckett
    AbbieBeckett Posts: 70 Member
    Also if you're full you could get your cals up easily using fluids, by drinking a glass of full fat milk or fruit juice or something :)
  • lilxmissxhavic
    lilxmissxhavic Posts: 21 Member
    Hahaha Anth I ate more that day, just forgot to log, my diary is accurate from Sunday (though I didn't weigh the chocolate cake on monday and it was huge, I was at a friends.)

    Yep, I never liked the idea of low fat anything anyway, It was just in the fridge, so I looked at the recommended servings and slapped it in my meals. I'll go full fat from now on.

    Hotbel, thanks :)
    I know I'll be eating at McDonalds tomorrow night, so I'll probably equal it out a little there.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    It does sound like you are unintentionally doing the Fast Diet or 5:2 diet as it's also known which is really popular in the UK. You are supposed to have 2 days a week where you eat 500 calories and the other days you can eat what you want, as well as doing exercise. A lot of people find that after doing it for a couple of weeks they are not getting as hungry due to the fast days and hence they eat less on the other days too. I tried it a couple of years ago and my mum also did it for nearly a year and we both found that on non-fast days even with exercise we were not able to eat more than about 1200 calories.

    It's known to be a safe diet and in your case though you are unintentionally doing it if you have a 600 calorie day, maybe if you do that every now and again it decreases your appetite on the other days.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    My go to is peanut butter. A couple tablespoons is 200 calories (if you do the super yummy all natural kind).
    Or a bowl of cereal...frozen greek yogurt...so many tasty options.