Crazy Cat Lady?



  • Pearcecat
    Pearcecat Posts: 68
    I had a dog that I used to walk, he didn't have any legs. I named him cigarette cause every day I took him out for a 'drag'.... :tongue:
    OMG....Haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!.. LOVE IT!
  • TheKatzMeow77
    my cat's would kick my *ss if i tried to put them in a harness lol

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  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    If you walk them with this...

  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    awww... SWEET! hope you managed to get pictures of that hamster walk! :smile:
    When I was little, I made a harness and took my hamster for walks. :laugh:

    It's good to know that even with seven cats in the house, I'm not officially a crazy cat lady. See, my husband and I just have three and a half cats each. :wink:
  • allroundthesun
    I dunno, my Zinnia always loved a walk in the park.



  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    Love this!
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    started jumping vertically up and down trying to get away.
    I liken it to a Tazmanian Devil (the cartoon one of course) freaking out. Lol.
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    Now that the weather is getting nicer, I'd like to start walking outdoors again. I don't have a dog to walk...but I do have a cat. Would it be too crazy cat lady-ish if I put my her in a harness and paraded her around the neighborhood :ohwell:

    Not at all crazy! I have friends that do that. My old fat cat won't go for a walk. I tried to get him a harness but he's huge and even tried a dog harness and it was too small. So he just cruises around the yard.
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    ^ :laugh: Nice. But I'm not going to ask about other enemy combatant cats...
    Robinator, are you seeing the Walk-in Cat Cage ad on the right hand side banner? They stole your idea!

    ETA: nice one ZH!
    Believe it or not, there are other enemy cats....hence the need for the roof. We've got some crazies in our 'hood. Lol.

    I have an ad for a litter box up top this time. :laugh:
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    I want so much to build a safe kitty enclosure for my babies. Do you take special orders? :wink:
    All it is, is a few panels of pre-made dog kennel fencing that we bought from the fencing company, bolted to the house and to each other. It needs vertical reinforcing for when snow piles on top of it in the winter (like lally columns or something), but other than that it's really simple. You should totally build one. :)
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I wouldn't care about being called a crazy cat lady, more about the effects of cat and dog contact on said walk.

    My attemps at walking cats on a lead were hilarious if not successful. I love that kitty enclosure! My cats are outside during that day and are required by law to be inside at night. Once the sun goes down I can't get one of them in willingly and have to scour the neighbourhood with a torch to find him. He turns into bad kitty when the sun goes down. Funny thing is that once you catch him he never struggles just goes floppy in your arms and starts to purr.

    Aw, I love kitties.

  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    lol..we've been thinking about a harness and leash for one of our cats..we are crazy cat ladies..we have three cats..and a greyhound..rooo
  • pcteck2
    pcteck2 Posts: 184 Member
    My cats walk with me. Fortunately we live on a dead end road and they can be free outdoors. If I go out to walk I have to put them in the house to keep them from following me.
    I have had cats in the past that walk on a leash, but mostly they just want to walk with you.
    My cats are Siamese, so maybe that makes a difference.
    Go for it!
  • pcteck2
    pcteck2 Posts: 184 Member
    Me too! I love cats!
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    My cat loves going outside, but I make him wear a harness. At first he hated it but I think he's come to accept the fact that in order to get outside he's gotta wear his leash. I've never taken him on a walk for the exact reason that I'd feel crazy! But I take him outside the house and let him sniff/play around. Crazy cat lady and proud of it! lol :laugh:
    My cat (the one who sent me to the ER - lol) loves going outside so much, that we built him this. All I do is open the window and out he goes. The other cat (although she's free to, won't step a foot outside). Note - it now has a roof made from the same fencing materials, to keep him in and others out:


    We call it Catanamo Bay (or GitMeow) :smokin:

    :bigsmile: Who's crazy now?:bigsmile:

    OMG That is such an awesome idea!! I showed it to my husband and he smiled, and then bust out laughing when he saw that you call it "Catanamo Bay"!! So funny!! We live in an apartment right now but when we eventually get a house I would totally do that for my kitties. I'm such a suck for 'em lol!
  • treadingpurple
    Both of my cats are leash trained. All you do is have a harness on them and a retractable leash. The one thing I will let you know is that cats will not walk like a dog (right beside you). They will stop and then start going several times, and you just have to let them explore. You can't force a cat to walk when you want them to, or the next time you take them for a walk, they will not let you put a harness on them.

    There are pet strollers that work for cats that Dr. Foster and Smith sell on their website. I have one that my kitten loves to relax in and go for walks (my older cat is still leery of being in the stroller).

  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    If you walk them with this...

    i lol'd myself off the bed at that XD AHAHAHAHAHA! poor kitties!
  • kaylemartin
    kaylemartin Posts: 235 Member
    I'd love to do that for my cat but i'd fear she'd take lumps out of me trying :laugh:
  • nkswans
    nkswans Posts: 469 Member
    I have a leash for my cat and he does not walk at all in it! I usually just stand there holding it while he lays in the grass lol Its so funny! I've never been able to 'walk' him. I used to be able to get him on it easier but now he recognizes it and runs when it comes out lol
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I do 3.5 mile runs three times a week and my cat comes with me. It's a larger breed though, I don't know if this is a good idea for a common house tabby.