Not looking for pity, but why can't I do this??



  • theflyingpelican
    theflyingpelican Posts: 42 Member
    Feel free to add me! Fellow mom. MFP is a great community and you'll find lots of support here. =)
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    edited January 2015
    You have a lot of legitimate reasons for not losing the 100 pounds. You are in a terrible marriage. That takes a huge emotional and physical toll. You are emotionally isolated. It's eroding your feelings of self-worth. Is there a reason you haven't worked out why you haven't fixed the marriage yet (get counselling/leave/stay)?
  • nlehe
    nlehe Posts: 10 Member
    Another fellow mom here! Just lost 25 lbs of baby weight, after not having any motivation. I joined a weight loss challenge and that was the motivation I needed! Please feel free to friend me. I have some tips I could give that worked for me! You can DO THIS!
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    amyd2785 wrote: »
    I have no excuses- I have time, resources and even a brand new elliptical staring me in the face. But I'm scared to lose my 'conmfort'.
    This jumped out at me -- are you talking about food being your comfort, or about the extra 100 pounds? I mean that as a serious question, because extra weight can function as armor for some people, and letting go of that can be scary.

    If you're talking about the comfort you get from food, try not to think about it that way. You can learn new coping mechanisms and new ways to comfort yourself. I'd guess that should be really high on your list of new things to do, because I'd also guess that there are times when food doesn't actually work to comfort you.

    If you're talking about the weight, you can always choose to gain it back. That sounds awful, but I mean it literally. Choosing to try out some new things in your life now doesn't necessarily mean letting go of everything you did in the past. It can mean that if you want it to, but it doesn't have to. You can come back to this place again if you want to.

    People talk about "lifestyle changes" all the time here, but that's a giant scary proposition if you take it literally. You sound like you're overwhelmed already, and that may not be the best time to think about changing a ton of things in your life. You can make a huge difference in your life just by trying one thing now, and one more in 30 minutes, etc.

    One of my friends on here says he didn't lose 100 pounds -- he lost 1 pound 100 times. (I may be misquoting -- I think it's more, but whatever). I like that idea. It's just as true and not nearly as daunting.

  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    You have a lot of legitimate reasons for not losing the 100 pounds. You are in a terrible marriage. That takes a huge emotional and physical toll. You are emotionally isolated. It's eroding your feelings of self-worth. Is there a reason you haven't worked out why you haven't fixed the marriage yet (get counselling/leave/stay)?

    ^ ^ This.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    You've gotten lots of amazing advice here.
    I'd like to add this-one of your baby steps should be to never allow yourself to starve because inevitably, that leads to a binge.

    After the binge you hate yourself and/or are disgusted with yourself and once again, you starve.
    And so, it continues.

    Enter your weight etc. onto MFP along with lightly active and eat the calories it tells you.

    Start using the elliptical (I love it) I had to start with only 5 minutes and gradually built up the time. Put it in front of the tv and watch your favorite shows.

    Eat back 1/2 to all of your exercise calories depending on your hunger levels. Get a food scale to accurately weigh all that you eat. Log everything-even the binges.
    I can now use the elliptical for 65 minutes straight. It gives me energy and it improves my mood tremendously.
    It will lead you to other active things like walking outside and getting some light weights and starting to work your upper body.
    One little step leads to another.
    Weightloss will happen. Your confidence will grow.
    Please get some counseling for yourself and perhaps eventually some marriage counseling.

    But please stop starving yourself!!!! Slowly you'll be able to reduce the incidences of bingeing.

    My heart goes out to you.
    I've been there.
    I had 60+ pounds to lose.
  • CoachPriscilla
    CoachPriscilla Posts: 42
    edited January 2015
    So much of what I wanted to say after reading this has been said except for one thing. Taking care of yourself is not selfish. Many people feel like taking time to do their fitness program or to prepare healthy food is taking time away from their children or from others in their lives. But actually taking care of yourself is the most important thing you can do for others. You want to be a good role model for your children. You want to be there for your children. You need to be present in their lives and be able to give them all that you can be. The only way that you can do that is to get healthy for yourself.

    Support is critical and groups like this are here for you as you move forward on your journey. Please don't give up, don't lose sight of what your goals are - to be healthy for yourself and so you can be there for your children.
  • amyd2785
    amyd2785 Posts: 5 Member
    I am just inundated with all of the amazing advice and kind words. I feel like I have it ALL- time, motivation (I am Iin A weight loss challenge too), the ability to work out and buy healthy food. But instead I just spend my days isolated-playing in Facebook, eating unhealthy food, watching tv AND my life pass me by :( it's very depressing to feel so poorly you don't want to leave the house and simultaneously having a life where it's possible to cocoon yourself away :(
    - This is just not what I want for my kids it myself any longer. Today, i am beginning to take baby steps and I thank everybody for the comments. I haven't quite figured this all out or how to add somebody but if you would like a new friend please send me a request :)
  • marya730
    marya730 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm so glad you posted here as a first step. Reaching out for help is hard, and you did it, so you are on the right track. It sounds like you might be clinically depressed, based on the feelings you described, especially if you've had them for a while. I have been there, I know it feels hopeless. I ended up in my doctors office sobbing one day, just because she asked "how are you today?" She put me on some meds, and I started seeing a therapist, and it made a world of difference.

    Obviously I'm a stranger on the Internet, and I can't diagnose you, but if you are struggling with these feelings, it's going to be really hard to lose weight until you get help. It's not a failure of willpower or laziness, it's very real. I would forget about the weight loss thing entirely, and reframe it as taking care of yourself, mind and body. As others have said, you should look for someone non-judgmental to talk to. It can't hurt, right?!

    You're going to be okay. Hang in there and find someone you trust to talk to - asap. You deserve to be happy and healthy.
  • akeimalg
    akeimalg Posts: 4 Member
    I have has this app and it tried to do this at least 10 times. I have a bad day, go to lunch with my co - workers and feel shame and give up. I am not going to give up this time and neither should you. I am committing to posting everyday for the rest of the week no matter how good or bad it is. Good days motivate you to better. Life everyone else said baby steps. Can you commit to logging your foods daily? Get shoot for the elliptical next week.
  • shanaet
    shanaet Posts: 15 Member
    I would like to add you so we can help each other. I know we must take one day at a time
  • amyd2785 wrote: »
    No matter how much I want to finally lose the 100 pounds I feel is keeping me from living a real life I can't!!!

    Food is how I comfort myself and relax myself. It's all I think about! 29 year old mom of 2 in a TERRIBLE marriage looking for some support in how to get started and stop letting
    my binge eating stop me
    From doing this.

    I have no excuses- I have time, resources and even a brand new elliptical staring me in the face. But I'm scared to lose my 'conmfort'.

    I barely leave my house and have absolutely no social life whatsoever. I'm making my family miserable because I am so miserable but I'm just stuck in this horrible cycle of bingeing and starving myself with no consistency. Anyone else going through something similar? Please add me also :) I have no MFP friends. Would love to see others doing well :)

  • OlgaGetsFit
    OlgaGetsFit Posts: 24 Member
    I felt like I was reading this about myself! (except for the bad marriage). It's simple you have programmed your brain to believe you can not do it. You are what you perceive and life is what you make it. You can continue walking through life with a thorn on your side or you can choose to take the thorn out. I would suggest you hear Earl Nightingale "The strangest secret" on Record. Every single day you have to remind yourself that you are committed to your goal, every single day you have to fight. Don't allow negative thoughts to enter your mind and keep your mind clean. Today I worked out for the first time in many many months. I started to get scared when I felt the pain and I was struggling. For one second the thought of giving up working out crossed my mind, then I started laughing because I remembered that I am the only one who can decide when I am done. I finished the 45 minute work out and it was fun! It's all about how you see things. You are taking the right steps by finding support from people on the same boat. Use your elliptical and push pass the excuses, past the negativity, past all obstacles and just use it every single day for a few minutes. That elliptical is your best therapy. We can get through this! I have struggled with obesity for 13 years and now I am finally ready. I understand that only I can make the change necessary to see the results I want. Results are in direct proportion to your efforts, if you don't try you won't see results but if you do try well then you will see results. I just completed day 3 and I am not hungry, sad or miserable because I will simply not allow my mind to think that way. I am also 29 years old and a mother of 2. I refuse to go another decade hating who I am. Weight is something you can actually change! You can't grow taller or get shorter but you sure can be healthy. Follow me and we can share our journey! I welcome anyone to follow me. Thank you and good luck on your journey!
  • shanaet
    shanaet Posts: 15 Member
    Would like to follow you I need all the help I can get
  • rachelalexis23
    rachelalexis23 Posts: 4 Member
    I know how you feel. I will be 29 next month, I married young and have 3 children. I have been a stay at home mom for a long time. While I wouldn't say I was stuck in a bad marriage it definitely has its ups and down (of course if you ask me tomorrow I might tell you different). I think my body image had really affected my marriage and my attitude towards life. I have no career skills and not much to offer, my self esteem has suffered tremendously. I have noticed that my attitude in the last couple of weeks has changed though. I feel more confident than I have in a long time. It's time for me to get off my a×× and do something with my life. I'm to young to feel this old. As crazy as it sounds I know once I decide to take control of my life and make changes it will be hard for me to not hate myself for not doing it sooner. I grew up comforting myself with food, I love to cook. You want to know what's crazy. I am practically setting my own children up for the same struggles I am facing, but yet at the same time feel like I am denying them some kind of weird heritage. I am from texas and my husband from louisiana. Letting go of some traditional foods is scary for me. I realized something though. I didn't get this size from eating a big Sunday dinner once a week. I got like this from eating those things all the time. I realized once I get to my goal weight my maintanence calories aren't crazy low. I can still eat that traditional Sunday dinner. As long as I am making healthier choices the majority of the time and try to stay active. This isn't goodbye to all those comforting foods. It's just saying you will see them later in moderation.
  • ltssharon
    ltssharon Posts: 195 Member
    I am depressed and feeling insignificant at home today. Let's both persevere just for today and avoid making things worse. Yesterday I felt the same way and managed to just binge on low-calorie stuff which luckily was around. I also can be too lazy to get stuff to take care of myself. I did allow myself just to relax yesterday which helped, and I slept in a different room from my husband, so I got some peace and sleep. I also avoided arguing with him magically.
  • ltssharon
    ltssharon Posts: 195 Member
    By the way, I do feel sorry for you, but in a good way, not a mean way.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    I would suggest you look into some emotional eating self help books maybe? There are some good ones out there, which unfortunately I can't recommend.
  • shanaet
    shanaet Posts: 15 Member
    New day new beginnings don't get upset with one bad meal look forward to next meal having better food choices
  • CaGinger
    CaGinger Posts: 180 Member
    Added. I feel like that when I am depressed. Sometimes our frame of mind is everything.

    Sending good vibes your way.... also I agree with doing one small thing today. Then again in 30 minutes. Then again tomorrow. Keep making progress no matter how small.