Not wanting to track ''bad food''



  • laurelobrien
    laurelobrien Posts: 156 Member
    Food addiction is a real thing. Junk food is palatable, your body craves it once it tastes it because it recognizes it as a rich source of calories (which the hypothalamus and other survival-related systems thinks is a good thing). Every time you eat it, especially to excess, you are reinforcing this habit neurologically. If you really think it's an addiction (which are a neurological problem) and not just weak willpower, I'd recommend seeing a therapist or reading Brain over Binge. That book is targeted specifically at bulimics and those with binge eating disorder, but you might be on your way there anyways.

    The tl;dr of the book is that your hind brain has become dysfunctionally obsessed with seeking high-calorie foods to keep you alive. By recognizing that the hind brain creates urges, but does NOT control your body, you can hopefully recognize those urges as faulty signals that have no control over your conscious actions, and ignore them. It gets easier with time as the neural pathways you've been reinforcing every time you eat garbage get weaker. This is how I got over my binge eating disorder.

    Good luck