5'7" women, what's your goal weight?



  • louie61403
    louie61403 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 5'7" and now I'm unsure if my goal is too high. I started at 217 lbs and my first goal was 170 (just a random number I picked), I hit that and now I'm at 166 and have now put my goal at 160. Ultimately I'd like to be around 155. I'm a larger framed woman so according to the BMI (which is kind of BS to me but I don't really have any other "guide" to look at) I should be around 150. Once I hit 160, my focus will be on my stomach and arms. I don't care too much about sizes. I'm in between a 10-12 US sizes now.

    The hardest thing for me in picking a weight is that this is the lowest I've ever been. EVER. I was a big kid, a big middle schooler, a big adult. I was a size 18 in middle school and the smallest I've ever been as an adult is 175 so I've never been small. I have no concept of what my body will look like lower than it is right now. Does that make sense??
  • laura2813
    laura2813 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm 5'7" and am currently 150. My goal is 125 but I plan on incorporating more of a weight lifting program as I get closer to goal weight so the goal may change. I wouldn't mind being a little heavier with more muscle.
  • Eire228
    Eire228 Posts: 238 Member
    bug1114 wrote: »
    I'm 5' 7", and I used to have a goal weight of 135. I'm currently 144 and no longer have a goal weight. I've shifted to the mentality that I don't care what I weigh as long as I'm happy with how my body looks. I came to this realization when I completed the Insanity program and weighed the exact same as when I had started, but my body had totally changed. It's pretty freeing to not care so much about that number on the scale.

    I agree! I had a goal weight of 135 in mind (I'm also 5'7"), but I was able to get to 130ish. I then reset my goal to 125, but honestly, I'm so happy with how I look and feel that I don't even care if I never reach that goal. Of course there are still things I don't like about my body, but as long as I continue to feel as good as I do with what I'm eating and doing for exercise, I'm happy! It just feels good to not feel fat anymore. :)
  • Liz75
    Liz75 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm just over 5'7'' and weigh 150. The lowest I've ever been is 140. So I'm aiming for 145. I'm not too concerned about weight, I'm broad shouldered, thick waist of 31 and hips 39. So I'm going to concentrate on inch loss. I know its mainly my diet as I do run, walk, attend kettle bells and circuit training. I carry weight in the middle. Wine, cheese, bread etc..the main culprits!! It's clear we're all different despite our similar heights!
  • rolley
    rolley Posts: 2 Member
    5ft7 here.. Was at 120lbs until university.. Left university at 180lbs. Now 137lbs. My goal is 120lbs!!!! So motivated and can't wait to finally get there!!!
  • jmpags
    jmpags Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5'8, shooting for about 140, but will reassess at 150 :)
  • bos10fit
    bos10fit Posts: 80 Member
    5"9 currently 163 with body fat of 20%. This is in my BMI range as I have a large frame & muscular.

    I am aiming for the 150s with BF of 17%. I hit 148 and it was impossible to maintain.
  • wowser5
    wowser5 Posts: 51 Member
    155 is my goal weight for 5'7". I am not sure if I can get that low, but I will try. I worked out like crazy in college 20 years ago and the lowest I got was 160. So we will see....
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    I'm ~5'7.5 and have been everywhere from 115-140 since college. I have a very small frame. At 140 I'm sitting all day and eating 2500 calories +, so I feel sluggish and need exercise. Felt my best around 124 so that's sort of my goal, but honestly I'll probably stop when I start to fit all my jeans again :D (waist ~25") so the more muscle mass I gain the higher it'll probably be.
  • akb2008
    akb2008 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'9 my first goal is just to get under 169 (healthy bmi) I'd like to get to 145-150 ultimately but we'll see. I have a really large frame so I don't want to end up looking sick.
  • knholland818
    knholland818 Posts: 2 Member
    It's crazy the variations in goal weights for the same height. Obviously I knew they'd be different based on build but not quite as varied as that. I'm 5'7 and the smallest I've been as an adult is 142 lbs. I looked bad though. I lost all my butt and just looked too thin. I want to be fit and strong not skinny. I am at 171 right now and my goal weight is 155-160. I had reached this goal and maintained it for over a year but then I got lazy. So I'm back at it!
  • laura2813
    laura2813 Posts: 84 Member
    There are a lot of variations here but you have to take into consideration everyone has a different body type and what looks/feels good on one might not on another. I had my twin daughters at 29 and before I got prego I was under weight (normal for my family). After I had my daughters I kept on a few pounds and looked better but needed to tone. Over the years I've let a few pounds slip in there and now I'm trying to get down to about 125. I have a very small frame with tiny wrist and ankles....my mid section is packing the punch that needs to go. lol
    That said... I completely understand the range in goal weights. Everyone is different in a whole lot of ways.
  • Brittany91389
    Brittany91389 Posts: 32 Member
    5'7", at 198, with a goal weight of 150. It's at the top of the healthy range, but I just want to be healthy. I'll set another goal weight when I get there. End goal somewhere between 130-140.
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    150-160. I have a larger frame and more muscle weight. anything below 150 would be hard for me to pull off and maintain. i currently weigh 195 and where a size 12-14 in pants
  • IridescentRose
    IridescentRose Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 5'7" and my goal is 125. I have a relatively small frame so it's not unreasonable for my shape.
  • morningprincess
    morningprincess Posts: 6 Member
    i'm aiming for a loss- don't really care how much, just as long as it goes in a downward motion ;)
  • marci2lip
    marci2lip Posts: 23 Member
    I'm just over 5'6" and currently have my goal weight set for 155. I got down to 148 a couple of years ago and had 22.5% body fat, but couldn't sustain it and am now at 165 after taking off about 9lbs of the regain. I know that 155 is sustainable for me without feeling deprived! Ultimate goal would be to have 23-24% body fat at 155.
  • Monetp60
    Monetp60 Posts: 24 Member
    I am 5'6". My GW is 165.
  • JubaGirl06
    JubaGirl06 Posts: 4 Member
    5'7. 5" I felt great at 175-180. Currently 228 :(
  • Linzer140fit
    Linzer140fit Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 5'7" tall and have a larger frame, broad shoulders, hips, larger wrists, and ankles. I set my goal weight how I look and feel. I weighed less in high school and college, 125 and under, but I don't even know that I could get to that and it was probably too thin. Post college I've weighed 130 to 170. I look great at anywhere between 135 and 145 and currently have a goal of 140 in mind. I currently weight159. I carry my weight all over and people always assume I weigh 15-20 pounds less than I do, also I get thinking "I look fine..why bother!" and don't get around to losing the last 10 pounds. Not this time though. I'm also 51 YO now...getting the scale way down there is haaaard!!