Anyone need a buddy?



  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    i can defintely relate. i don't have 100 lbs to lose, 43 to be exact. um i am a binge eater and emotional eater. looking for another friend?
  • ranaelynn
    ranaelynn Posts: 115 Member
    Ok Saryann79 - so we're all in :smile: So what is the name going to be so we can look for the thread in the mornings :)
  • kelhun1
    kelhun1 Posts: 183 Member
    How about something like "Perfect 10s" because your goal is to take off the weight 10 pounds at a time...and hopefully, in time we will all be our own version of a perfect 10.
  • GettingThin08
    hey im here for you!!!!!! i know where u are coming from!
  • mom2my2boys
    I like the Perfect 10's! Very inspiring!

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Morning everyone. I am on track today and ready for another great day.

    Perfect 10!!!!!

  • punka274
    punka274 Posts: 895
    Hi, good morning !

    I would love to be apart of this group. Ive got about 30-40lbs to lose. I can relate to alot of whats been said so far about emotional eating and family celebrating everything with food:smile: ive lost the majority of my weight but i still need motivating and just somewhere to check in here.

    I love the name perfect 10.....I also like 'The Buddy Club" i thought that was cute from an above poster:smile:

    Today i plan on doing a circuit and it will be the first time doing one with my new heart rate im excited to see how many calories i burn:tongue:

    I hope everybody is having a good day so far, I look forward to getting to know everybody:smile:

    I will be back later after my workout!
  • ranaelynn
    ranaelynn Posts: 115 Member
    Good Morning All,

    So I vote for the Buddy Club - I think that really says it all. Let's settle on a name today ok.

    My day started out very early 3:35a - icky! But had to get to work extra early this morning so oh well.

    I hit 180.8lb this morning which made me very happy even at 4 in the morning :) I know 180.8 is really closer to 181 but hey hey I am jumping and skipping because that is just not something a year ago (at 245lbs) I thought I would ever see again! Woot Woot - look out 145 here I come!:laugh:
  • KCherry
    KCherry Posts: 61 Member
    Can I join too? I have 40 pounds left to lose but they are coming off soooo slowly. :'( I too am an emotional eater but I mostly binge when I am bored. ><
  • mom2my2boys
    Ok everyone need my buddy now. Got to work this morning and got the announcement email that my company is cutting alot of jobs. Now I'm scared out of my mind. Normally I would RUN to food, but I'm holding on. So far so good. Any ideas of how to calm my nerves and stay away from the comfort foods?

  • kelhun1
    kelhun1 Posts: 183 Member
    Ok everyone need my buddy now. Got to work this morning and got the announcement email that my company is cutting alot of jobs. Now I'm scared out of my mind. Normally I would RUN to food, but I'm holding on. So far so good. Any ideas of how to calm my nerves and stay away from the comfort foods?


    I'm so sorry to hear about the job cuts. I know how stressful the not knowing is. My husband's company has made cuts at Christmas the past 5 years! This year the company was bought out by a European company and all kinds of craziness is happening. I have spent so much energy in the past worrying about the what ifs that this year I refuse to give in. I can't change it and I'm not going to let them ruin another holiday for my family!

    As far as avoiding comfort foods, I like to get "good and mad" at a closet or junk drawer. I throw everything out on the floor and start organizing. Then I take a big bag of stuff to Goodwill. Sometimes if I feel like I'm helping someone else out, I can take the focus of my own situation. I know this may not work for everyone, but it somehow soothes my inner (OCD) child even better than a brownie.
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    First off, Id like to cast my vote for The Buddy Club:smile: If I read this thread far our choices to vote on are:
    :drinker: The Buddy Club
    :drinker: The Perfect 10's
    I like The Buddy Club:smile: Kind of does sum it all up for us.
    Id also like to mention that Thursdays are my weigh in days, and I lost another 4 lbs this week!!:drinker: THAT makes me feel good after a 3 lb gain that I had at my last weigh in last week:grumble:
    Sooooo...everyone cast their vote today and we can get this party started!:happy: I think its gonna be great!:drinker:

  • saryann79
    saryann79 Posts: 81 Member
    Wow! What a great response! As a combination of the only two suggestions - you can find our daily post (or start our daily post if you are an early riser!) under "General Diet and Weight Loss Help" - "Perfect 10 Buddy Club" with today's date.

    Can't wait to get to know you all!
  • saryann79
    saryann79 Posts: 81 Member
    Ok everyone need my buddy now. Got to work this morning and got the announcement email that my company is cutting alot of jobs. Now I'm scared out of my mind. Normally I would RUN to food, but I'm holding on. So far so good. Any ideas of how to calm my nerves and stay away from the comfort foods?


    I can identify! My husband works in the securities industry, and in January, he will have worked for three different companies while sitting at the exact same desk for only a year and a half! Each time, layoffs have occurred. You have to keep into perspective what you can and cannot change. Likely, the "powers that be" have already decided who will go and who will stay (probably months ago), so you have to take care of yourself. What soothes you besides food? (I can't really think of much for me, but I do like to read or watch a movie - one day I hope to say "going for a run," but I'm not there yet!) That's what you should be doing to take care of yourself today. And turning to your support system - check!
  • mom2my2boys
    Thanks for the support and I know there are tons of people in the same boat, fear of company downsizing. It's scary because my husband's plant closed about a year ago and now he is working for way less than what he was. I'm the major bread winner in our family. I know all states are bad, but in Michigan it's really bad. I do not work for the big 3, but I do work for a large company. I guess I can't worry about it, but it's hard not to.
    What soothes me are my kids, although they drive me crazy at the same time :wink: I guess just take it a day at a time and you are right there is nothing I can do about the decisions that have been made. I've been with this company for 17 years and twice along the way the office I was in closed and I had to transfer. I'm still here. Hopefully I'll be able to stay for 17 more years!

  • gis35
    gis35 Posts: 54
    hi saryann
    i have 74lbs to lose and i would love to join your group. i really need the motivation. since having my third baby in may, i have been really depressed about my 45lb weight gain, since i was overweight before i had her, i have the baby weight plus more to lose. i would love to be a part of your experince:smile:
  • saryann79
    saryann79 Posts: 81 Member
    gis - you can find us every day under "General Diet and Weight Loss Help" and the "Perfect 10 Buddy Club" - the date will be listed - we've got a great conversation going already from today. Come on over and join us!

    As an aside - I can see that beautiful baby in your ticker. The few extra pounds are battle scars - they are just temporary and you are doing exactly what you need to do to take care of them. Are you sad that you gained weight, or truly depressed? If you are really depressed, please get some help! Post partum depression is very real and can be very dangerous for you and your beautiful children - they need you to be in tip top shape - not just physically, but mentally too! The weight will come off, but in the mean time, you can't live your life "I'll be happier when I lose weight." Your family needs you to be content now! (This is a soapbox because I'm a hospital social worker and one of my areas is post partum, so if I'm over stepping, just ignore me!)
  • gis35
    gis35 Posts: 54
    hi saryann,
    i actually had postpartum depression with my first baby and i only put on 15lbs with her and took it off qite easily. This time, i'm not happy with the way i look, i can't even post my picture, because i hate the way i look. i've made a promise to myself to work out 5 days/wk and so far i am sticking to it and i am feeling much stronger physically and mentally, but iam not all the way there yet. i have days where i don't want to workout and it takes real will power, but i do it.
    i am really touched by your words of encouragement and i am so proud to be a part of your group.:wink: