Ideal partner-looks/ personality...GO

jdevergillo7 Posts: 315 Member
Describe your ideal partner both looks and personality. Here's mine!

Personality-caring, ambitious, genuine, family man, can hold a conversation with my friends and family without me there, can make me laugh, can have fun in any situation

Looks- tall, bigger build, great smile, plaid shirts :)

Name yours!


  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    edited January 2015
    Will the plaid shirts have to be tattooed onto him, though?

    -adding to post-
    Gimme minute.


  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    Clark Kent.

    He's smart - knows all the knowledge of Krypton.
    Chivalrous - Constantly saving Lois Lane. I think he would totally walk on the outside of the sidewalk
    Good conversationalist - He's a reporter, would know all about the current events
    Puts Family First
    Kind to old people, and puppies.
    Probably a foodie...because he probably had takeout from everywhere

    The only thing that might be a deal breaker is if he didn't find me funny. That's no bueno.
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 780 Member
    This woman is the most physically attractive person I have ever seen.
  • kellyann2001
    kellyann2001 Posts: 14 Member
    In my early 20's I met and married the bad boy, rock star, tattoo BS Guy. I know it sounds boring but honestly in my 30's I would definitely be much more into a hard working family man who dotes on his wife and children and is handy around the house.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Personality: intelligent, kind, caring, independent, great listener, hilarious, sexy & energetic
    Looks: tall, fit, and ginger with neatly trimmed beard

    In other words, my husband!! <3
  • LouLouStBijou
    LouLouStBijou Posts: 987 Member
    Personality: Funny, intelligent, articulate, energetic, motivated and fun
    Looks: Tall, well built, clean shaven, good fashion sense
  • brown996
    Personality: intellectual, funny, outgoing, artistic
    Looks: tall, tattoos, facial hair
  • cheethnico
    cheethnico Posts: 57 Member
    axl rose (80s) tattoos and makes me laugh
  • 111YoYo111
    111YoYo111 Posts: 213 Member
    Personality: kind, gentle, loyal, protective, hard working but values people over money, accepting, deep voice and laughs a lot.
    Looks: BIG, dark, thick sexy kissable lips, hairy chest
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    Personality: Confident w/out being arrogant. Serious, but knows how to relax and have fun. Thoughtful, and appreciative of my thoughtfulness. Basically, someone who makes me feel like I am important and special to him.

    Looks: I don't really have a "type". But I like kind eyes and a nice smile. Taller then me. Cares about his appearance without being obsessive about it.

  • adamg351973
    adamg351973 Posts: 16 Member
    passionate ,laid back,loyal,quirky
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I like men with jobs.
  • HugoMartinez66
    HugoMartinez66 Posts: 257 Member
    fara180 wrote: »
    I like men with jobs.
    I have a job.

    Some one who likes being out in nature.
  • mehwhatever
    mehwhatever Posts: 569 Member
    edited January 2015
    Okay so ideal as in dream partner?

    Personality: Kind, bright, can support himself (doesn't have to be rich), lively, great sense of humor, loyal and passionate.
    Looks: Tall, strong (but not overly muscular), nice smile, long hair (optional, but I have a thing for it) and sexy eyes.

    Personality: Sweet, lively, outgoing, SANE, funny and bright.
    Looks: Curvy, pretty eyes, bright smile, long legs, well dressed.
  • trevandmel2015
    Personality: Faithful, funny, spontaneous and reliable.
    Looks: Bad-a**, rugged and just really manly lol. No shaved legs, don't mind a neat beard or shoulder-length hair. Oh heck, anyone who looked like Jason Momoa!
  • elixile
    elixile Posts: 80 Member
    Guys and Gals:

    Personality: Intelligent, interesting/passionate, veracious. Helps if they are thoughtful and steady, but I definitely like a sense of adventure especially in travel. Humanitarian and animal lover alike is perfect.

    Looks: Black/Brown or Red hair, slim / average, don't mind any height, like eyes that speak something, full lips. Nice neck/shoulders/arms/hands are... well...

    reedus-cat.jpg (an example only but still, meow)
  • JessicaJVRadcliffe
    JessicaJVRadcliffe Posts: 201 Member
    Personality: Ambitious, family man, passionate to a fault, string faith, honest, and steadfast

    Looks: Manly, big, strong, someone who's able to toss me around a little (haha), blue eyes
  • SarassicPark
    SarassicPark Posts: 117 Member
    Personality: Nerdy, hilarious, friendly, music lover, understanding.
    Looks: At least 2 inches taller than me (so at least 5'9), I'm not into muscular dudes at all, so anything other than that... and I like beards.
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    elixile wrote: »
    Guys and Gals: full lips

    First thing I noticed about my S.O.

  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    Eyes and face are the first things I see. if you get past that and have a half decent body and aren't over say 5'-10" by too much, aren't self centered and can love back equally and are real then I might want to know you better.

    Whut? How you know I'm an Android-based model D:
    Crud. My secret is out.