May-Day by Day Challenge-Part 9 OPEN GROUP



  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Wednesday's Goal's:
    1. Under on calories - Over by 100ish
    2. No sweets - Yes
    3. Plan meals - Yes
    4. Go to supermarket - Yes
    5. Run - No, friend cancelled at last minute and i was out of my running gear and into my jammies, watching a movie before you could say unmotivated. It was great.

    Hi Everyone!

    Yesterday was a good day, the first day in a while I haven't really been stressing about the whole weight loss thing or the fact that I've been stuck losing and gaining the same 5lb what feels like FOREVER! I realized I'm quite happy as I am now. I'm not pin up girl thin, but I'm in the healthy weight bracket, i still have my hips but i've got back my waist. I'm still going to try and lose a bit more and tone up but the pressure is off. I'm even considering of getting my bridesmaids dress again but in the size I am now (it is not an expensive one), and which ever one fits come the day is fine by me I want to enjoy my best friends wedding not worry about my dress. Does that sound crazy? I hope that doesn't make me sound like I'm quitting. I was making myself pretty unhappy with it for a while, I want to keep the happy bits of all this, the healthy eating the exercise but ditch the pressure. Nothings really changing just my mind set. Either way it must have had some effect because I got on the scales this morning and had lost more then 3lb!

    Thursday's goals:
    1. Under on calories
    2. Plenty of fruit & veg
    3. Water - off to a slow start on this one.
    4. Run

    Hope you're all having a lovely day.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for May 4:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Log all my food.--Yes.
    3. Bed by 9:30.--Almost--9:40.

    It's been mostly nice here this week but today we are back to the rainy, gray weather. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted and the sun WILL come out again!

    Goals for May 5:
    1. Water.
    2, AM workout.--Done.
    3. Log my food.
    4. Bed by 9:30.

    I think we are going to have chicken fajitas for supper since it's Cinco de Mayo (and we like fajitas!).
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302

    I think we are going to have chicken fajitas for supper since it's Cinco de Mayo (and we like fajitas!).

    I'm making burritos! Although I doubt I will eat any. But I love to cook. (y mi familia gusta burritos!). lol
  • Lpfeifer419
    Lpfeifer419 Posts: 82
    1. Project finished!
    2. Exercised for an hour!
    3. Took my vitamins!

    Accomplished all my goals yesterday! I even did a jack knife challenge on the wii, boy my abs hurt!

    Goals for today, May 3

    1. Kill it on my final presentation-Yep! Did awesome!
    2. Eat more color, eat less beige -Breakfast and lunch weren't the greatest, but I did come through the rest of the day. Dinner was roasted veggies (a huge variety of color) and am having a slice of cantaloupe and blueberries for desert!
    3. Get my grocery shopping done without killing anyone :drinker:-Barely made this one! Grocery shopping is done though!

    Goals for 5/4

    1. 60 minutes of exercise-Did 70!
    2. Keep sodium down under 2,000mg-Yep!
    3. 2 Fruits and 3 veggies-Oh yeah!
    4. Pick out rose bushes!-Yes, and they are beautiful!!

    Accomplished everything yesterday!

    Goals for Thursday, 5/5

    1. Min. of 10 glasses of water-I have to weigh-in tomorrow and need to flush out toxins and other crud
    2. Do 2 exercise videos (about 40 min. total)
    3. Take vitamins (I don't know why I struggle with this)
    4. Fruits and veggies! 2/3
  • LoraEllen
    LoraEllen Posts: 81
    This is the first time I've signed up for a says open group so would like to join! I'll have to read through the threads and try to understand how it goes. Any advice for a newbie on how this works?? Is there a leader? I'm a very goal oriented list making person so I'm thinking this will be perfect for me and hoping to see results! Thanks for any advice! :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    This is the first time I've signed up for a says open group so would like to join! I'll have to read through the threads and try to understand how it goes. Any advice for a newbie on how this works?? Is there a leader? I'm a very goal oriented list making person so I'm thinking this will be perfect for me and hoping to see results! Thanks for any advice! :)

    I am so glad that Jess included the words open group so we can have some new comers. I have been apart of this challenge from the beginning, along with a handful of us and we keep getting new people, so that's always exciting.
    All you have to do is tell us a little about yourself (optional), but the main idea is to list 3 or more goals, fitness or nonfitness related and check back in the next day to let us know if you met your goals. If you can't come on daily, that's okay. Sometimes people will post their weekend goals and then come back and check in on Monday. It's not cut throat and we won't boot you out the group if you go MIA for a while. That's not really our style. Welcome, I look forward to getting to know you.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    May 5's errands:
    1. drop books off at library, one is already overdo....ughhh
    2. mail mother's day cards...will they get there in time?? hmmm...
    3. have lunch with my little sister.;
    4. go to the fruite market after zumba.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Thursday goals:
    1. Water. YES
    2. Combat. YES

    I just ate a chocolate bar that was totally unnecessary but still kept me under calories. That's the last one gone and I don't plan on buying anymore!!!

    Welcome LoraEllen! Hope you love yhis thread as much as I do!

    Kim I totally get what you mean. I think half the battle is accepting it in your mind which sounds like you've already done!! Very delighted for you!!!

    Friday goals:
    1. Water.
    2. Stay under on calories and eat clean.
    3. Don't get tempted into going out after work.
    4. Get list of jobs done at home after work. The list is posted on my fridge.

    Hope you are all having a great day!!
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    5-5-2011 fitness goals
    1. Water, at least 6 cups - Maybe? You'd think after I drank 4 cups at the gym this would be a definite YES, but I basically bombed on it the rest of the day. :embarassed:
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats - Yep!
    3. Take vitamins - Yep! (Maybe I'm getting into this habit enough it won't be necessary to list it soon?)
    4. Do some type of exercise (Maybe even hit the gym after work?) - Yep! Felt good to do strength training, too... That's the main reason I joined the gym after all. I don't do much cardio at home, but I COULD if I'd just buckle down to it.
    5. Bed by 10, sleep by 10:30 - Well, I am TECHNICALLY in bed right now, but I'm not sure it really counts since I brought the laptop with me. :laugh:

    5-5-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Out the door by 7:30 at the absolute LATEST - 7:35, but I was still 5 minutes early to the school today!
    2. Clean up bedroom a bit - Not so much. I was at the gym a good bit extra putting in an application to be a babysitter there for the members during the summer. As I said in my status, if I get the job, I'll have less than no excuse not to work out more! :bigsmile:
    3. Catch up with all you lovely people! - Well, I didn't necessarily look back at all the posts from the past few days, but I did at least read today's!
    4. Post goals for Friday - Here I am! lol
    Well, welcome to all our new comers! It's wonderful to see you all joining us. I can't wait to start getting to know each of you. :happy:

    Leela - As you've seen, I know all about the not logging goals thing.... Hence my last goal each day recently! lol

    Kim - Glad to hear that you're not going to let yourself stress about this anymore! I think part of being healthier is trying to lower stress levels, so I'm sure that will help you, and not just in the weight loss department either! :smile:

    Nam - Sorry to have seen that work was so crumby for you this week. At least you've nearly made it to the weekend now! Hopefully next week is better for you.

    So, goals for tomorrow....

    5-6-2011 fitness goals
    1. Water, at least 6 cups
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats
    3. Take vitamins
    4. Week 1, Day 3 of Sit-up challenge
    5. Bed by midnight (or half an hour after I get home tomorrow night, whichever is later)

    5-6-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Pick up my grandmother on time
    2. Enjoy the baseball game with my grandma, my mom and my sister (Assuming it's played. They're calling for rain.)
    3. Deposit paycheck
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Sorry I have been inconsistent with logging my goals.
    I will go ahead and post today's goals before the day gets away from me.

    May 5's goals:
    1. have a healthy breakfast. YES
    2. plan my meals around today's events. YEPPERS!
    3. carry water with me all day. YES!
    4. go to zumba this evening. OF COURSE!
    5. eat something very light afterwards. YES!

    I even did all my errands!

    May 6's goals:
    1. try something new for breakfast.
    2. eat atleast 5 servings of fruits and veggies.
    3. 80 oz of water.
    4. walking and strength training.
    5. get flowers for my zumba instructor (thanks Jess!)
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Thursday's goals:
    1. Under on calories – Yes!
    2. Plenty of fruit & veg – Yes!
    3. Water - off to a slow start on this one. – I could have done better on this one
    4. Run – Yes!

    Thanks for all the encouragement, you guys are the best!

    Leela – Well done on getting it all done, here’s to another great day.

    Skismet – Hope they didn’t cancel the game and well done for being early to school.

    Nam – Hope you have a great evening what ever you decide to do.

    Today at works looking like its going to be crazy busy but busy is good should go quickly, then its dinner and a movie with the fella tonight before a whole week off. I think it’s fair to say I’m pretty happy right now.

    Goals for today:
    1. Get everything at work done so I can enjoy next week guilt free
    2. Choose carefully at dinner tonight but still enjoy it.
    3. Walk at lunch

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Thursday Goals:

    1) Day 4 Level 2 30 Day Shred Yes
    2) Eat breakfast Yes
    3) walk at least 3 miles Yes but only just!
    4) 100 calf raises Yes 175 done
    5) 100 crunches Yes 150 done

    This challenge is amazing. Items 3 and 5 on my list for yetserday only got done because I didn't want to have to post that I hadn't done them!

    Friday Goals

    1) Day 5 Level 2 30DS
    2) Walk at least 3 miles
    3) 100 crunches
    4) drink more green tea
    5) Have a healthy lunch

    Good work everyone! :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302

    This challenge is amazing. Items 3 and 5 on my list for yetserday only got done because I didn't want to have to post that I hadn't done them!

    Friday Goals

    1) Day 5 Level 2 30DS

    all your goals sound great! I'm proud of you for making a plan and seeing it through. How do you like the shred? Have you been seeing good results?
  • I am really loving that everyone is so pumped about this challenge this month!!! I think it's great and could not live without it!! Welcome to the newbies!!! I think it's awesome that it's already the 6th and we are still gathering new folks. Make sure you stay the following months as well because it really becomes a part of your life!!!

    Thursday May 5
    1.)water of course -- not so great
    2.)up my cals ---I did, but my sodium also went up :(
    3.)already did my turbofire, I'd like to take a walk since the sun will be out though at some point. ---Got a migraine
    4.)get to the bank early --- I did
    5.) DO NOT FORGET RYLIE'S MUSICAL AT SCHOOL TONIGHT! --- we made it! and shopped beforehad for a new outfit for her.

    Friday May 6
    1.)watch sodium today.
    2.) water
    3.) turbo fire tonight
    hopefully my migrain will be gone by then.
    4.)Stay in a good and positive mood.

    We have our Susan G Komen walk tomorrow and although, it's so crowded that it's not fast paced at all-I'm still excited. Although it's supposed to rain so I need to find me a poncho.
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member

    This challenge is amazing. Items 3 and 5 on my list for yetserday only got done because I didn't want to have to post that I hadn't done them!

    Friday Goals

    1) Day 5 Level 2 30DS

    all your goals sound great! I'm proud of you for making a plan and seeing it through. How do you like the shred? Have you been seeing good results?

    I am loving the shred and would recommend it to anyone! The first couple of days of each level I have felt like I was going to die but pushed through it. At the end of level 1 I had lost an inch off my waist, 2 inches off my hips, an inch off my bust (see ya back fat) and an inch and a half off each thigh. Jillian Michaels is my new favourite person! I can actually feel muscles remembering to be muscles under my flab. Now I just need to get rid of the flab!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for May 5:
    1. Water.--Yes but should have had more.
    2, AM workout.--Done.
    3. Log my food.--Yes (and over by 76 calories but still under on my cards).
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Yes.

    Made some oatmeal raisin bar cookies yesterday--that's why I went over on my calories! They are SO good, though! I'll be more careful today and also make sure they are out of sight in a cabinet!

    Could be a stressful day at work today but I have my supervisor coming in to set a certain store employee (who wants things done HIS way) straight (and, no, he's not a manager--just another Associate with delusions).
    We are told by the store management to ignore him, but he will be the one we have to work with today and that makes it very hard as he can get quite rude when he is crossed. I ALMOST don't want to go in!

    Goals for May 6:
    1. Water!!!
    2. Log my food.
    3. Don't stress about work!!!!!!
    4. Watch the evening snacking.

    No AM workout--my ankle is really sore this morning.

    Kim--I love your new picture!

    Welcome newbies! I find this thread is great for getting me back on track (at least once a week!).

    Okay, I guess I have to admit it--I cannot bring myself to exercise after work! I am SO tired and sore from all the lifting and shifting plants and trees around that I just get things done around the house and then work on my jewelry.
    I'm opening a free store on Artfire to see how it goes. I'll let you know--I am still having trouble with taking good photos of my jewelry. I am going to work on that on Saturday.
  • Lpfeifer419
    Lpfeifer419 Posts: 82
    Goals for Thursday, 5/5

    1. Min. of 10 glasses of water-I have to weigh-in tomorrow and need to flush out toxins and other crud-I lost track after 10! It was a lot! I was floating!
    2. Do 2 exercise videos (about 40 min. total)-Done! Did 60 minutes total
    3. Take vitamins (I don't know why I struggle with this)-Yep!
    4. Fruits and veggies! 2/3-Oh yeah!

    Goals for Friday, 5/6

    1. Sodium under 2,000
    2. 90 min. total for exercise
    3. Enjoy the weather by playing in the gardens/planting roses
    4. Smile!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Mid day check in:

    May 6's goals:
    1. try something new for breakfast. YES
    2. eat atleast 5 servings of fruits and veggies. SO FAR SO GOOD
    3. 80 oz of water. HALF WAY THERE
    5. get flowers for my zumba instructor (thanks Jess!) SHE LOVED THEM!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Friday Goals

    1) Day 5 Level 2 30DS Done!
    2) Walk at least 3 miles Done - but only just
    3) 100 crunches Done!
    4) drink more green tea Hmm, only 1 cup - not ideal!
    5) Have a healthy lunch - chilli baked potato not the healthiest. Must do better!

    I also did 125 standing push ups to make up for my bad lunch tho!

    Saturday goals
    1) Day 6 Level 2 30DS
    2) Walk at least 3 miles
    3) 150 crunches
    4) Keep sodium low
    5) 10 minutes waist stretches
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I met all of my Friday's goals.
    As for tomorrow-

    May 7's goals:
    1. eat the meals that I prepared Friday night.
    2. workout from home.
    3. drink water like my life depended on it.
    4. no mindless eating.

    non-fitness goals:
    1. organize bathroom closet and bedroom closet.
    2. organize dresser drawers.
    3. mop kitchen floor.
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