CHALLENGE FOR JANUARY 2015 -- Say "NO" To Late Night Snacking



  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Me: 7
    LNS: 8
    Keep up the great work everyone! Week-ends are hard but we have to try. Beating LNS feels great the morning after!
  • Caro123 you are my hero right now! Lol. Late night snacks got me again last night but not NEARLY as bad as usual. 1 piece of raisin bread and half a cup of cheesecake. Before I used to trash the hole kitchen. So since I'm a Buddhist I'm declaring it a tie. Gotta count each lil progress! Lol!
    Me: 1.5
    LNS: 5.5
  • lili200
    lili200 Posts: 200 Member
    I feel the same! Can you all add me to your freind list , so we could keep following the chalange?
  • lili200
    lili200 Posts: 200 Member
    Btw: what is LNS? What is me?
    Lost me here.. :-(
  • chemjenny
    chemjenny Posts: 75 Member
    Me: 4
    4 day streak!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Welcome Lili!
    LNS stands for the dreaded, to-be-avoided-at-all costs Late Night Snacks.
    Me stands for the nights that I beat LNS in this challenge.
    For me, for now - it's a tie. But, this challenge helps keep me accountable and under control. So, I expect to leave LNS in the dust!
    Me: 8
    LNS: 8
  • caro123shepp
    caro123shepp Posts: 59 Member
    Me: 5
    LNS: 0

    Streak day 5 :smile:
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Totally lost track of my numbers. Will restart this evening.
  • caro123shepp
    caro123shepp Posts: 59 Member
    Another great day!
    Me : 6
    LNS: 6
  • chemjenny
    chemjenny Posts: 75 Member
    Jan 18

    Me: 5
    LNS: 0
    Though my daughter's birthday cake will be calling out this week.
  • LTee83
    LTee83 Posts: 21 Member
    Starting fresh tonight (Jan. 18)
    Me: 1
    LNS: 0
  • SlimNaty
    SlimNaty Posts: 7 Member
    This would be so hard for me... I should do it! Will start tomorrow. :-) Not sure what my cut off time should be.
  • prettymorbidity
    prettymorbidity Posts: 138 Member
    I just saw this thread, this is my problem too. So I'll start challenge now on jan 19th, I screwed up last night and came here looking for support. I hate hate hate getting hunger pangs at 10 pm. I'm an artist and I'm usually up late, and I'll do good all day and about an hour after I eat a big dinner, I'm hungry, again! It's hard to sleep once that first pang hits. And then I try to make it through and do good until about midnight when I can't sleep because I'm so hungry. I eat 1900 cal a day and still starving at night. I hate it! I feel like the only way I won't snack is if I take a Benedryl after I eat and go to sleep at 730 as soon as dinner is done. Any ideas on dealing with the stomach growling? That *kitten* is so uncomfortable, I feel weak not being able to fight this
  • Wow! Well done everyone! I wish I could do this but my working day can span from 7:30am to 12:30am with my shifts being from 3-10 hours so having a cut off point for food would be so incredibly difficult (today I had my dinner at midnight) but I wish everyone luck. And if anyone has any pointers for someone with a worklife like mine then I am all too happy to hear them :)

    I am using an eating plan that implements daily cleansing, and the cut off they use is 2 hours before going to bed! Maybe try that? My husband also works nights and that has been a good rule of thumb for him. Good luck!
  • caro123shepp
    caro123shepp Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks to this challenge!!!!!!!

    Me: 7
    LNS: 0
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    edited January 2015
    Restart Date: 1/19 (lost track during the month)

    Me: 1*
    LNS: 0

    Sorry I've been kind of AWOL. I am so encouraged by everyone who has joined this month!!!
  • DanBGVa
    DanBGVa Posts: 50 Member
    I made a post tonight about this very thing.... just what i needed to read! Thank you, I study late every night and LNS is a really hard thing for me. Dan
  • I'm trying again tonight. But I'm starting off by aiming for 2 nights this week of no late night snacking and then going from there. I also got good tips like if I do snack to choose healthy foods such as fresh veggies and things like that. I think it takes time. So I shoot for 2 nights this week and when I make it with that I go to three!
  • LTee83
    LTee83 Posts: 21 Member
    Jan. 19th
    Me: 2
    LNS: 0
  • caro123shepp
    caro123shepp Posts: 59 Member
    I have fallen off the wagon again and started evening unplanned snacking again! I feel so down but I have today planned and I intend to start afresh this evening! I felt so good when I was focused and stuck to it for 7 days which was a lifetime achievement for me! So I will remember this fact if I get tempted!

    Remember the saying
    Bad habits are like a very comfortable bed, easy to slip back into and difficult to get of!

    Also remember: good habits have to be carried out at least 20 times to become established!!!