Eat Right for your Blood Type

LaDawn74 Posts: 132 Member
Has anyone else done this? I'm trying to follow it. Gradually getting into it. I'm a type A blood type.


  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    I have heard of this, but don't really know how to eat for my blood type. Should be an interesting topic to research.
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    I did it for a while, and felt great, and lost weight. My ulcerative colitis even went away. I found it very hard to maintain, though, and it was basically a very low carb diet. I think I'll get the book out, again, and at least stay away from the negative foods. It did seem to improve health, mood, and stabilize blood sugar levels.
  • Cadenpet
    Cadenpet Posts: 79
    My pharmacy manager and her husband did this. And she saw some results. But it could also be from the fact it encourages healthier eating in general. But she lost maybe fifteen lbs or so.
  • theladebug
    theladebug Posts: 54 Member
    I've read the book and I found it interesting that many of the things I naturally crave were on the list for my blood type. I've never tried to strictly follow the diet though.
  • LaDawn74
    LaDawn74 Posts: 132 Member
    I have heard of this, but don't really know how to eat for my blood type. Should be an interesting topic to research.

    There are books out about it. I got mine off of
  • LaDawn74
    LaDawn74 Posts: 132 Member
    My hairdresser told me about it. I'm going to try to follow it. I need to do something.....I hope that I can follow it.
  • malli1979
    malli1979 Posts: 8 Member
    I have done this in the past (O blood type) - it does work and it is actually amazing how much better you feel when you stick to the foods they suggest for your blood type. But also to bear in mind this is not really a diet it is a lifestyle choice. You would still need to work on portion size control and exercise to actually lose weight. However the foods suggested for each blood type are based on how well your body reacts to them and is able to digest them.

    For type 'O' it mentions to stay away/eat little of grains and refined carbs and try and stick to protien and lots of fresh fruit and veg. I always feel bloated and sleepy and always put on weight very easily when eating a diet high in grains etc so i just minimised them and feel a lot better within days

    Hope this sheds somemore light on 'eat right for your type'
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    My aunt and grandma tried it. Basically it's just another fad diet. If you eat healthy foods (fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, low fat dairy, lots of water, no refined sugar, no processed foods, no artificial sweeteners) you will be healthier and you will lose weight.
  • krystleRD
    krystleRD Posts: 188 Member
    Im O negative Rh Negative.. and I just saw the foods that I would have to avoid for weight loss.. like seriously they are all my favorite foods lol
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    We (my roommates and I) looked at it a while ago, but decided it would likely be too difficult to cook for her (Type O = basically carnivore) and myself (Type A = basically veggie) at the same time. I figure healthy meals for us all would work better than restrictions like that.
  • LaDawn74
    LaDawn74 Posts: 132 Member
    "and I just saw the foods that I would have to avoid for weight loss.. like seriously they are all my favorite foods lol "

    Yes same here.

    Its not a fad diet. Its a life style change. Its not just eating healthy....its eating foods that won't cause problems with your blood type.

    I get yucky feeling after I eat a lot of read meats. I'm trying to stay away from them also.

    I will have some of the avoided foods once in a while.........
  • Domestica
    Domestica Posts: 91
    I found it interesting that he says A types are the only ones who can be healthy vegetarians because their ancestry goes back to gatherers (not hunters) so their genetics are predisposed to functioning best on a meatless diet.

    I am an A type and to be honest, NEVER crave meat. In fact, even before I became an "actual" vegetarian, I rarely, if ever, ate red meat. I have friends who just crave a big juicy steak and nothing could be further from the truth for me! I'm not one of those vegetarians that becomes one for ethical reasons, I just don't like to eat animal meat! Reading the blood type book sort of gave me an explanation for maybe why that is.
  • Tamelaine
    Tamelaine Posts: 37
    I find that interesting about the meat as well since I'm type A and I could live without meat most of the time. When I'm pregnant, however, all I want is red meat..and lots of it! I crave it like crazy.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I find this very interesting as I am O and it says O's are meat eaters and NEED meat. I swear.. I tell my boyfriend once a week that I NEED red meat (aka steak) and I need it NOW. I also don't tolerate grains very well and it mentioned this. Perhaps I need to look into this more...
  • LaDawn74
    LaDawn74 Posts: 132 Member
    He says As are to stay away from dairy and caesin. Well I'm highly allergic to caesin.

    For me to have a lot of foods that everyone else can have I have to fix it vegan style. I love veggies.
  • elyssiam
    elyssiam Posts: 31 Member
    I use this "diet" as a guideline for myself and my family. I'm an O, my husband and son are As. I try to make as many highly beneficial foods as possible and avoid all the ... avoid foods. There are somethings I give in to (cinnamon, chocolate, red wine, oranges), but I really do limit them as much as possible. Okay, well, except the dark chocolate. I've fed my son primarily highly beneficial foods since he was born and he is very healthy, lean and strong.

    I would definitely explore this and apply it to your life. Gauge your involvement accordingly. As I mentioned, I'm not super strict, but I do take the list of foods into account when I'm eating and planning meals.

    Happy and Healthy Eating to you!
  • kmma75
    kmma75 Posts: 33 Member
    Im O negative Rh Negative.. and I just saw the foods that I would have to avoid for weight loss.. like seriously they are all my favorite foods lol
    Me too! Do I dare ask what our foods to avoid are?
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    There is no credible scientific theory or evidence for the "eat right for your blood type" diet. (I'm a scientist and have gone looking for published evidence). Pretty much any diet that restricts what you eat in some way will work for many people in the short term (because it makes you pay attention to what you eat and may cut out, by chance, some of the things you like to over-indulge in), but "eat right for your blood type" is no different from any other fad diet.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    There is no credible scientific theory or evidence for the "eat right for your blood type" diet. (I'm a scientist and have gone looking for published evidence). Pretty much any diet that restricts what you eat in some way will work for many people in the short term (because it makes you pay attention to what you eat and may cut out, by chance, some of the things you like to over-indulge in), but "eat right for your blood type" is no different from any other fad diet.

    Perhaps there isn't any "credible" evidence about this "diet", but as I was reading I find it ironic that the things he mentions about my particular blood type are dead on. I've also seen in this thread other people who've mentioned their blood type and the description being dead on for them too. I'm not a "diet" person - I'm an everything in moderation type person, but I do think it was interesting to read about it. There was, in my case, some truth to it.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    I'm type A and I eat A LOT of red meat.

    Never had a problem. Couldn't see my life without it.

    I agree with a post earlier saying it promotes healthy eating. Which is the key to dieting anyways.

    It's just like going to a psychic, they start off with general questions and ques. Which all lead to some form common ground that you can expose. Just about everybody has some kind of family history of heart disease and cancer. You build from that using common ground and the general questions. You get that "personalized" read/results you want to see. I'm not saying this diet is unhealthy or anything, I just think it's the same thing as a normal diet.