Has anyone ever taken phentermine?



  • ashley92188
    ashley92188 Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks everyone who has taken the pill and shared their experiences with it. That's all I was asking for. No need to be rude or judgemental. If u have never taken it y even comment?

    But anyways this is only my 2nd week onit and I'm hoping to be successful. I'm excited and really believe that this will be the stepping stone I need to get my weight back under control. Im not looking for an easy way out but I have been struggling with my appetite for years now just constantly gaining weight even when I was doing everything right.
  • Hello everyone Im new to this site but not to being over weight have been my whole life. I have tried diet after diet. I have started phentermine yesterday and looking for support. YES I would like a magic pill to make me skinny but I also would like to be a rich! but something's in life I know just aren't going to happen. I started phentermine as an aid not as a pill to take and then just eat junk food to keep me going. As for most of us am an emotional eating and food has been my best friend. Im trying to learn to eat clean and healthy and with a little help from phentermine to not think of food at every minute. I understand that as soon as im off of phentermine that my best friend food is going to be knocking at my door but hoping in the time im on phentermine I can learn that I don't need food as a reward or as friend when im sad. I wish everyone luck with there life change! Hoping to find some people to help me with my support on my road ahead!
  • jakichan
    jakichan Posts: 109 Member
    I'm on my last month of it. It hasn't seemed to help much, but it hasn't had any nasty effects either. *shrug*
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    edited January 2015
    Do NOT do this! I only took phentermine for a few months, during which I had major sleep issues including horrible dreams. I developed problems with my heart which led to A-fib and sick sinus syndrome. Following a cardioversion (heart is re-started to get it back into normal sinus rhythm) I was placed on powerful meds for 3 years, including a blood thinner, until I agreed to have a cardiac ablation. The A-fib is now gone, but not the sick sinus syndrome. All this was related to the phentermine. And, this was under a doctor's care. I knew someone else who DIED after taking phentermine. Avoid it at all costs. Oh, and I didn't lose a pound---just peace of mind and $$$.

    I'm not a pill hater. I was looking for an alternative to bariatric surgery, having struggled for years with morbid obesity. This pill is not the answer. Counseling, support groups, sensible eating, adequate and appropriate exercise and weight training, keeping a food diary...these are things proven to work. And that's the thing. It's WORK. It's HARD. And it's worth it. Skip the phentermine. Save your life.
  • I took phentermine last year and lost 60 pounds by using it. It helped me lose weight so I could have pressure off of my injured knee enough to slowly start exercising regularly. It also gave me a TON of energy, which helped me to eventually start training and run my first half marathon during that time. It assisted me in making it through my day with enough energy to workout after a stressful day at work (at the time I was a preschool teacher), and also it changed my mood to be a lot happier. Only side effect for me was massive dry mouth, which forced me to drink more water (not a bad thing), and I would sweat during the day and feel anxious. It was a great experience…. However, I will say that I stopped taking it because I thought I had things under control, but I was wrong. I started dating someone (my future husband) and I stopped caring about my diet and exercise because I was in love, blah blah blah. Needless to say, I gained 40 pounds back from the 60 I originally lost. NOW, I am back on phentermine to jump start my weightloss again. I have no issues with the pill that I would tell someone not to take it. Every BODY is different and may react to certain medicines in various ways. In my personal opinion, it's a great resource to assist me in my weightloss journey to a healthy version of myself.
  • And what happens when you stop taking them and your appetite goes back to "normal" ?

    That's where self control comes into play. I think the pill is like a helper to get u on the right track as far as eating habits goes.

    I took them loved the energy lost tons of weight , when ideal weight was met and dr stopped the med within 6 mnts I gained nearly half the weight back and I literally worked out 3 x a day faithfully didn't matter counting calories , exercising , I still put the weight back on ... There great for a quick fix to she's few pds for a vacation , wedding etc but nothing that gives lasting results or it didn't for me I guess ... Good luck !! H20 h20 and more h20 !!!
  • ajanderson84
    ajanderson84 Posts: 24 Member
    I took it, and saw major success with it. I also managed without it when it was time to stop, and I didn't even step down from it... at the end of 2 months I just stopped. Yes I experienced dry mouth, and it took about a week to adjust to sleeping... but I found the energy I needed and developed the eating schedule and habits I needed to be successful when it ended. Sadly for me though, I stopped trying to lose weight about a year ago when I had some family stuff go down. However, I think the drug is highly effective if you're in the right mindset about it being a temporary tool/aid and not something to depend on.
  • jakichan
    jakichan Posts: 109 Member
    I'm glad to hear that other folks had dry mouth...I thought it was something else.
  • Jaxsonjess
    Jaxsonjess Posts: 93 Member
    I am doing great on it I am on month three and I am down 26 lbs- I get dry mouth and the sweats sometimes. But other than that you still have to make good choices and work out. It is not magic, but when you have alot of weight to lose it is a great tool to keep you going and away from cravings. Of corse for everyone that is never going to go away, we will have to deal with craving and temptations our whole life, but for me it has given me the fight to keep going on my way to losing 100 lbs, 65 down!!!
  • ashley92188
    ashley92188 Posts: 49 Member
    The only side effect I am experiencing is dry mouth which really isn't a bad thing at all because it keeps u drinking water. And yes everyone experiences different side effects and that's with ALL medications. Nobody experiences the same effects. Everyone's body reacts differently to different things so u can't say don't do something because it didn't work for u. Gotta experience it for yourself.

    Thanks for the feedback. I've been eating healthy and working out and I'm down 5lbs so far in a week.
  • shearbeauty91
    shearbeauty91 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm on phetermine . Only side affect in have is dry mouth. I have been in it before the first month I lost 12 pounds or more. In 3 months I lost about 30 pounds. And as far as going back to what you use to eat, if you call it a "diet" your never going to really change the way you eat. You kinda have to think of it as a life style. A life style change. And also when your off of it. I know my doc has nutritionists at the office for help and support for free with insurance. And you can go once a month. Hope that helps feel free to add me:) @shearbeauty91
  • miaelissa
    miaelissa Posts: 30 Member
    It will kill u.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    edited January 2015
    Pharmacist here. Many people here will discourage you from the use of phentermine, which if you can lose the weight without it, absolutely thats the better option. However, for some people, they need some medical intervention. Dont let people judge you. This is your weight loss journey. Phentermine works on the fight or flight response, and works as an appetite suppressant. It doesnt really actually cause you to lose weight, but its supposed to make you feel 'not as hungry'.

    As I said, it works on the fight or flight response, and can make you feel 'excited' or 'jittery' at times. Most people get used to it after a little bit. Id recommend not taking it close to bedtime. If youve had bad experiences with Pseudoephedrine (such as Sudafed, Claritin-D), then you may have some issues with this.

    If you have any specific questions, Id be more than happy to help
  • ashley92188
    ashley92188 Posts: 49 Member
    miaelissa wrote: »
    It will kill u.

    As will anything. U sound dumb but thanks for your unwanted input. =)
  • plainprincess
    plainprincess Posts: 4 Member
    I am currently on day 8 of taking phentermine, it works very well for me in the sense that I haven't felt much like eating.. whereas usually if I were to eat the 1200 calorie diet my doctor has put me on without taking it, I would be nauseous and moody until I eat something (I hate dieting :\ )
  • I'm on them. No side effects that r to bad. I like them I'm losing weight.
  • MrsMegBlevins
    MrsMegBlevins Posts: 10 Member
    I've taken them before and currently on them at the moment (week 3 I believe). The first time was after I put on about 30 pounds after my freshman year of college. I did well with it. I was on it for a month and lost the 30 pounds after doing that, working out on a routine basis, and watching every single morsel I put in my mouth. I gained weight when I graduated and got a job sitting at a desk for 10 hours a day. After working the 10 hour days and getting married in 2013, I have put on a ton of weight. I was depressed about it and I was trying to watch what I ate and work out, but nothing was budging. I was getting out of breath so easily. So I am now back on Phentermine. It helps me feel like I have enough energy to get through my work day and then go home and be able to get a full workout in every night. I have no problems going to sleep. I think it helps boost my mood as well. It works if you understand it's not a magic pill. You have to work out and watch your food intake. It helps you almost set up a healthy routine, so once you do get off of it, it's not anything new to you. Also, I noticed I had gotten some headaches a lot with it, but I looked it up and if you take a vitamin B supplement daily with it, it helps that. Plus, drink a lot of water. Good luck with it! :)