cutting sugar



  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Acg67 wrote: »
    I claimed cutting out sugar and most other whole food with carbs greatly cut my pain levels because that is a fact in my life. The associated weight loss was a bonus.

    You can personally attack me all you wish but please stop making false posts that may hurt those new to MFP.

    Pot meet kettle

    "Acg67 six months ago I like you were under the false impression that sugar is essential to human life. Medical science clearly shows today that sugar or any other version of carbs are optional for human life vs being required."

    I think most reasonable minded people would assume this chap is talking about eating sugar and other carbs.

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Acg67 wrote: »
    I claimed cutting out sugar and most other whole food with carbs greatly cut my pain levels because that is a fact in my life. The associated weight loss was a bonus.

    You can personally attack me all you wish but please stop making false posts that may hurt those new to MFP.

    Pot meet kettle

    "Acg67 six months ago I like you were under the false impression that sugar is essential to human life. Medical science clearly shows today that sugar or any other version of carbs are optional for human life vs being required."

    I think most reasonable minded people would assume this chap is talking about eating sugar and other carbs.

    Simple is his post true or false? He just told people to stop making false posts so if his was false, well...
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Acg67 wrote: »
    Acg67 wrote: »
    I claimed cutting out sugar and most other whole food with carbs greatly cut my pain levels because that is a fact in my life. The associated weight loss was a bonus.

    You can personally attack me all you wish but please stop making false posts that may hurt those new to MFP.

    Pot meet kettle

    "Acg67 six months ago I like you were under the false impression that sugar is essential to human life. Medical science clearly shows today that sugar or any other version of carbs are optional for human life vs being required."

    I think most reasonable minded people would assume this chap is talking about eating sugar and other carbs.

    Simple is his post true or false? He just told people to stop making false posts so if his was false, well...

    If we are talking dietary sugar that paragraph above is true - it is not essential for human life - optimal but not essential.

    If we are talking about glucose in the blood, which is produced by the body then it's false - but as the body will produce it regardless if you want it to or not, it's kinda obvious that's not the point he was making.

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Acg67 wrote: »
    Acg67 wrote: »
    I claimed cutting out sugar and most other whole food with carbs greatly cut my pain levels because that is a fact in my life. The associated weight loss was a bonus.

    You can personally attack me all you wish but please stop making false posts that may hurt those new to MFP.

    Pot meet kettle

    "Acg67 six months ago I like you were under the false impression that sugar is essential to human life. Medical science clearly shows today that sugar or any other version of carbs are optional for human life vs being required."

    I think most reasonable minded people would assume this chap is talking about eating sugar and other carbs.

    Simple is his post true or false? He just told people to stop making false posts so if his was false, well...

    If we are talking dietary sugar that paragraph above is true - it is not essential for human life - optimal but not essential.

    If we are talking about glucose in the blood, which is produced by the body then it's false - but as the body will produce it regardless if you want it to or not, it's kinda obvious that's not the point he was making.

    The statement as presented is true or false? This is not hard
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited January 2015
    Acg67 wrote: »
    I claimed cutting out sugar and most other whole food with carbs greatly cut my pain levels because that is a fact in my life. The associated weight loss was a bonus.

    You can personally attack me all you wish but please stop making false posts that may hurt those new to MFP.

    Pot meet kettle

    "Acg67 six months ago I like you were under the false impression that sugar is essential to human life. Medical science clearly shows today that sugar or any other version of carbs are optional for human life vs being required."

    For those who have arthritis pain made worse by eating sugar.

    Sugar aches?

    Would that come from a total overdo? Like, you're eating loads of deserts? Of course your body might ache, and you might not feel very well either. You'd feel that way if you overdo it on any food, I suspect, not just deserts or foods with added sugar.

    My mom always told me to not overdo it on the sweets because I would get sick. She also told me to not overdo it on any type of food because I would get sick.

    When I overdo it on caffeine, my entire body aches. No kidding. I still have caffeine, I just don't have as much.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Start with your diary OP. How much sugar do you consume normally? First cut out the obvious, cookies, cakes etc. When you get a craving for something sweet remember that where you would eat one donut you could eat more apples and get better nutrients and energy from the fruit.Try to add more veggies, proteins and healthy fats to your diet. They will fill you up, and give your body more to work with.
    Then start watching for added sugars. Breads, pastas and such with pretty much be converted to sugar in your body so watch our for those buggers. Sometimes things like low fat yogurt have more sugar than the full fat yogurt. Fat isn't as bad as it sounds, it helps your brain function and absorption of vitamins. Sugar is sneaky so watch those food labels. The best place to get sugar, because it is essential, is in fruits in my opinion. But also don't deprive yourself of the treats if you're used to eating them, you'll just push yourself to a binge later. It never hurts anything to have a goodie once in a while!
  • emilyGPK
    emilyGPK Posts: 83 Member
    I think that if you are stuck to a calorie limit it will naturally squeeze out excess sugar as you want to "spend" those calories on things that get rid of hunger
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    LeenaGee wrote: »
    Hi Pacallen, this was posted by MyFitnessPal on their FB page. It may be of help to you in cutting down sugar.

    Nutrition Tips / January 8, 2015

    15 Simple Hacks for Eating Less Sugar

    All it takes is one Google search to confirm that too much sugar is bad for you. We hear it all the time that we need to eat less sugar. But with the current state of the food label it can be very confusing and hard to identify how much sugar we are actually eating.

    Obesity rates are on the rise and sugar sweetened beverages have undoubtedly taken the heat, but that’s only the short story. Leading researchers are finding that added sugars such as high fructose corn syrup might be the causing the liver to work overtime leading to a myriad of issues from metabolic syndrome to fatty liver disease.

    With all this talk about lowering sugar intake, the World Health Organization (WHO} is now slashing their sugar recommendations in half, from less than 10% of total calories coming from “free sugars” to 5% for additional health benefits. According to the WHO, “free sugars refer to all monosaccharides and disaccharides added to foods by the manufacturer, cook or consumer, plus sugars naturally present in honey, syrup, and fruit juices.” However, the majority of your sugar intake should be derived from natural sources. Keep in mind the amount of natural sugar each person requires is highly individualized so it’s not a one size fits all as it depends on one’s activity level, medical history, and other factors.

    There is currently no formal recommendation or upper limit for natural sugars in the diet. Currently, MyFitnessPal’s sugar recommendations are based on 15% of total calories coming from sugar, which is based on recommendations to increase fruit and vegetable intake in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines as well as sample menus representative of a healthy diet free of added sugars.

    Limiting sugar consumption to 15% of total calories is a great starting point for lowering intake from all sources. If following a “low sugar” diet based on WHO recommendations, a 2000-calorie diet with 5%, or 10% calories from sugar translates to 25 or 50 grams, respectively. To calculate your daily “added” sugar goals: multiply total calories by 10% (or 5%) and then divide by 4 to get total grams of added sugar.

    You might ask, what about fruit? Fruit sugar, also known as fructose, is a simple naturally occurring sugar, like lactose found in milk. While fruit does contain sugar, it’s sugar in the way nature intended it, and it’s also loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Fruit is a fundamental part of the diet but it should be balanced with other foods like vegetables, proteins, healthy fats, whole grains, and dairy.

    If you’re looking to cut back on sugar, here are 15 simple hacks for slashing the sweet stuff from your diet:
    1.Go natural. Eat natural sources of sugar over added sugars. Added sugars like honey, agave, and high fructose corn syrup contain empty calories meaning they have zero nutritional value. Fill up on fresh fruit and vegetables instead because they contain fiber that slows the rate of absorption of carbohydrates along with improving cholesterol levels, digestion, and satiety to help with weight loss.

    2.Pick low sugar produce. If you’re aiming to eat less sugar overall, pick the fruits and veggies with the lowest sugar load like lemons, limes, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, leafy greens, mushrooms, green beans, mushrooms, and zucchini. Essentially all veggies are low in sugar. To compare, 1 cup raspberries contains 5 grams of sugar, 1 cup black beans contains less than 1 gram of sugar, and a medium red potato contains less than 3 grams of sugar. Keep in mind, low sugar intake doesn’t necessarily mean low carbohydrate.

    3.Know your portions. Following a low sugar diet requires some diligence in knowing how much you should be eating. In general, most people should consume 2 fruits (or 2 cups) and at least 3 cups of veggies per day. On average 1 serving of fruit contains 15 grams of sugar. Ideally, try to space out your servings so that you aren’t getting a big sugar rush all at once.

    4.Eat whole and fresh. Limit fruit juices and dried fruit if you are watching the sugar intake. Generally speaking, just 4 fluid ounces (1/2 cup or 120mL) of 100% fruit juice and ¼ cup unsweetened dried fruit is equivalent to 1 piece or 1 cup of fresh, whole fruit.

    5.Learn the label lingo. The food label doesn’t differentiate between added and natural sugars (though it may in the future), instead it lumps them all together. To get natural sugar sources check the ingredient list to know if there are any added sugars in the product. Sugar lurks behind these words in the ingredient list: molasses, organic cane sugar, fruit juice concentrate, malt sugar, corn syrup, honey, syrup, and words ending in “ose” dextrose, lactose, maltose, fructose, glucose, sucrose. Here’s a more thorough list of sugar’s most common nicknames.

    6.Compare products. Looking for the lowest sugar foods? Check the nutrition label to see which product is lowest in sugar. Don’t be fooled by “low sugar” or “diet foods” as they are often packed with artificial sugars, which is another blog for another day. Bottom line: eat real “natural” convenience foods lowest in added sugar.

    7.Track it! Logging your food in MyFitnessPal can help with staying on top of your sugar intake and goals so that you become aware of how much sugar you are really ingesting since they can sure add up fast.

    8.Fill up on healthy fats. Eat more nuts, seeds, avocados, olives, and salmon. Not only are these foods heart healthy and help with blood sugar control, healthy fats will displace excess sugar from the diet and keep the body satisfied for longer so you are less likely to have energy dips between meals prompting a quick sugar fix.

    9.Set boundaries on the sweet tooth. Do you have a mean sweet tooth? Set limits on when and how you’re going to enjoy your sweets. Maybe you have ice cream once per week or possibly you’ll include a dark chocolate square after dinner nightly? Setting boundaries around what sweet treats are worth the indulgence, when is appropriate to enjoy them and how much you can enjoy will keep you from reaching in the office candy jar out of habit.

    10.Eat less packaged food. Foods in their whole form are going to be your best bet when it comes to lowering your sugar intake. According to the New York Times, 75% of packaged foods in the U.S. contain added sugar, so you can simplify your sugar doses by keeping these to a minimum.

    11.Choose unsweetened dairy. Opt for plain milk and yogurt, and no, vanilla isn’t plain! While there are naturally occurring sugars in milk and yogurt (lactose), many are spiked with sweeteners. So read the labels to get dairy varieties without the sweet stuff, and keep in mind fat-free milk naturally contains more sugar than reduced-fat. Add your own flavor by topping yogurt with chia seeds, blueberries, and cinnamon.

    12.Pump up the protein. Eating more protein will keep you amped. Protein takes longest to digest so you will be less likely to crash if you’re eating good quality proteins every three to four hours.

    13.Beware of sugar bombs. Even healthy foods can have sneaky sources of added sugar. Foods like energy bars, lattes, smoothies, juices, enhanced waters, salad dressing, cereals, tomato sauce, and medications are common culprits.

    14.Lower it gradually. Instead of cutting sugar cold turkey, lower your intakes slowly. If you usually eat sweets after lunch and dinner, start by taking it down to one meal a day.

    15.Clean out the pantry. If you have tempting foods in the kitchen, you might need to do a little pantry detox. Go out for the ice cream sundae instead of bringing a carton it into the house.

    ^This addresses the OPs original question.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Acg67 wrote: »
    Acg67 wrote: »
    Acg67 wrote: »
    I claimed cutting out sugar and most other whole food with carbs greatly cut my pain levels because that is a fact in my life. The associated weight loss was a bonus.

    You can personally attack me all you wish but please stop making false posts that may hurt those new to MFP.

    Pot meet kettle

    "Acg67 six months ago I like you were under the false impression that sugar is essential to human life. Medical science clearly shows today that sugar or any other version of carbs are optional for human life vs being required."

    I think most reasonable minded people would assume this chap is talking about eating sugar and other carbs.

    Simple is his post true or false? He just told people to stop making false posts so if his was false, well...

    If we are talking dietary sugar that paragraph above is true - it is not essential for human life - optimal but not essential.

    If we are talking about glucose in the blood, which is produced by the body then it's false - but as the body will produce it regardless if you want it to or not, it's kinda obvious that's not the point he was making.

    The statement as presented is true or false? This is not hard

    I think you need to clarify with the poster that he did or did not mean dietary.

    I'm kind of a reasonable person and can think beyond the one dimensional, so I read that the guy means dietary sugar and carbs.

    You clearly read it another way, not sure how, as pretty much everything in this thread is a discussion around sugar in our diets.

    If I didn't know better I would think you were being pedantic for pedantic sake.

  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Tigg_er wrote: »
    LeenaGee wrote: »
    Hi Pacallen, this was posted by MyFitnessPal on their FB page. It may be of help to you in cutting down sugar.

    Nutrition Tips / January 8, 2015

    15 Simple Hacks for Eating Less Sugar

    All it takes is one Google search to confirm that too much sugar is bad for you. We hear it all the time that we need to eat less sugar. But with the current state of the food label it can be very confusing and hard to identify how much sugar we are actually eating.

    Obesity rates are on the rise and sugar sweetened beverages have undoubtedly taken the heat, but that’s only the short story. Leading researchers are finding that added sugars such as high fructose corn syrup might be the causing the liver to work overtime leading to a myriad of issues from metabolic syndrome to fatty liver disease.

    With all this talk about lowering sugar intake, the World Health Organization (WHO} is now slashing their sugar recommendations in half, from less than 10% of total calories coming from “free sugars” to 5% for additional health benefits. According to the WHO, “free sugars refer to all monosaccharides and disaccharides added to foods by the manufacturer, cook or consumer, plus sugars naturally present in honey, syrup, and fruit juices.” However, the majority of your sugar intake should be derived from natural sources. Keep in mind the amount of natural sugar each person requires is highly individualized so it’s not a one size fits all as it depends on one’s activity level, medical history, and other factors.

    There is currently no formal recommendation or upper limit for natural sugars in the diet. Currently, MyFitnessPal’s sugar recommendations are based on 15% of total calories coming from sugar, which is based on recommendations to increase fruit and vegetable intake in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines as well as sample menus representative of a healthy diet free of added sugars.

    Limiting sugar consumption to 15% of total calories is a great starting point for lowering intake from all sources. If following a “low sugar” diet based on WHO recommendations, a 2000-calorie diet with 5%, or 10% calories from sugar translates to 25 or 50 grams, respectively. To calculate your daily “added” sugar goals: multiply total calories by 10% (or 5%) and then divide by 4 to get total grams of added sugar.

    You might ask, what about fruit? Fruit sugar, also known as fructose, is a simple naturally occurring sugar, like lactose found in milk. While fruit does contain sugar, it’s sugar in the way nature intended it, and it’s also loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Fruit is a fundamental part of the diet but it should be balanced with other foods like vegetables, proteins, healthy fats, whole grains, and dairy.

    If you’re looking to cut back on sugar, here are 15 simple hacks for slashing the sweet stuff from your diet:
    1.Go natural. Eat natural sources of sugar over added sugars. Added sugars like honey, agave, and high fructose corn syrup contain empty calories meaning they have zero nutritional value. Fill up on fresh fruit and vegetables instead because they contain fiber that slows the rate of absorption of carbohydrates along with improving cholesterol levels, digestion, and satiety to help with weight loss.

    2.Pick low sugar produce. If you’re aiming to eat less sugar overall, pick the fruits and veggies with the lowest sugar load like lemons, limes, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, leafy greens, mushrooms, green beans, mushrooms, and zucchini. Essentially all veggies are low in sugar. To compare, 1 cup raspberries contains 5 grams of sugar, 1 cup black beans contains less than 1 gram of sugar, and a medium red potato contains less than 3 grams of sugar. Keep in mind, low sugar intake doesn’t necessarily mean low carbohydrate.

    3.Know your portions. Following a low sugar diet requires some diligence in knowing how much you should be eating. In general, most people should consume 2 fruits (or 2 cups) and at least 3 cups of veggies per day. On average 1 serving of fruit contains 15 grams of sugar. Ideally, try to space out your servings so that you aren’t getting a big sugar rush all at once.

    4.Eat whole and fresh. Limit fruit juices and dried fruit if you are watching the sugar intake. Generally speaking, just 4 fluid ounces (1/2 cup or 120mL) of 100% fruit juice and ¼ cup unsweetened dried fruit is equivalent to 1 piece or 1 cup of fresh, whole fruit.

    5.Learn the label lingo. The food label doesn’t differentiate between added and natural sugars (though it may in the future), instead it lumps them all together. To get natural sugar sources check the ingredient list to know if there are any added sugars in the product. Sugar lurks behind these words in the ingredient list: molasses, organic cane sugar, fruit juice concentrate, malt sugar, corn syrup, honey, syrup, and words ending in “ose” dextrose, lactose, maltose, fructose, glucose, sucrose. Here’s a more thorough list of sugar’s most common nicknames.

    6.Compare products. Looking for the lowest sugar foods? Check the nutrition label to see which product is lowest in sugar. Don’t be fooled by “low sugar” or “diet foods” as they are often packed with artificial sugars, which is another blog for another day. Bottom line: eat real “natural” convenience foods lowest in added sugar.

    7.Track it! Logging your food in MyFitnessPal can help with staying on top of your sugar intake and goals so that you become aware of how much sugar you are really ingesting since they can sure add up fast.

    8.Fill up on healthy fats. Eat more nuts, seeds, avocados, olives, and salmon. Not only are these foods heart healthy and help with blood sugar control, healthy fats will displace excess sugar from the diet and keep the body satisfied for longer so you are less likely to have energy dips between meals prompting a quick sugar fix.

    9.Set boundaries on the sweet tooth. Do you have a mean sweet tooth? Set limits on when and how you’re going to enjoy your sweets. Maybe you have ice cream once per week or possibly you’ll include a dark chocolate square after dinner nightly? Setting boundaries around what sweet treats are worth the indulgence, when is appropriate to enjoy them and how much you can enjoy will keep you from reaching in the office candy jar out of habit.

    10.Eat less packaged food. Foods in their whole form are going to be your best bet when it comes to lowering your sugar intake. According to the New York Times, 75% of packaged foods in the U.S. contain added sugar, so you can simplify your sugar doses by keeping these to a minimum.

    11.Choose unsweetened dairy. Opt for plain milk and yogurt, and no, vanilla isn’t plain! While there are naturally occurring sugars in milk and yogurt (lactose), many are spiked with sweeteners. So read the labels to get dairy varieties without the sweet stuff, and keep in mind fat-free milk naturally contains more sugar than reduced-fat. Add your own flavor by topping yogurt with chia seeds, blueberries, and cinnamon.

    12.Pump up the protein. Eating more protein will keep you amped. Protein takes longest to digest so you will be less likely to crash if you’re eating good quality proteins every three to four hours.

    13.Beware of sugar bombs. Even healthy foods can have sneaky sources of added sugar. Foods like energy bars, lattes, smoothies, juices, enhanced waters, salad dressing, cereals, tomato sauce, and medications are common culprits.

    14.Lower it gradually. Instead of cutting sugar cold turkey, lower your intakes slowly. If you usually eat sweets after lunch and dinner, start by taking it down to one meal a day.

    15.Clean out the pantry. If you have tempting foods in the kitchen, you might need to do a little pantry detox. Go out for the ice cream sundae instead of bringing a carton it into the house.

    ^This addresses the OPs original question.

    Bump - yes it does

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I'm older. When I was a kid, we didn't have sugary treats all the time, they were occasional things, like just for dessert after Sunday dinner or during the holidays. I had come to the point where I was ending every meal with a sweet! That was just ridiculous. The approach when I was a kid was much more moderate. I think that model is much more sane.

    So as I child you only had fruit "occasionally"?

    I believe that she meant sugary treats like candy, cookies and cake, not fruit (which I've never heard referred to as a sugary treat).

    Sugar in fruit is still sugar.
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I'm older. When I was a kid, we didn't have sugary treats all the time, they were occasional things, like just for dessert after Sunday dinner or during the holidays. I had come to the point where I was ending every meal with a sweet! That was just ridiculous. The approach when I was a kid was much more moderate. I think that model is much more sane.

    So as I child you only had fruit "occasionally"?

    I don't consider fruit a "sugary treat", do you?

    Sugar in fruit is still sugar.

    Not sure why people think just because it is fruit the sugar is somehow different.

    Right. Eating strawberries is the same as eating a donut. Just keep believing that.

    keep believing that one form of sugar is somehow magically better than the other form of sugar...
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I'm older. When I was a kid, we didn't have sugary treats all the time, they were occasional things, like just for dessert after Sunday dinner or during the holidays. I had come to the point where I was ending every meal with a sweet! That was just ridiculous. The approach when I was a kid was much more moderate. I think that model is much more sane.

    So as I child you only had fruit "occasionally"?

    I believe that she meant sugary treats like candy, cookies and cake, not fruit (which I've never heard referred to as a sugary treat).

    Sugar in fruit is still sugar.
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I'm older. When I was a kid, we didn't have sugary treats all the time, they were occasional things, like just for dessert after Sunday dinner or during the holidays. I had come to the point where I was ending every meal with a sweet! That was just ridiculous. The approach when I was a kid was much more moderate. I think that model is much more sane.

    So as I child you only had fruit "occasionally"?

    I don't consider fruit a "sugary treat", do you?

    Sugar in fruit is still sugar.

    Not sure why people think just because it is fruit the sugar is somehow different.

    Right. Eating strawberries is the same as eating a donut. Just keep believing that.

    keep believing that one form of sugar is somehow magically better than the other form of sugar...

    My peanut butter M&M's are certainly better than your kiwis.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I see OP never came back to clarify ....

    yet, the debate still rages...
  • shawnamay590
    shawnamay590 Posts: 12 Member
    First of all, I have to say how sad it makes me to see all of the snarky comments. I thought MFP was a place where we supported each other during our weight loss journeys. That being said, Pacullen, good luck with your journey! Cutting sugar is very hard, and I know it first hand.

    I would like to know why you want to cut it from your diet and ask if have talked to a doctor about your blood sugar levels? For me, cutting sugar (and really carbs overall) was the big key to jump start my weight loss. I started going to a doctor that specialized in weight loss/ management. My analysis showed that I had 3 of the 5 precursors to type 2 diabetes.

    Is sugar a "trigger food" for you? If so, gradual cutting may not be the best route. I needed to cut as much out as possible as quickly as possible to break the cycle. Processed foods, including juices and other drinks, should be the first to go. That can be tough considering the convenience built into them. I cut all pasta, breads, starchy veggies, any sugar containing foods (like salad dressings, syrups, flavored yogurts, etc.), and even fruit for a short phase. That broke my cravings. I also loaded up on fiber and ate non-starchy veggies with most meals. Once you add fruit back, look for options like berries. They are the best bang for your buck as far as nutrients and sugar levels. Whole fruit is way better than juice, because you get filling fiber that helps counteract the sugar.

    Something else to watch out for are the different types of sugar added to foods. I saw a few posts that touched on that subject. I saw a "paleo" granola bar in a store the other day that had just as much sugar as a regular granola bar, but it was labeled "natural" sugar (3 different kinds!!!). That labeling can get a person in a lot of trouble. So can "organic." Those do not necessarily mean healthier options.

    Since cutting the comfort foods can be really rough and almost feel like a punishment, I went to Pinterest to find healthy swaps for my favorite zucchini lasagna, spaghetti squash for pasta, and cauliflower pizza crust. You do have to be careful with some of these recipes, though. The fat contents can get high if you don't watch it.

    Another swap that worked well for me was starting to use the Walden Farms line of dressings and such. They have sugar free and even calorie free options that can help out in a pinch.

    Hopefully this helps a little and I wish you all of the success in the world with this!!
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I'm older. When I was a kid, we didn't have sugary treats all the time, they were occasional things, like just for dessert after Sunday dinner or during the holidays. I had come to the point where I was ending every meal with a sweet! That was just ridiculous. The approach when I was a kid was much more moderate. I think that model is much more sane.

    So as I child you only had fruit "occasionally"?

    I believe that she meant sugary treats like candy, cookies and cake, not fruit (which I've never heard referred to as a sugary treat).

    Sugar in fruit is still sugar.
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I'm older. When I was a kid, we didn't have sugary treats all the time, they were occasional things, like just for dessert after Sunday dinner or during the holidays. I had come to the point where I was ending every meal with a sweet! That was just ridiculous. The approach when I was a kid was much more moderate. I think that model is much more sane.

    So as I child you only had fruit "occasionally"?

    I don't consider fruit a "sugary treat", do you?

    Sugar in fruit is still sugar.

    Not sure why people think just because it is fruit the sugar is somehow different.

    Right. Eating strawberries is the same as eating a donut. Just keep believing that.

    keep believing that one form of sugar is somehow magically better than the other form of sugar...

    I'm not sure people are really comparing the sugar - maybe with a strawberry and a doughnut people are comparing the fibre and micro nutrients they get per cal, as opposed to comparing the actual sugar?

    Still if a doughnut fits into their diet and they crave doughnuts then they should have them - if they want them (but only in moderation though).
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I'm older. When I was a kid, we didn't have sugary treats all the time, they were occasional things, like just for dessert after Sunday dinner or during the holidays. I had come to the point where I was ending every meal with a sweet! That was just ridiculous. The approach when I was a kid was much more moderate. I think that model is much more sane.

    So as I child you only had fruit "occasionally"?

    I believe that she meant sugary treats like candy, cookies and cake, not fruit (which I've never heard referred to as a sugary treat).

    Sugar in fruit is still sugar.
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I'm older. When I was a kid, we didn't have sugary treats all the time, they were occasional things, like just for dessert after Sunday dinner or during the holidays. I had come to the point where I was ending every meal with a sweet! That was just ridiculous. The approach when I was a kid was much more moderate. I think that model is much more sane.

    So as I child you only had fruit "occasionally"?

    I don't consider fruit a "sugary treat", do you?

    Sugar in fruit is still sugar.

    Not sure why people think just because it is fruit the sugar is somehow different.

    Right. Eating strawberries is the same as eating a donut. Just keep believing that.

    keep believing that one form of sugar is somehow magically better than the other form of sugar...

    My peanut butter M&M's are certainly better than your kiwis.

    We don't get peanut butter M&M's in the UK and it's probably just as well - those are the food of the devil (devilishly tempting).
  • spoonyspork
    spoonyspork Posts: 238 Member
    edited January 2015
    Some people want to cut out sugar because sugar adds calories and they're adding too much to be full AND have sugar. Derp XD

    Don't add sugar to things that are already sweet. Add less to stuff that isn't. Cut down on sugary things in general but don't deprive yourself unless there's some medical reason you can't have sugar. Don't really worry about processed foods that may have sugar added for taste or whatever, because the calories are right there on the package to track. Pretty much, just don't outright 'avoid' sugar: just be sane about it.

    Want a donut? Eat one. Not three. Not half a dozen. One. Cut it in half. Put bacon in the middle. Eat the whole thing. 340 calories of sweet bliss.

    Want a smoothie? Drink a smoothie. Don't add sugar. Bananas are sweet. Carrots are sweet. Both add other nutrients you need that sugar (on its own! I realize fruit has sugar but fruit is also the thing filling up the drink while 'extra' sugar does very little for that) doesn't.

    I would avoid artificial sweeteners. They just make the craving for sweet worse.

    Sugar isn't evil. Gluttony is evil. Okay maybe not evil; but not very smart in any case!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I'm older. When I was a kid, we didn't have sugary treats all the time, they were occasional things, like just for dessert after Sunday dinner or during the holidays. I had come to the point where I was ending every meal with a sweet! That was just ridiculous. The approach when I was a kid was much more moderate. I think that model is much more sane.

    So as I child you only had fruit "occasionally"?

    I believe that she meant sugary treats like candy, cookies and cake, not fruit (which I've never heard referred to as a sugary treat).

    Sugar in fruit is still sugar.
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I'm older. When I was a kid, we didn't have sugary treats all the time, they were occasional things, like just for dessert after Sunday dinner or during the holidays. I had come to the point where I was ending every meal with a sweet! That was just ridiculous. The approach when I was a kid was much more moderate. I think that model is much more sane.

    So as I child you only had fruit "occasionally"?

    I don't consider fruit a "sugary treat", do you?

    Sugar in fruit is still sugar.

    Not sure why people think just because it is fruit the sugar is somehow different.

    Right. Eating strawberries is the same as eating a donut. Just keep believing that.

    keep believing that one form of sugar is somehow magically better than the other form of sugar...

    My peanut butter M&M's are certainly better than your kiwis.

    We don't get peanut butter M&M's in the UK and it's probably just as well - those are the food of the devil (devilishly tempting).

    We really can't allow you to be deprived, now can we?

  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    edited January 2015
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I'm older. When I was a kid, we didn't have sugary treats all the time, they were occasional things, like just for dessert after Sunday dinner or during the holidays. I had come to the point where I was ending every meal with a sweet! That was just ridiculous. The approach when I was a kid was much more moderate. I think that model is much more sane.

    So as I child you only had fruit "occasionally"?

    I believe that she meant sugary treats like candy, cookies and cake, not fruit (which I've never heard referred to as a sugary treat).

    Sugar in fruit is still sugar.
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I'm older. When I was a kid, we didn't have sugary treats all the time, they were occasional things, like just for dessert after Sunday dinner or during the holidays. I had come to the point where I was ending every meal with a sweet! That was just ridiculous. The approach when I was a kid was much more moderate. I think that model is much more sane.

    So as I child you only had fruit "occasionally"?

    I don't consider fruit a "sugary treat", do you?

    Sugar in fruit is still sugar.

    Not sure why people think just because it is fruit the sugar is somehow different.

    Right. Eating strawberries is the same as eating a donut. Just keep believing that.

    keep believing that one form of sugar is somehow magically better than the other form of sugar...

    My peanut butter M&M's are certainly better than your kiwis.

    We don't get peanut butter M&M's in the UK and it's probably just as well - those are the food of the devil (devilishly tempting).

    We really can't allow you to be deprived, now can we?


    That's just mean! Even when I lick the computer screen I still can't taste them - doh

    - hey wait a minute they look like peanut M&M's!!!!!! We get those!!