100+ lbs to lose!!!



  • ColletteNicole
    ColletteNicole Posts: 145 Member
    Want to lose somewhere between 90- 120 here! Add me ladies! :smiley:
  • vel0226
    vel0226 Posts: 12 Member
    I've losted 30 lbs so far using fitnesspal, I need 95 lbs to go to be at my goal weight. I don't have a face book page. So I just need encouragement and being accountable on fitnesspal.
  • Hey guys. About the same here. Back on mfp today after being gone three years. Did loose approx 50lbs last time but have put it all back on... slowly. Please friend me!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    It’s great to see so many of you posting here. Together we can share ideas, hold each other accountable and motivate each other when we need that extra little push.

    I’ve eaten healthy for 5 days and feel better already. I’ve done it before and lost 80lbs so I know I can do it again. It feels good to be doing it instead of just talking about it.

    Maybe we could all share some of our goals . ..

    January Goals:
    1. Reduce caffeine to 1 cup/day
    2. Exercise 4-5 days a week
    3. Log every bite on MFP
    4. Drink at least 8 cups water daily
    5. Measure food portions
    6. Meet with a dietician

    Quote: Nothing taste as good as skinny feels.

  • spoonwalker
    spoonwalker Posts: 40 Member
    January goals:

    1. Lose 7 lbs.
    2. Try at least 3 new foods a week
    3. Do more HIIT workouts
    4. Sleep more than 6 hours a night
    5. Inspire others and help with their journey

    Great Idea ReNae. Helps keep us all accountable!
  • stephc002
    stephc002 Posts: 24 Member
    I am 40 and as of last week before i started here and lost 3 lbs, was at my heaviest weight ever after suffering through spells of severe depression and anxiety for the last couple years. I have been up and down all my life, but am determined to make 40 my year! Feel like i have a pretty good start. had one "so hungry I can eat everything in site day" last week but since then i actually feel like i have some control over all this for the first time in my life. Have 100+ to lose, feel free to add me. Looking for ways to stay motivated and on track and could use all the help i can get!
  • KristyT73
    KristyT73 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello Everyine,
    I am 41 and have 90 lbs to lose. I am great at motivating others but when it comes to myself, I feel all alone. Desperate at times. I start off giving 110% but give up when I don't see results immediately. I am open to all friends, I think the more people
    Cheering you on the better chance of success.
  • mjoemomma80
    mjoemomma80 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 34 needing to loose 100.....please add me :)
  • grommie13
    grommie13 Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in! I have to lose about 110 pounds but I am much older, 55, than most of you. My doctor is putting me on a weight loss drug called Contrave. Has anyone taken it or currently taking it? Picking it up tonight.
  • Greeneyedgrl_24
    Greeneyedgrl_24 Posts: 34 Member
    I've lost 95 so far..30 more pounds to go, just taking it one day at a time.
    Please anyone feel free to add me :)
  • Hi There. I've gotta lose 100 lbs. I've got Diabetes and hypertension. In the last month, without trying I lost 7 lbs. I just started logging my diet yesterday. It's telling me I have 400 calories more to eat today. What to eat? Any suggestions?
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    First off welcome to anyone new here! I hope you all choose this thread and come back daily so we can build a support system that really motivates us through this challenge. 4 years ago I was part of a group that helped me navigate through 80lbs and I’m hoping to find that again. Please friend me and come back and share your successes and challenges (or just a to chat). There is power in numbers!!

    @sclemons002 – Welcome – congrats on your 3lb loss! Keep it going.

    @kristytracey73 – So glad you joined us. You need to put yourself first when it comes to your health. It’s one of my biggest hurdles too.

    @Mjoemomma80 – I’ll friend you if you friend me

    @grommie13 – first of all you’re not that much older – I turned 50 recently. Welcome to the fun!

    @mrsgrey176 – Feel free to check out my food diary. It’s always fun sharing ideas.

    So far my day is going fine. My meals are planned for the day so I’m feeling good about things. If possible I will get out for a good walk at noon and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine, which we have not had here in Maine for way too long!! I’m drinking tons of water and will not be falling off this wagon today. TODAY is all I can worry about. Take it one day at a time ladies. We got this.

    Keep it skinny
  • I also have over a 100 lbs to lose. I'd love the support. Please add me. I can't figure out how from my phone.
  • thicbeauty1992
    thicbeauty1992 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey, I'm also looking for support in this weight loss journey I've started a little over a week ago. (Have lost 7.8 lbs so far). Overall I need to lose about 130 lbs. I know it's gonna be tough, but I think if we all encourage, and help each other, reaching our goals won't be as tough.
    CW: 272.2
    GW: 140
    Would greatly appreciate some mfp friends to aide me in reaching my goal. Add me :smile:
  • spoonwalker
    spoonwalker Posts: 40 Member
    How's everyone's journey going?? My depression has been in full bore kill all motivation mode. I've kept to myself and slacked on keeping track of my food intake. I know I haven't been going over but I've barely been eating anything. I haven't been hungry at all and when I am it's for sugar free jello. Not sure what is going on with me.
  • I have about 90lbs to lose. I just turned 27. I put on weight after my two children. I'm not looking to be skinny because I never had. I want to get healthy for my children and be able to move with them when they play. It finally took me looking at pictures and getting bigger clothes to realize that I'm not healthy and need a lifestyle change. After several pity parties I'm now working towards a fresh start with me and my body. Prayers and sweat are up ahead but I think with the motivation from all of you, we can strive for great health, not just good. My sister has joined me in this journey and hopefully you will too.
  • spoonwalker
    spoonwalker Posts: 40 Member
    Kids are my motivation as well. This journey can be hard! And external situations can make it even harder! A lot of us have a common goal! And similar motivations!
  • gemm30
    gemm30 Posts: 110 Member
    How's everyone's journey going?? My depression has been in full bore kill all motivation mode. I've kept to myself and slacked on keeping track of my food intake. I know I haven't been going over but I've barely been eating anything. I haven't been hungry at all and when I am it's for sugar free jello. Not sure what is going on with me.

    I hope you don't mind me replying to you, I have and still do deal with depression, my best fix and the thing that keeps me level is exercise and plenty of sleep. Feel free to add me anytime.
  • spoonwalker
    spoonwalker Posts: 40 Member
    gemm30 wrote: »
    How's everyone's journey going?? My depression has been in full bore kill all motivation mode. I've kept to myself and slacked on keeping track of my food intake. I know I haven't been going over but I've barely been eating anything. I haven't been hungry at all and when I am it's for sugar free jello. Not sure what is going on with me.

    I hope you don't mind me replying to you, I have and still do deal with depression, my best fix and the thing that keeps me level is exercise and plenty of sleep. Feel free to add me anytime.

    Not at all! I'm going through some very emotional stuff and I've been letting it take away my passion for why I started this journey but I'm putting my foot down.
  • I'm 56. I've been 304lbs. then I got down to 157. At that point I thought I looked ok except for the saggy skin on my inner thighs so I had a thigh lift. What a mistake that was! It left me with hyperpigmentation which gave me 2 inch wide scars from my knees to my groin. The botched surgery devastated me which sent me on a 2 year binge from hell. I have gained 52 pounds and now I am trying to lose weight again but the dream of looking attractive is over. Remember, if you lose 100+ pounds love yourself unconditionally! Don't focus on your skin, be proud of your accomplishment and love yourself the way you are!