Export and analyze your own data in Excel



  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    I was having some trouble importing. Here's what seems to work for me. Press the "go" button. Wait for explorer window to pop up with some code. Go back to excel and click OK. Then wait as various explorer windows up pop up until the import is done.
  • agaraffa
    agaraffa Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks girlviernes... mine seems to go through the process fine, all my other data is there, just no logging info. I may just download it again and start from scratch using the manual process instead of automatic.
  • fillingame
    fillingame Posts: 36 Member
    Will this ever be available to work on a Mac? Just asking, I know you spent more time than I can imagine on it, so I am not whining, just asking! Thanks!
  • Mariianacecy
    The file you requested has not been found or may no longer be available.

    :( help
  • ephphy
    ephphy Posts: 20 Member
    The file you requested has not been found or may no longer be available.
    :( help

    Try the links on this page New MFP Data Export Tool - MAJOR UPDATE
  • ckt873
    ckt873 Posts: 2
    ephphy wrote: »
    With the wrong year error, try this quick fix (it worked for me, and also cleared up the wrong logging error that @ckt873 brought up that I was experiencing).
    • With the spreadsheet open, go to Visual Basic (Alt+F11, or under the developer tab, hit the button for Visual Basic).
    • If it doesn't start you there, open the Module1 module - in the side menu under VBAProject (mfp5v10.xlsm), Modules, Module1 and double click.
    • You should then see something that starts like this:
      'Updated and majority work by evgenizyntx 2013, 2014
      'EZ version 4.20
      'inspiration from orginal input by gavins, 2012
    • Do a search for 2014, and find next until it shows you this line:
      ddd(i) = DateSerial(2014, imm, idd)
    • Change the 2014 to 2015
    • Save
    • Close Visual Basic.
    • On the first/main tab of the spreadsheet, hit the reset button to clear anything that was there for a 'fresh start'
    • Run as usual and fingers crossed you get the data you should.

    As I said, it worked for me (I don't proclaim to be an expert at VB), so hopefully it does for you too.

    Unfortunately this didn't work for me. I came up with my own very awkward work around using a different method to export the data from MFP into a csv file that I then process with a simple script I wrote in R (really for statistics, but it's the only programming language that I know well enough to do anything!) and copy and paste into this spreadsheet to get the complete data. It works but I know there is a better way!
  • ITVGuy2000
    ITVGuy2000 Posts: 48 Member
    stedgeg wrote: »
    tsawrie wrote: »
    I don't think mine is working correctly. On my "check-in" tab, it doesn't list any calories, carb, fat, etc imported. But it shows net cals, cals burned. Nothing listed in the calculated from setup columns either. What am I doing wrong?

    I am getting the same result. Any update available? Thanks for your work!

    Same here.
  • FletcherLoder
    FletcherLoder Posts: 21 Member
    My work-around for the date issue has been to just enter the start and finish dates that I want in the Start Tab, then Click GO. It appears to pull from that before 'calculating' its range from your "Number of days to Import" box. After it runs it defaults back to the 2013-2014 range.

    This seems to work for me.
  • bernadettenz
    bernadettenz Posts: 252 Member
    Check back :)
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
  • GingerbreadCandy
    GingerbreadCandy Posts: 403 Member
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    edited January 2015
    I don't have excel only open office :(

    Edit: downloads a free trial but issues opening it.
  • Russ8681
    Russ8681 Posts: 4 Member
    Problems with data import

    There are 72 rows of data. On the CHECK IN tab, in the “weight change” column, the data stops populating after 31 rows due to no formulas being placed in the cells after this point.

    On the CALC tab, I get #VALUE! Error in columns J, AH, and AI with blank cells in columns g, h, t, u after the problem starts in the 42 row of data. Also, the formula stops populating in column w after 52 rows of data.

    Now, assuming I can ever get my data complete, I’m sure I still have no clue of how to interpret the data. From what I can gather, it says I should be losing weight like crazy, which I have been. But, after 35 lbs in 9 weeks, I’m doing the exact same things and the losses have stopped completely. It’s actually starting to creep back up.

    No wonder losing the weight you need is really impossible. I have run every math angle I can and can’t find anything that justifies the weight loss I was having unless my BMR swings from 500 to 4500 from day to day. The numbers just don’t add up. A calorie must not be a calorie. A pound must not be 3500 calories. A 300 calorie intake deficit from what the theoretical BMR is supposed to be, combined with 300 calories of extra walking at 3mph doesn’t even come close to accounting for an average weight loss of ½ pound a day for 60 days, then a complete of all loss.

    So frustrated. To finally get my mind right and get started, but only 1/3 of the way into my goal to have it all fall apart.
  • stumpfk
    stumpfk Posts: 2 Member
    DapperKay wrote: »
    Hi. I wrote a tool to export the reports data as .csv files for use in Excel or similar programs. No fancy graphs, but it should work on both Mac and PCs. I just finished writing it a few hours ago, so with your feedback, I'd love to make it a better tool. Thanks! http://foodfastfit.com/myfitnesspal-x-foodfastfit/

    Thats pretty cool, thanks. Wondering if the dates are messed up on purpose? For example:

    Nov-13 - 01/11/2013
    Nov-14 - 01/11/2014
    Nov-15 - 01/11/2015
    Nov-16 - 01/11/2016

    Incrementing by years and not days?

    Hi. I just made a small change to explicitly set the 4-digit year. This should help Excel correctly infer the date. Please let me know if this works for you. Thanks. http://foodfastfit.com/myfitnesspal-x-foodfastfit/

    Much better now. Now follows: MM/DD/YYYY. I'll just re-configure it to DD/MM/YYYY myself, thanks!

    AWESOME!!! Thanks so much, this is great! You've just saved me HOURS.
  • ephphy
    ephphy Posts: 20 Member
    The weight change column is used to determine your regularity in weighing, used in the scoreboard on the first tab. It will give you an A grade if you have weighed (and had the weight change number) more than 5 times in the last 31 days - so once a week ish. If you weigh on average less than once a week if will give you the other grades, and less than twice in 31 days will get you a D grade. This doesn't need to go back further than 31 days hence this column finishing where it does.

    The W column on the Calc tab stops after 52 rows because this spreadsheet is geared up for a yearly snapshot, or 52 weeks. You will see columns W through AC are headed up "week graphs data" and the results in column W show a range that includes seven cells, for seven days in a week.

    When you say blank cells after the 42 row, does this mean you're only getting about 8 rows of data come through? Is your diary set to public? If not that is the likely culprit to that error.

    Hope that info helps.
  • Russ8681
    Russ8681 Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2015
    I have 78 days of total data. The imported data in those columns stops after 41 rows.

    1893 1893 122.2 3814
    1895 1895 122.4 3650
    1893 1893 122.7 3733
    1873 1873 122.9 3862
    123.2 #VALUE!
    123.4 #VALUE!
    123.7 #VALUE!
    123.9 #VALUE!
    124.1 #VALUE!
    124.4 #VALUE!
    124.6 #VALUE!
    124.8 #VALUE!
  • Russ8681
    Russ8681 Posts: 4 Member
    Sorry, I was trying to edit that. The cell with the Value errors depend on data in the columns that are empty . Yes, the settings are as required. It just stops pulling the data.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Ok, I'm sorry I have not been back to address questions or new issues with the tool. I'll try to do so over the next days.
  • hupsii
    hupsii Posts: 258 Member
    Great idea ! Thank you so much
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    stedgeg wrote: »
    tsawrie wrote: »
    I don't think mine is working correctly. On my "check-in" tab, it doesn't list any calories, carb, fat, etc imported. But it shows net cals, cals burned. Nothing listed in the calculated from setup columns either. What am I doing wrong?

    I am getting the same result. Any update available? Thanks for your work!

    Current version is 5.01. It should solve that issue. But I'm currently reviewing the app for the new year and site modifications, expect an update in the next days.
    atb001 wrote: »
    What happens with incomplete entries, e.g. I filled in lunch but left the other meals? Can the spreadsheet detect that, or do I need to manually remove those days? Also, is there a way I can manually enter the weight data, as I haven't entered it on MFP but do have the info on an excel sheet. Thanks

    The app treats that as a day of x calories. x is what you entered. If you didn't enter the data, it still considers that what you entered is your full day.

    If you wish to manually enter the weight data - go to Check_In tab and enter it there, not in the Weight tab.