20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • BJRDmom
    BJRDmom Posts: 21 Member
    I just came back from the fitness club feeling like I have a long, long way to go to become even reasonably fit. Starting out is hard but I am determined to keep going. I have to remember that sweat is fat crying.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good for you BJRDmom/ I never herd that phase before Sweat is fat crying. One way to look at it. I always thought peeing was how we lose our fat sweating will too by all means Keep at it Diane

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie and the rest of the losers Great advice to Nancy
  • beszmytke
    beszmytke Posts: 73 Member
    BJRDmom wrote: »
    Starting out is hard but I am determined to keep going. I have to remember that sweat is fat crying.

    I LOVE that! I am going to go make my fat cry and burn some calories off! BJRDmom, I used to belong to Curves and went religiously 3 times a week. I stopped going when I broke my ankle a couple years ago, and now want to go back, but have felt like I want to lose at least a few pounds before attempting it ... you have motivated me to get there soon! Thank you!


  • beszmytke
    beszmytke Posts: 73 Member
    edited January 2015
    hapyfaces2 wrote: »
    How do I join the challenge. I so need support. I lost 20 pounds two years ago and put that and 10 more back on. I am so ashamed of myself.

    Please don't be ashamed of yourself - we all are on a journey, and you are going down a great path right now to get back to where you want to be! We'll help, and you will help us back! Sending a hug!


  • BJRDmom
    BJRDmom Posts: 21 Member
    YA! let's make that fat cry like mad and soon. The sooner the better Belinda:-)
    Come summer we will be so glad that we started now.

    Diane from Ottawa
  • beszmytke
    beszmytke Posts: 73 Member

    I LOVE this recipe too Belinda and it's a staple when I'm focused on weight loss. I have 3~4 versions I cycle through. If you need a little more protein any day I cut up about 4 oz baked chicken to the bottom of the bowl~ you can also substitute kale for the cabbage... Yum!

    Tami in the Pac NW[/quote]

    Tami, thanks and the chicken sounds like a delicious add! I have been buying a rotisserie chicken or two from Costco and using it to add to my spinach salad for breakfast, etc. Easy peasy to add to the soup!


  • beszmytke
    beszmytke Posts: 73 Member
    ps Tami - congrats to your Seahawks - what a win!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    no great grandbaby yet.Doctor gave her more Med he is being stubborn
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member

    This is the link to the thread with birthdays of members of this thread. I added the birthdays that I found, but if I goofed, please let me know either on this thread, the birthday thread, or a personal message to me.

    :D Losing weight and getting fit take a long time. Cheer for yourself when you stick to your food plan and do some exercise, don't wait for the scale, the tape measure, or your friends to cheer for you.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • Jodi7788
    Jodi7788 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone!! I'd like to join this group too. I am turning 50 this year and I want to get in the best shape possible for the next phase of my life. I've been using MFP since the first week of January. SW: 209
    CW: 203
    GW: 170ish
    I've started exercising too but my feet hurt so badly that I can't walk! I have plantar fasiaitis (sp?) & heel spurs. I've been on this roller coaster for years but never joined a support group....until now! I am excited to make this journey with all of you.
    Good Luck to Everyone!!

    Jodi from Pittsburgh

  • BJRDmom
    BJRDmom Posts: 21 Member
    Swimming or aquafit classes might be more tolerable for your feet. If you don't swim it is never too late to take lessons.

    Diane from Ottawa
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jodi7788 wrote: »
    Hi Everyone!! I'd like to join this group too. I am turning 50 this year and I want to get in the best shape possible for the next phase of my life. I've been using MFP since the first week of January. SW: 209
    CW: 203
    GW: 170ish
    I've started exercising too but my feet hurt so badly that I can't walk! I have plantar <3 fasciitis (sp?) & heel spurs. I've been on this roller coaster for years but never joined a support group....until now! I am excited to make this journey with all of you.
    Good Luck to Everyone!!

    Jodi from Pittsburgh

    jodi you waited for the best thread around here We are composing a Birthday list so we can get to know each other better I see you got most of yours just need your birthday date no year is necessary. Thank you. Lets get off of this roller coaster And I am on one too. But working on it to get off of it.is hard to break 84 years of eating. I am so glad you join us
    By the way while you are posting we have a spellcheck that puts a red line under a misspell word just click on it right click and a pop up will give you some correct spelling Click on the one you want left click on the one you want... let us know of any problems you are having and someone will help you.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    BJRDmom -Linda- from Ottawa
    here is another name from last night
    MS LADYPirate-valorie--may 31-Arizonia And their are some for today I did not jot down
    Sure look nice Barbie exactly what we need.
    Thhanks you so much
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    My birthday happens to be on Nurse's Day (how appropriate!) May 6.
    Becky in Maryland
  • socialone74
    socialone74 Posts: 85 Member
    Excellent Idea - I am in!
  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    Wow spin really kicked my butt today! But now it was worth it but I need to figure out what I did wrong today which caused me to be sick after working out. Not a good move!

    Hope everyone had a great day! Just finished cooking dinner tonight and lunch for tomorrow. I also added my birthday to the birthday thread =)
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Jennifer- Good for you for making good food choices at lunch. One day at a time!!!

    Connie thanks for the encouragement. I did feel like I had lost but I let those scales discourage me.

    Shirley thanks for your comment. I will try to shake things up a bit. I will try to cut back on carbs too.

    Went to Sports Medicine Doctor today for knee issues and he said I had a meniscus problem. Said no treadmill, stairs, squatting, etc. but I can ride a bike and swim. Surely didn't want to hear no treadmill. I can just see this 70y/o in a swim suit at a gym (what a sight that would be)!!!
    Hope your Monday has been good.
  • terpluver
    terpluver Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Ladies!! I lost 2.5 this week!! I love reading this thread. You rock!! I check everyday and the positive vibe.

    Joined the gym at work and rented a locker. Going to leave all the shoes and shower schtuff there. Figure it will be one less excuse! Have a great week. Off to make GF cornbread.

    Andi in Maryland
    Go TERPS!
  • Juliemommy4
    Juliemommy4 Posts: 9 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Anyone want to join me. ? I been a member here on MFP for 6 years and Have not been able to lose any weight. But stumble on this ONe One One diet and been following it for going on 3 weeks Its working for me at long last. my goal is to lose 20 lbs. by Easter. I have lost 6.8 in the first 3 weeks
    Currant weight 197
    Beginning weight 203.8
    Total lost 6.8

    See 'ya
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Hopefully everyone is following your plan to lose 20 lbs by Easter/ I am still on course. And working my plan hard to achieved my goal. No one but me can do it for me. you guys give me the motivations to stick with it. Tomorrow is my Weigh in day.
    Good luck to everyone.
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Hopefully everyone is following your plan to lose 20 lbs by Easter/ I am still on course. And working my plan hard to achieved my goal. No one but me can do it for me. you guys give me the motivations to stick with it. Tomorrow is my Weigh in day.
    Good luck to everyone.
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Hopefully everyone is following your plan to lose 20 lbs by Easter/ I am still on course. And working my plan hard to achieved my goal. No one but me can do it for me. you guys give me the motivations to stick with it. Tomorrow is my Weigh in day.
    Good luck to everyone.
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    I love your tree. I found a free gingerbread pirate embroidery design today . So I have something to work on tomorrow. I have a collar I want to put a new design on so that may be my project.
    I am anxious for Friday too. But I do not expect to loose much.. But whose knows. I am still gong ho. I do so want to lose 20 lbs by Easter.
    Take care my dear friend

    I am interested in easter challenge!!!M