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Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @Rozie. So sorry for your loss. You will miss your mother so much. I'm proud of you for making this a stepping stone to a healthier life.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Rozie~So sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. No matter the circumstances, its hard to lose a parent. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
  • Hippster91
    Hippster91 Posts: 9 Member
    @Rozie. Sorry about your loss. Praying for God's comfort.
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi! I hope Monday finds you successful with your health goals.
    @Rozie so sorry for your loss.
    @Niki Thanks for reposting the daily post suggestions. I knew there was a suggested format, I couldn't remember what it was.
    RE: strength training...I'm trying to become independent with strength training by adding a day of lifting with a friend in addition to the 2 I do with my trainer. So, I will report on that in some manner, I guess, depending on what is decided. Thanks for taking the leadership role on this, even though you aren't exactly comfortable with the role. I know we all appreciate it.
    Perfect effort and balance,
  • Bmoy87
    Bmoy87 Posts: 55 Member
    I need to loose about 160 pounds, could always use more friends and motivation.
  • MrsMorgori
    MrsMorgori Posts: 51 Member
    So sorry for your loss Rozie. Our thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @rozie--so sorry for your loss. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family.

    @holly--your Riley looks a lot like my Gunner when he was younger. I think you were very smart to drop that math class--always take control of what you can in life. :smile:

    @linda--I've had days like that--one little choice can upset the whole day. When I 1st started logging, I used to log my planned meals and snacks for the day, first thing in the morning. It kept me on plan and made it easier to adjust if need be.

    @amy--I'm happy that you are happy about the Patriots going to the Superbowl. Just as I'm happy that Tammy is happy about the Seahawks. As for this Chicago girl, I'm happy we have a new coach for our Bears.

    @kelley--glad you are enjoying the walks. That's a tough one about the gym membership. Does it have a monthly membership option? Could you get a "summer-only" membership. I know a lot of gym's offer that due to all of the students who are out of school all summer. Some gym's also let you put your membership "on hold" for a time period to accommodate people who travel a lot or are snowbirds. It might be worth talking to someone at the gym to see what your options are--I bet they would be willing to offer you some sort of package to keep you as a patron even if it's just for part of the year.

    @L2T--congrats on your daughter's engagement--how exciting for your family!

    @MKknits‌ --hope everyone gets well soon!

    Welcome to all of the newlings!! :smiley:

    Monday check-in:
    After one day on the prednisone, my shoulder and neck already feel so much better. Tomorrow I will call to schedule the PT. I had a very productive day since school is closed for MLK day. I met a colleague for a working breakfast, came home and walked gunner, then went to starbucks to grade some more. From there I went straight to the gym and ran 3 miles in 32 minutes.

    Now I'm home checking in with you guys and I still have plenty of time to get lunch ready for the week and perhaps grade the analysis activities. :smiley:

    2015 mantra = "Just 15 minutes"

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 17/19 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week: week 1 = 2/2, week 2 = 3/2, week 3 = 1/2, week 3 = x/2
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 36/66 AP essays
    2. 30/66 AP journals
    3. x/14 junior analysis activities
    4. 23/66 journal conferences

    Exercise Goals: (week 3)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Well I went back to work today. Everyone was happy to see me which made me feel great. They even had balloons, a beautiful plant, and a card. One of the office associates Brandy even gave me some microwavable mac-n-cheese because I had been craving it the day before my surgery. I love her!! <3 Now I have the next two days off before resuming my normal schedule.

    @rozie, I am so very sorry for the loss of your mother. But thinking of her free and in Heaven has to be so comforting. I pray your family and for your determination to make your mom proud. I’m sure she already was. :)

    @balloo134, welcome to the group! Logging is the first most important step to getting our weight under control. I know I HAVE to do it or I will fail. ;)

    @Bmoy87, welcome to the group. Post often and you will get a ton of support. :)

    @skinny, glad you’re feeling better! Sounds like you had a good and productive day. Those are the best huh? :D

    Motto: Fit for 50! B)

  • msbrittanyhelene
    msbrittanyhelene Posts: 20 Member
    Hello all! My name is Brittany. I'm not new to MFP, but this is my first time jumping in and posting in groups. In 2012 I weighed 253 pounds (5'8) and by 2013 I got down to 218. I moved out of my parents house and couldn't find time to eat healthy (re: was too lazy to eat healthy) and by the beginning of this year I had reached 274 - the most I've ever weighed. I have asthma, so my breathing is already raspy, add 100+ pounds of extra weight and I sound like a freight train. The good thing I realized I couldn't live like that anymore, and I joined a gym, as well as asked for a bike for Christmas that I've begun riding every day. I'm also living back home again (a whole other story on its own) and my mom is on a health kick herself so eating healthy has gotten easier. Since starting last Monday I'm down 10 pounds (260) and hoping to be under 200 by my 27th birthday in December. I could use any encouragement you'd like to throw my way, and friends are welcomed, too! I'm hoping to stick it out this time! Healthy is the new skinny!
  • Hi, I'm new here...I'm going into this with everything I have...I have 4 kids and over 100 pounds to lose, but so much to gain. I'd love to be a part of the group. Thanks
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Welcome to the new people, you have found a great group.

    Rozie- Sorry to hear about your mom. Wishing you and your family peace during this time.

    The swim meet went well and I beat all the times that I put in so that was an accomplishment. I also managed to beat one person in on the last leg of the 100 Back stroke so I was not last for once. Overall, I am happy with the results of the meet. I thing I learned is never shave your legs on the day of a swim meet. I have a horrible area on the inside of my knee that looks red, spotty like when you cut yourself while shaving. It does hurt and is painful. I also learned that I need to use the steps to get out of the pool, otherwise my calfs will never get rid of the bruises. They are very sore and bruised and I can't blame it on rock climbing.

    I had a good workout tonight and learned something from my trainer about eating. There are now three reasons why people eat besides hunger. There is the emotional eater- you eat based on how you feel whether it is happy, sad, celebration, crisis etc. Then there is the food for fuel to run your body (what we strive for and most athletes do this. The newest form is the social eater- hence this is what I tend to do. You eat when you go out with friends. So the trick is to avoid always meeting people for dinner or lunch within reason. Instead go for walk or do something active first or afterwards. The problem with restaurants is the amount of time you wait for food- ie then you order drinks, appetizers etc. So when you go out to eat avoid the apps and order the entree's, drink water instead of the liquor. When I thought about this I realized that when I eat out the night before my weight is usually up in the morning and the reason is simple- Too much sodium in the food, I eat to much and all the sitting and waiting for food. The point is not to avoid eating out it is doing so in moderation and pairing it with some type of exercise. I am a social eater since I like to go out with friends and people. When I do huge group things I tend to overeat the wrong type of food.

    Have a great day and a good work week.
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Welcome Brittany, 5girls, and the other new folks, you'll enjoy this group. Come back daily to check in or just read the posts and you'll certainly be encouraged. I just started a few months ago and between this group and logging my calories and exercise daily I have actually got a good start on my weight loss! I know you can do it too!

    @ Rosie, so sorry for your loss.

    @ Niki, I suggest keeping the calorie tracking and like the idea of weight training as long as those of us who don't go to a gym can do it our way, i.e. lifting light weights at home or working with bands, resistance exercises, etc.

    I would like to learn the "plank" not sure if someone my weight and age (with not much muscle strength) can do it. But I sure plan to try. Wish me luck!! :)
  • minnyaerm30
    minnyaerm30 Posts: 2 Member
    I just starter again on mfp after taking a 1 1/2 month hiatus. I was doing really well and lost 15lbs between last September-November but now I've gained 7lbs back and feel so disappointed in myself for falling off again. But I'm back up and ready to start again!
  • ArmedNurseNC
    ArmedNurseNC Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Everyone - I am pretty much new to MFP (I signed up years ago but never followed through) and need to get 100+ lbs off. I just realized today how many years I have been trying to lose these same pounds only to fall off the wagon and have to begin again. It was kind of discouraging to think about but I just need to take it one day at a time but not forget how many days I have in. yaraofafp0au.jpg

    I would love to have some motivation along the way and motivate where I am able - oh - I'm Marilyn....talk to you soon.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Wow--lots of newlings have jumped in tonight! Welcome to all of you. :) Come back often and you will get a lot of support as we get to know you.

    @marilyn--you're here doing it now and that's what matters.

    @minny--you're still down 8 lbs from where you started, so that's a win IMHO.

    @bap--anyone can learn to plank; you just need to start slow. Straight arm planks are much easier than planking on your forearms. Also, if you can't start with a straight arm plank on the floor, try it on the stairs or a counter top--any stationary surface that will provide an easier angle than flat on the floor. Once you find a good starting point hold it for as long as you can, rest, and repeat for a few reps. Then add 5 seconds each subsequent session. In order to see improvement, you'll need to be consistent, but you don't necessarily have to do them everyday. Every other day might be ideal as it will give your muscles time to rest and recover. Once you can hold the plank at your current angle for 1 minute, increase the difficulty (ie. move down one stair, or from the counter to a lower surface). Once you can hold a straight arm plank on the floor for 1 minute, you should be able to do a forearm plank for at least 15-20 seconds.

    @laurie--congrats on your swim meet--that's awesome that you beat all of your times!! I loved hearing about the different types of eaters. I would add one more--the boredom eater. Perhaps this is just a variation of the emotional eater, but I think it's slightly different than "feeding your feelings." Rather it's feeding a lack of activity. I know I'm guilty of this--when I'm bored, I want to snack. However, when I'm emotional, whether sad, angry, or nervous, I find it very hard to eat anything.

    @brittany & 5girls--Welcome to you both!

    @teresa--glad you were welcomed back so warmly at work!

    AFM (as for me)--I got lunch ready for the week (Parmesan swai--yum!) and did a load of laundry. Never got back to grading and now it's getting late, but I'll have a lot of time to grade tomorrow while my students take their final exams. I need to finish 18 more of the essays tomorrow, but I'm hoping to have them all done before I leave work.

    We have a pre-bargaining meeting after work which will probably go until 7-ish so glad I got the gym in today.

    2015 mantra = "Just 15 minutes"

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 17/19 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week: week 1 = 2/2, week 2 = 3/2, week 3 = 1/2, week 3 = x/2
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 36/66 AP essays
    2. 30/66 AP journals
    3. x/14 junior analysis activities
    4. 23/66 journal conferences

    Exercise Goals: (week 3)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello All and welcome to the newbies.

    So glad to see everyone coming on board with the weight training. There are so very many body weight exercises that you can do anywhere, home, work, outdoors. Currently my trainer has be doing heavy lifting 2 x week. I truly never expected to be able to do the weights I am now lifting.

    Food, fitness and water goals are all within range for the last 2 days. I have my food planned for today.

    Thank you all for being there,
    Lori <3
    Living Life Gratified
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @skinnyjeanz - Glad your neck and shoulder are feeling better and good luck with the PT. Isn't it great to have a day off? It's a little slice of what life will (hopefully) be like if we ever get to retire.

    @teresa - How sweet of your coworkers to welcome you back in such a nice way. Hope you continue to feel better every day.

    @laurie - Congrats on beating all your previous times at the swim meet!

    AFM - Doing much better with my eating and starting to drop the pounds I stupidly gained in the last few months. The weather is gorgeous this week after an entire week of gloomy, gray skies. I think the high today is in the 60s!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Argh. I WAS going to post a bunch of personals on Sunday evening, but had a heart attack during the Packer/Seahawks game...soo.....;) Oh well, maybe next year, GB.

    I was also exhausted after a busy work day yesterday, so I didn't get online last night and missed sharing with you all my Monday check in....I lost 2.6 lbs! Woo hoo! On my way to getting back to my summer weight. I keep getting down to 250 and then stall and gain back. I'm now at 263.6 and hopefully continuing back in a downward direction. My goal this year is to get under and stay under 250 for once!

    I have such a busy week coming up, so my Tuesday goal is to try and get in here and at least read and keep up each day this week. It should be easier to do now that I see the community page is on the android app for my phone! I tried posting a reply, but couldn't get a keyboard screen to come up...might've been because my battery was running low. Sometimes my phone gets crazy when it's low on energy....so human that way.

    As for the strength-training goal for February, I'm in. I think it will be a good idea to make it part of the All-in and let people personalize it to their fitness level. Strength training can come in so many different shapes and sizes. You can do resistance exercises using just your own body weight, you can do resistance bands or free weights, you can go to the gym and use machines, etc. Goals could be anything from strength-train x number of days/week to specific number of reps or attaining a higher weight lifted.
    I will have to think about what my goal will be as I have free weights at home and a gym membership which I should be using more.

    Well, I better get these the kids and I out the door and off to school and work!

    January All-in: 8/19
    Mantra: You Know Better!

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2015
    @Laurie~Hooray for beating all of your previous times at your swim meet! :star:

    @Teresa~What a warm welcome back to work!

    @Karen~Glad the meds are helping your shoulder, hope you’ll be good as new after a couple of PT sessions. Thanks for the ideas. My gym only offers summer membership to kids that are home from college; however, I can freeze my account twice a year—maybe I can freeze it until Jun/Jul. I did talk it over with my friend and trainer some last night—for now I’m playing it by ear, see if we keep up with walking consistently.

    @Hansea~Hooray for the loss this week, WTG!!! :star:

    @L2T~Congrats on the impending engagement for your daughter, how exciting. Sounds like she picked out a winner! Retirement…we can dream. :wink:

    @Holly~You made some great decisions in moving around your classes, I know your're disappointed that it will prolong finishing your degree but I think your mental health is more important.

    Welcome to all of the newlings. You’ve found a great place for friendship and support, check back often and become part of the conversation to receive the most benefit from this group.

    AFM~Well, I had an altercation with a wood fence last night after a certain 100# chocolate lab pulled me down a hill because she saw ducks to chase! :confounded: My hand and two of my fingers are pretty cut up. That was at the beginning of our walk yesterday; the rest of our walk was fine (our trainer joined us too, which was unexpected)—did a little over 3 miles. Today I lift heavy things with my trainer. :sweat_smile:

    Monday~Walk w friend DONE!
    Wednesday~Walk w friend
    Friday~Walk w friend (or rest day)
    Saturday~Walk w friend (or rest day)
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday!!
    @Welcome Newbies
    @NK1112- Keep the positive attitude up with your loss
    @Karen- My old boss recently got a dog they named Lucy who looks identical to Riley it could be a relative ;) Great job putting a dent in the grading. I like that you added boredom eater to the list.
    @Teresa-Glad office workers made your day.
    @LaurieK- Congrats on the swim meet and I am the emotional eater depending on the emotions I can stuff myself or just won't eat at all
    @hansea- Congrats on the loss

    AFM- Epic fail turned into success....went to my new class last night to only find the college was closed. I went grocery shopping instead which was much needed also. Goal tonight is to make enough breakfast sandwiches for the rest of the week so I will stop paying $7.50 for egg whites and muffin at my job. I got new walking shoes yesterday super excited to start breaking them in on lunch today.
    17/31 for staying under calorie goal
    12/20 for walking at lunch