Maybe the plateaus are vital for recovery?



  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I think your incredibly cute xx
    Ironically there was a show on about Endo last night, my heart goes out to you. These women were in chronic pain.
    The only advice I can give you is have some patience, easier said than done I know. I've lost 11kgs in the last 3mths pretty easily, but I'm down to my last 4-5kgs and now I'm losing around 1kg a month!! It's painfully slow, but I'll get there eventually, and I reeefuse to lower my calories any further!
    As someone else mentioned, try weight lifting. I've seen some wonderful results....... on other people lol myself, I'm going to start soon ;-)
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I'm definitely a fan of taking a break from deficit eating once in a while to reset and release some stress. Holidays are a great time to do that since there's so much food-centric social activity. Just make sure that your break is temporary, and that you set a date in advance for when you're going to get back on the wagon, and stick to it.

    When you do, try to find foods you like that are lower calorie, higher bulk, like veggies. Then make sure you add: protein, healthy fat, and fiber. Those three things, in addition to the high bulk veggies, will keep you feeling fuller longer.

    I've found that cooking with coconut oil makes me feel satisfied for much longer (I don't buy into the coconut oil woo, but I tried it for the high smoke point, and liked it for the effect on satiety.) I've even made a frosting out of coconut oil, cocoa, a touch of honey and cinnamon, to spread on whole wheat crepes, and ended up feeling stuffed. That has become my go-to when I'm feeling like snacking all day, and it's very satisfying and stops the desire to snack for the rest of the day, for less than 200 calories.
  • Ooci
    Ooci Posts: 247 Member
    I'm definitely a fan of taking a break from deficit eating once in a while to reset and release some stress. Holidays are a great time to do that since there's so much food-centric social activity. Just make sure that your break is temporary, and that you set a date in advance for when you're going to get back on the wagon, and stick to it.

    When you do, try to find foods you like that are lower calorie, higher bulk, like veggies. Then make sure you add: protein, healthy fat, and fiber. Those three things, in addition to the high bulk veggies, will keep you feeling fuller longer.

    I've found that cooking with coconut oil makes me feel satisfied for much longer (I don't buy into the coconut oil woo, but I tried it for the high smoke point, and liked it for the effect on satiety.) I've even made a frosting out of coconut oil, cocoa, a touch of honey and cinnamon, to spread on whole wheat crepes, and ended up feeling stuffed. That has become my go-to when I'm feeling like snacking all day, and it's very satisfying and stops the desire to snack for the rest of the day, for less than 200 calories.
    The whole wheat crepes - are they in the supermarket? Or do you make from scratch? Sounds good.
    I've never had coconut oil - I wonder if we have it in the supermarket in the UK?
    Will look.
    Such sound advice about the balanced diet - the difference between eating as you describe and eating junk is massive in terms of how you get through that diet day. I'm trying to ditch things like white bread and rice, and trying to include veggies at every meal. It takes effort. But well worth it.

    I think your incredibly cute xx
    Ironically there was a show on about Endo last night, my heart goes out to you. These women were in chronic pain.
    The only advice I can give you is have some patience, easier said than done I know. I've lost 11kgs in the last 3mths pretty easily, but I'm down to my last 4-5kgs and now I'm losing around 1kg a month!! It's painfully slow, but I'll get there eventually, and I reeefuse to lower my calories any further!
    As someone else mentioned, try weight lifting. I've seen some wonderful results....... on other people lol myself, I'm going to start soon ;-)

    Good luck! And thanks for the sympathy with the endo - I went through a very painful year with a 10cm cyst on the left ovary, since it was removed I've been given a new lease of life. The new healthy diet and weight loss is stopping more big cysts growing, I think. xxx

  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    Good for you - you are doing amazing. You look great. I love your attitude as well. Best of luck going forward :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited January 2015
    Congratulations on your weight loss. You log terrific.

    I've been on a year plateau, on purpose though. I love maintenance.

    Oh, if you're feeling like you're starving, you might need to see the doc. You should not feel like that.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Shaky and faint would last about two minutes - the time it took me to go to the kitchen and get something to eat. If you feel like that on a regular basis, you need to call a doctor.

    I eat a lot of healthy food, so hunger isn't really an issue. Do you have any idea how many fruits and veggies you can eat for 1000 calories? More than you'd want to eat! Hunger never needs to be an issue.
  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    To me, plateaus are a product of iffy measuring practices. If I hit a plateau, but I'm still staying under my calorie goal, I start weighing in a little less often for a while. Even on a major plateau, I'll see some benefit after three weeks between weigh-ins rather than three days
  • Ooci
    Ooci Posts: 247 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thanks guys. I think this thread is a good wake up call for me. I need to make a lot more effort with veg. And take the weigh ins more slowly - I weigh several times a day and tear my hair out needlessly.

    I did Slimming World to begin with and lost around 25 pounds on that and then it stopped working. For those unfamiliar with the plan it's unlimited Free Food that must be cooked from scratch without fat. Fruit, veg, lean meat, pasta rice potatoes and pulses are all free food. The naughties are counted as "Syns" and you can have 15 points worth of those per day - a chocolate bar, or a couple of glasses of wine, for example. It seems to work brilliantly for high BMIS and for people who've been having a terrible diet.

    But it isn't very good for ladies on the smaller side in my opinion. I can easily eat 2200 cals on a Slimming World day. So, I switched to My Fitness Pal, and the absolute freedom of it has led me back to old habits- a little cereal at brek, fruit, perhaps a sandwich at lunch, a 100 cal treat, a calorie counted normal dinner.

    It isn't as good as having a big cooked breakfast with mushrooms and tomatoes and beans and then a huge bowl of soup at lunch. I know that, I need to put the work in to avoid the hunger. My day is often physically hard ( for example I've 5 solid hours of tennis today) and it's no good not having proper fuel at breakfast and lunch.
  • gl40
    gl40 Posts: 2
    I feel your pain, I would like to lose another 7/8kg and I've hit a wall since September last year..... I do my 1200 calories and exercise 40minutes a night on my treadmill, people tell me I'm fine the way I am but I'm not happy till I get this weight off :-( I just give iPad to how it's ever going to budge... Good luck with your goal :-)
  • katkins73
    katkins73 Posts: 416 Member
    So sorry to hear about all the medical things you are having to contend with, that must make this journey so much harder. You have a great, positive outlook though. I have no doubt at all that you will definitely reach your goal <3
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    Sainsbury's have coconut oil, usually in the 'ethnic foods' section (I think it's a Jamaican brand - KTC). It's solid, so look for a clear plastic jar full of wax. It's lovely.

    Good luck - and I second the strength training.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    When I have a day that I'll be eating out, I eat light the rest of the day. For breakfast I will have 2 Wasa crackers with Philidelphia (a thin veil, 28g per cracker). I use the light version, but the classic is so good, if you can afford the calories. For lunch I make my low-cal veg soup. I buy 2 carrots, 1 onion, several stalks of celery, and a big fistful of parsley. Wash then up, peel the celery, grate the carrots and throw all into a food processor until fine. I put this mixture in ice cube trays and freeze. When I want a quick, low-cal soup, I throw 2 cubes in a small pan of boiling water and add some broth. Simmer this for about 20 min and then put in a bowl with 1 tablespoon of grated parmesean cheese. You can add whatever you like, but the simple version is surprisingly filling for very few calories. I have 2 light snacks that day, and then enjoy when going out--but always watch what I order, and split a dessert. I also think you're doing great. Keep going and you'll get there. Best of luck. :)
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Are you weight lifting? I'm thinking that this will help a lot with changing your body even more. Along with a small deficit, you won't be hungry but you'll still see changes. I'm at the last bit of my weight loss and it's going to move very slowly - I'm giving it a year to really lift a lot, have a 10% deficit and keep going. While the changes will also be slow, I can handle this sort of 'diet'.

    this... you want to recomp not lose :) it is actually my preference to losing lol
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Ooci wrote: »
    Thanks guys. I think this thread is a good wake up call for me. I need to make a lot more effort with veg. And take the weigh ins more slowly - I weigh several times a day and tear my hair out needlessly.

    I did Slimming World to begin with and lost around 25 pounds on that and then it stopped working. For those unfamiliar with the plan it's unlimited Free Food that must be cooked from scratch without fat. Fruit, veg, lean meat, pasta rice potatoes and pulses are all free food. The naughties are counted as "Syns" and you can have 15 points worth of those per day - a chocolate bar, or a couple of glasses of wine, for example. It seems to work brilliantly for high BMIS and for people who've been having a terrible diet.

    But it isn't very good for ladies on the smaller side in my opinion. I can easily eat 2200 cals on a Slimming World day. So, I switched to My Fitness Pal, and the absolute freedom of it has led me back to old habits- a little cereal at brek, fruit, perhaps a sandwich at lunch, a 100 cal treat, a calorie counted normal dinner.

    It isn't as good as having a big cooked breakfast with mushrooms and tomatoes and beans and then a huge bowl of soup at lunch. I know that, I need to put the work in to avoid the hunger. My day is often physically hard ( for example I've 5 solid hours of tennis today) and it's no good not having proper fuel at breakfast and lunch.

    Do you mean you played tennis for 5 hours? Wow. With days like that you're going to need substantial fuel or else I'm not surprised you feel terrible. In some ways that actually makes this even more tricky because you need to eat more but how much more isn't super clear since it is hard to calculate calories burned accurately.

    It sounds like Slimming World gave you a great background that will make you much more likely to be successful with MFP. I found that my experience not tracking but eating all unprocessed a few years ago set me up well for MFP this time around because I had figured out lots of combinations of foods that work well for me, but with the precision of MFP I'm able to be more flexible with my food choices and more consistent with weight loss.

    Finally, weighing multiple times per day would drive anybody crazy. Doing checking behaviors so frequently actually can create a sense of obsession in people. Something that could help would be to put your scale away today and get it back out for your weigh-in in a week or even two weeks. I do weigh every day but I don't let myself weigh more than once and it's hard for me to get obsessive about things :)
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Ooci wrote: »

    For those unfamiliar with the plan it's unlimited Free Food that must be cooked from scratch without fat. Fruit, veg, lean meat, pasta rice potatoes and pulses are all free food. The naughties are counted as "Syns" and you can have 15 points worth of those per day - a chocolate bar, or a couple of glasses of wine, for example.

    That's as clear a recipe for weight loss disaster as I've ever heard.

    "unlimited" "free food" ... those don't usually work well with folks who can't control what they eat in the first place.

    Why do folks have to make things so difficult?
  • Ooci
    Ooci Posts: 247 Member

    That's as clear a recipe for weight loss disaster as I've ever heard.

    I'm inclined to agree Sergeant Sausage but SW is an extremely successful organisation in the UK. I've watched a lot of ladies (it attracts far fewer men) go from around 18-20 stones to around 11. A lot of them have really no idea how to cook and what to eat. The recipes are extremely simple, quick, and very nice mostly, and if you stick to the recipes from the website, portion control is built in in the ingredients list. On top of that they make a big fuss about drawing a line under your slip-up, forgiving yourself, and moving on, so people (like me) who had a habit of feeling disgusted with themselves after a lapse and giving up go back and start again.

    However there's no wiggle room when you're lighter. They say don't boredom eat but eat your fill of what you like from the Free Foods, trying to focus on SuperFree ( veg) filling half the plate, with a quarter taken up by the potato/rice/pasta and a quarter taken up by lean meat or fish. That's maybe fine if you use a small plate but they don't stipulate plate size.

    I'm a real eater and it doesn't work for me - but I love the slimming buddies I made there and so I go every Thursday!! Actually it's worth a fiver just to get a clap and genuine celebration when you lose weight.

  • Ooci
    Ooci Posts: 247 Member

    Do you mean you played tennis for 5 hours? Wow. With days like that you're going to need substantial fuel or else I'm not surprised you feel terrible. In some ways that actually makes this even more tricky because you need to eat more but how much more isn't super clear since it is hard to calculate calories burned accurately.

    Finally, weighing multiple times per day would drive anybody crazy. Doing checking behaviors so frequently actually can create a sense of obsession in people. Something that could help would be to put your scale away today and get it back out for your weigh-in in a week or even two weeks. I do weigh every day but I don't let myself weigh more than once and it's hard for me to get obsessive about things :)

    Thanks for that. Yes, obsessed, guilty as charged mi'lord. I'll try to stop!

    Yes, a whole day of tennis today pretty much. I'm a bit of an obsessive person I suppose - all or nothing. I sat down on the court feeling very faint and shaky again today - that was after what I'd call a pretty hefty breakfast of two pieces toast, peanut butter, 150g low fat yog, teaspoon honey, 50 g grapes. But the cardio tennis is almost more than I can do - it pushes me to the very limit of my power and speed as you're basically sprinting all over the court reaching balls that are fired very fast by the coach. Maybe I should stop doing this and do the weights that are so highly recommended by everyone.
  • Ooci
    Ooci Posts: 247 Member
    Are you weight lifting? I'm thinking that this will help a lot with changing your body even more. Along with a small deficit, you won't be hungry but you'll still see changes. I'm at the last bit of my weight loss and it's going to move very slowly - I'm giving it a year to really lift a lot, have a 10% deficit and keep going. While the changes will also be slow, I can handle this sort of 'diet'.

    this... you want to recomp not lose :) it is actually my preference to losing lol

    I agree I need to lift weight, but surely the benefits will only be seen if I'm slim in the tummy area? I used to be very slight when I was in my twenties - here's me aged 22, at 101 lb


    It maybe was a bit thin. Not technically underweight though.

    This is probably my ideal - me aged 31 at 116lb. It was a period of obsessive salsa dancing and a bit of weight training. It's very motivating to have the old pics, though whether I can get back to that is dubious.
