Rest days during bulking phase



  • leanmuscleway
    leanmuscleway Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks! I have a wheat intolerance which keeps me away from a lot of nice fast carbs :-(
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    My last meal before the workout would be around 8pm and would be a protein shake and 100g oats and honey.

    One thing to note - if you train fasted you may want to try to get a protein heavy meal within a shortish time (no need to slam a protein shake as soon as you put down your last weight), but do not leave it to long. To be safe (and to help with energy as well), I would have some milk and/or a protein shake prior to/during your workout. Its really a CYA than a necessity.
  • leanmuscleway
    leanmuscleway Posts: 72 Member
    yes - i do try and have a shake and oats/blueberries within 30mins - 1hr.

    So eating fruit during then doesn't have the wrong affect on my insulin? (I'm not actually sure what affect i want to have on it though - do i want a spike or a low?) trying to learn :\:)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    yes - i do try and have a shake and oats/blueberries within 30mins - 1hr.

    So eating fruit during then doesn't have the wrong affect on my insulin? (I'm not actually sure what affect i want to have on it though - do i want a spike or a low?) trying to learn :\:)

    I would not worry about insulin in this context. Work your food around what gives you the best energy.

    Layne Norton has a vlog that discusses the futility of trying to manipulate at the acute level. Will link when I find it .
  • leanmuscleway
    leanmuscleway Posts: 72 Member
    thanks very much.
  • sjohnson__1
    sjohnson__1 Posts: 405 Member
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    Bit of a different subject but can anyone give me a steer:

    i can only fit my workouts in between 3.30am and 4.30am on the 5 weekdays but can get one in around 8am saturday. For my early workouts i struggle to eat anything before it and doing heavy compounds (as i'm trying to bulk) by half way through my workout i'm pretty shot and i do get to the end of it but i dont feel i'm working to my full potential for the full 60 minutes. I do have a preworkout before i start but i dont feel it makes a huge difference although does help a bit.

    I have started eating fruit, either a bannana or some dried mango about half way through to give me some fast carbs to keep the effort i put in to maximum. Is this a good idea - are there better carbs i should have? I would buy carb shake (dextrose or maltodextrin) but i cant really afford it - is it much better?

    Fruits are fine to eat prior/during. Or an energy drink. Or a pop-tart =)

    I would highly encourage you to grab some fast acting carbs before your workout, and continue to eat the fruit (banana) or yes, a poptart, mid workout if you can't eat all that much. Quick oats work great, and don't sit on the stomach that bad. But a fasted/mostly fasted heavy compound workout is tough. Very tough.
  • leanmuscleway
    leanmuscleway Posts: 72 Member
    Interesting. Sure i could probably manage an oats n honey bar along with the pre-workout i take. Out of interest i looked at your profile - we are pretty close in height and i notice you are aiming to bulk to 195lbs - what are you currently? I am 6'2 and currently weight 183lbs - i am also currently bulking and was planning on ending the bulk end of march.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    If you want a fast acting carb gummies are as good as anything for pre and post.
  • I'm 6'1" and bulking up to 220. I am at 206 now. I was doing chest and bis- back and tris - legs and shoulders. Calves with legs and abs every two days. That kinda burnt me out. I find a five day workout is better for healing and growing, especially if you do manual labor or are older like me. The 3 day routine is for professional body builders who can workout twice a day and do nothing else. Chest - back- shoulders- legs - bis and tris. You can work your muscles harder-push more weight when rested properly and heal (grow) faster. Abs every two days, lower and upper , unless too sore. Calves twice in the 5 days once they can handle what you throw at them. seated , donkey and standing . Been doing the 5 day plan for many years and it always seemed to work fine.
  • Forgot to add, if you can do any body part twice in a routine, then you are not using enough weight and working it hard enough. You should do no more then 10 reps and 4 sets for anything and if enough weight is used and enough effort put into it . You should be plenty sore or maybe just healed when it rolls around again. Also I always avoided hitting the same muscles when doing 2 groups a day. EXP- If you do chest then tris , your tris are already wasted from doing chest. I know you should switch it up once in a while, but I always tried to keep my routine doing opposite muscle groups, for the most part, to isolate and work them harder.
  • sjohnson__1
    sjohnson__1 Posts: 405 Member
    Interesting. Sure i could probably manage an oats n honey bar along with the pre-workout i take. Out of interest i looked at your profile - we are pretty close in height and i notice you are aiming to bulk to 195lbs - what are you currently? I am 6'2 and currently weight 183lbs - i am also currently bulking and was planning on ending the bulk end of march.

    I'm 6'0-6'1 and weighed 185 this morning. Recently increased my calories to 3700, and the scale is starting to tilt. If I hit 190 by February 14, I'll likely end my bulk then.

  • sjohnson__1
    sjohnson__1 Posts: 405 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    JohnRHII wrote: »
    I'm 6'1" and bulking up to 220. I am at 206 now. I was doing chest and bis- back and tris - legs and shoulders. Calves with legs and abs every two days. That kinda burnt me out. I find a five day workout is better for healing and growing, especially if you do manual labor or are older like me. The 3 day routine is for professional body builders who can workout twice a day and do nothing else. Chest - back- shoulders- legs - bis and tris. You can work your muscles harder-push more weight when rested properly and heal (grow) faster. Abs every two days, lower and upper , unless too sore. Calves twice in the 5 days once they can handle what you throw at them. seated , donkey and standing . Been doing the 5 day plan for many years and it always seemed to work fine.
    You're actually pretty wrong there. Twice a day, who told you that? Nothing better to do? Advanced bodybuilders actually do the bro splits you are recommending to a beginner. You have everything completely backwards.

    So basically what I'm saying is I disagree with all of your advice.

    LOL - but I agree with your disagreement.
  • leanmuscleway
    leanmuscleway Posts: 72 Member

    I'm 6'0-6'1 and weighed 185 this morning. Recently increased my calories to 3700, and the scale is starting to tilt. If I hit 190 by February 14, I'll likely end my bulk then.

    that's something for me to try and keep up with! I am currently 183lbs..
  • sjohnson__1
    sjohnson__1 Posts: 405 Member
    edited January 2015
    What's your training split look like currently?
  • leanmuscleway
    leanmuscleway Posts: 72 Member
    I am just a week into:

    1) Back and bi's
    2) Chest and tri's
    3) Legs and abs
    4) Back, bi's and delts
    5) chest, shoulders,
    6) Legs, abs, tri's
  • Dude as long as you're hitting your caloric needs "clean, not Burger King 3 times a day" with enough protein and carbs you're on the right track. With your training schedule/programme, I'd hit legs twice a week with a different compound lift for each session "as said, deads for say Tuesday, squats for Friday"

    I was advised not to squat and dead in the same session because they are the two main compound lifts. You want to be on form and be able to put all of you're energy into both of these lifts, for example if you start with squat then move onto deads after, your deads will suffer "BIG TIME" if you have gone as hard as you can on squats.

    On training these "compound lifts" and with bench aswell. I'd advise 5 sets of 5 reps progressively getting heavier "if you only manage 2 reps on your last set, you're doing it right" this is for targeting your strength gains, and then after drop the weight and go for 3 sets of 10 reps "of possible progressively getting heavier" and this will do the job for gaining size... Guessing you do want to get strong as well as big lol.

    So for example for a chest day "bench";

    5 reps of 85kg
    5 reps of 90kg
    5 reps of 95kg
    5 reps of 100kg
    2 reps of 110kg

    10 reps of 65kg
    10 of 70kg
    10 of 70kg

    Work to whatever you can do but give this a go, it is a brilliant way to train "your main/first lifts"
  • leanmuscleway
    leanmuscleway Posts: 72 Member
    iFazeFam wrote: »
    Dude as long as you're hitting your caloric needs "clean, not Burger King 3 times a day" with enough protein and carbs you're on the right track. With your training schedule/programme, I'd hit legs twice a week with a different compound lift for each session "as said, deads for say Tuesday, squats for Friday"

    I was advised not to squat and dead in the same session because they are the two main compound lifts. You want to be on form and be able to put all of you're energy into both of these lifts, for example if you start with squat then move onto deads after, your deads will suffer "BIG TIME" if you have gone as hard as you can on squats.

    On training these "compound lifts" and with bench aswell. I'd advise 5 sets of 5 reps progressively getting heavier "if you only manage 2 reps on your last set, you're doing it right" this is for targeting your strength gains, and then after drop the weight and go for 3 sets of 10 reps "of possible progressively getting heavier" and this will do the job for gaining size... Guessing you do want to get strong as well as big lol.

    So for example for a chest day "bench";

    5 reps of 85kg
    5 reps of 90kg
    5 reps of 95kg
    5 reps of 100kg
    2 reps of 110kg

    10 reps of 65kg
    10 of 70kg
    10 of 70kg

    Work to whatever you can do but give this a go, it is a brilliant way to train "your main/first lifts"

    thanks - thats all useful.

    my current 2 legs days i do squats on one day and deads the 2nd day. I'm probably not doing enough reps of 'heavy' though - i usually am only doing 2 or 3 sets of near my 1 rep max.

    As to eating my diary is open - i think its quite clean but like any guidance or tips!
  • leanmuscleway
    leanmuscleway Posts: 72 Member
    Hello again.

    I have done 4 weeks now of the routine i wrote above. Felt a bit washed out this morning and i couldn't increase the weight or reps of my first heavy compound set so have decided to go for a 'rest week' - will do the same exercises but lighter weights, aiming for 10-12 reps and maybe 3 or 4 sets rather than 5 - is this wise can anyone tell me?

    also on a lighter week like this should i lower my calorie in take at all?
  • missyjane824
    missyjane824 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Sounds like a deload is a good idea. I would say you're ok doing it that way as long as the load is lighter overall. You could simplify it even more and stick with the same sets and reps and just lessen the weight. Somewhere in the 50-70%.
  • leanmuscleway
    leanmuscleway Posts: 72 Member
    Thats great - i'll aim for that. And reduce calories also in view of not gaining more body fat than i have to? Or is it important to keep calories the same as my body is really supposed to be recovering during a lighter week?