Calling all mommys



  • cds_momto3
    cds_momto3 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi! Any of you moms feel free to add me! I'm 33, and have three kids - a 7yo boy, 5yo boy and 2yo girl. I'm trying to lose 30-40 pounds and want all the encouragement I can get!
  • adechii
    How can i add someone?
  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    adechii wrote: »
    How can i add someone?

    It's easy! Just click on the user name of the person that you want to add. Their profile page will open up and you will see their picture and two buttons. One button says "send message" and the other button says "add as friend." Just click on the "add as friend" button. You will be able to add a message to your friend request, and then click "send". Once the person is online again, they will be alerted that they have a friend request and will either accept or deny it. (A lot of people won't accept a request if there isn't a brief message included, so I recommend doing that with each one you send. Just a quick "this is who I am and why I would like to be friends" sort of thing.)
  • adechii
    Thanks a lot
  • anitajcrow
    anitajcrow Posts: 1 Member
    I just had my second child almost 3 months ago, so I am looking to get back into shape. I would love some motivation buddies too!
  • usflygirl55
    usflygirl55 Posts: 277 Member
    I am a mom of a 9 month old little girl. I was able to stay home with her for 3 months and then returned to work full time. I find it difficult to exercise after work as I am so tired and taking care of her. I will not let this stop me. I am starting small with my weight goals but ultimately I would like to lose about 60 pounds. I too am looking for friends in similar situations. :D
  • orchid8384
    Before my first child, I was at 97 pounds (I'm 4'11). After my second child, I went to 198. Now I'm at 145 and trying to lose another 40's been nine years, lol.
  • nicole779
    im looking for other mommys looking to get their bodies back, it's been 3 years and I feel like it'll never happen!!
    I hear ya! My son will be 3 in July and I have over 70 pounds to lose.
  • lil_lawyer3
    lil_lawyer3 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I'm 25 years old and a mom of 2. they are just over a year apart. finding the time and energy is so difficult to do you forget your self. I find that finding ways to exercise with my kids is a great way. dancing, chasing or what ever. friend me if you want
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 325 Member
    I am working off baby weight as well.. 9 1/2 months post partum.. This is my 2nd child.. my first is 15 yrs old.. so yes I starte over. Most things seem easier this tme around except losing the baby weight.. I'm thinking that's because I'm 37 this time and not 21?? I've got 16lbs to go to be back to prepreggers weight.. but umm once there I still have more to lose.. so I am long from there.... Feel free to add me, I am here everyday!!
  • nursejen1982
    Hi! I just had my third child Dec 5, 2015. Ive been working out for a couple weeks now. The weight is not coming off as fast as I would like. So I decided to try again and log my food regularly. I am hoping this can help me.
  • maxsmommy1126
    i just wanna say that all of you seem so supportive already... i cant wait to share this journey with all of you XOXO
  • livb528
    livb528 Posts: 55 Member
    I've got 3 littles: 4.5, 3, and 9 months. Friend me!
  • francesmarieg
    francesmarieg Posts: 75 Member
    My daughter is 7... and I didn't start trying until about 6 months ago! It'll happen! Just keep working hard at it!
  • MillieMommy
    Hi! I'm a mommy to a 3 year old. I was heavy before I got pregnant and lost weight during pregnancy and after...
    But now 3 years later and having given up, I'm about 130lbs over weight. I have a long journey, but maybe some other mommy's with large amounts of weight to lose will be interested in friending me and sticking this thing out!!
  • Alex_is_hungry
    hi everyone i am a 27 year old mummy to a 2 year old, we live in the uk. i would love to find some other mothers to help on their fitness journey.
    I was using mfp last year and lost 2 stone but alas i found it again this winter and have got to do it all over again.
    add me up mamas xxxxx
    good luck everyone on your weight loss :smile:
  • Gouchisgirll
    Gouchisgirll Posts: 2,476 Member
    I don't usually post in the forums, but I have a 12, 3, and 2 yo (All 3 C-sections) I've been in maintenance pretty much through my last pregnancy so I'm really just here to help motivate others and lend a helping hand, plus motivating everyone else helps to motivate me and keep me on the right track lol Anyone who would like to feel free to shoot me a request :) Remember: This can totally be done ;)
  • natalialikescookies
    I have a 2.5yo and a 4m old, I'd love to join you all in this journey! Please add me :) let's motivate and support each other!
  • gemma_yidette
    gemma_yidette Posts: 9 Member
    I have a 10yr old and 4yr old. I am trying to lose a little bit. So hard when the children are in bed and my partner is At work, tend to sit eating choccys! New to these forums so trying to figure it all out. Feel free to add me :) x
  • courtney428
    Motivation needed!