Challenge - No alcohol for 2 weeks!



  • ccantu00
    ccantu00 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. I drink heavily 4-5 nights a week. I didn't always drink so much but it crept up on me. It's beer mainly. I have been on a weight loss roller coaster since 2010 fluctuating by 25lbs or so up and down but never reaching my healthy goal weight. The weight gain months are typically associated with periods of increase stress and alcohol consumption. I am fairly active (running 4days a week) but the beer holds me back from losing weight. I have a wife and a 2yr old son and another baby boy on the way and I don't want regular alcohol use in my life anymore. I use even the smallest reason to drink and the road I'm on is worrying. I don't know if I can go a full two weeks but I won't drink today. And then I won't drink tomorrow. Have you ever gotten to a place where you finally throw your hands up and say "I need a little help over here" ...that's me.
  • MelanieRBrace
    MelanieRBrace Posts: 245 Member
    I've gotten lots of kudos on MFP for this challenge - currently day #8. You could start a group!
  • SarahJohnson1234
    SarahJohnson1234 Posts: 23 Member
    I stopped drinking altogether. I found that I was trying to escape reality of life even on a small scale. The stresses in my life were not even stresses when looking at the bigger picture and I no longer needed confidence in talking to other people that were also reliant on alcohol is 'escape'
    I hope this two week challenge helps you guys realise the same!!

    I bought a food diary to help me log food and drink. I've tried a few diaries and found an easy one to use 'food diary and exercise log by dr Joseph Reece'. The calorie counting diaries was a bit tricky to work out when being out and about so I used this one to quickly log stuff. It has motivational quotes at the top of each page which is fun and keeps you going But everyone has different uses :)

    I find it helps me keep ontop of intake and I highlight what is bad for me so I can flick through to see what I have had that's bad. The less highlighter I see, the better :)

    Good luck!!!!
  • afroneen
    afroneen Posts: 9 Member
    Count me in. Starting today. Cant wait to see the results because I drink a good bit of my calories.
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    edited October 2014
    chatnel wrote: »
    After realising I had over 3 bottles of wine over the weekend and that is a regular occurence, I have set myself a challenge for no booze for two full weeks including two full weekends. Who wants to join me and keep each other motivated?
    When I'd drink, my food inhibitions vanished, and I'd eat like a guy on his final night in death row.
    I finally just totally gave up all booze and don't regret it one bit. Some people drink with no issues.
    Good for them!
    I just can't do it and maintain my health. Good luck to you over 2 weeks!
  • MelanieRBrace
    MelanieRBrace Posts: 245 Member
    Update: I’ve completed this two week challenge and keeping it up for at least the rest of the week. I know some of you can drink within in your calorie count and have no issues. I, on the other hand, could not. I knew I was drinking too much and it was affecting me and others negatively.
    It would diminish my inhibitions so that I would not make good food choices. It would allow me to escape from stress and pressures. It became habit and therefore expensive. It made me feel sluggish and make me put not as much effort into working out or skip altogether. It made me feel foggy and bloated. It stalled my weight loss as I never counted the alcohol in my daily calorie goal.
    Now I can say my head is so much clearer and I am way more focused. I can make well thought out food choices. I realize the stress and pressure I was trying to escape from wasn’t really big stress and pressure at all. I am saving money to put towards a family vacation. I am now working out whole heartedly and back on Mondays. No bloating, no stomach issues, way healthier. My weight loss is now back on track. My family loves the “new me”.
    Going forward, I will definitely continue this at some extent as a lifestyle change. I will now only have alcohol when I log it with my calories. It’s not a must have anymore but a treat.
    Everyone is different. This is my personal journey. This small two week challenge really changed my outlook.
  • mountainrun73
    mountainrun73 Posts: 155 Member
    Way to go, everyone, for embarking on this challenge! I think it is something I need to do as well. I have been drinking 2-3 mixed drinks almost every night and significantly more on the weekends. I periodically put my fitness/health goals aside and get caught up in an unhealthy lifestyle of drinking too much and eating poorly. As a result of my on-again, off-again diet and fitness plan, I am now about 20 lbs over my ideal weight.
    What have you all done to succeed in staying away from wine/beer/liquor for the duration of the challenge?
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    Yahoo I have done 8 days straight. Going to see how long I can go for.
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    boom 10 days now and the weight is finally started to come off.
  • MelanieRBrace
    MelanieRBrace Posts: 245 Member
    ^That's what I found as well, it really helps with taking the weight off for me personally.