Everyone says "DRINK WATER," but...



  • decu68
    decu68 Posts: 78
    Wouldn't want to stop drinking it because the benefits are well worth it, but I'd love to know your secret, you folks who have "gotten used to it" LOL i still haven't adjusted to drinking so much water after several years of it...
    Still have to pee frequently, or hold it and then take forever just like the Jet d'eau or Old Faithful...
    ...that's why it's a good idea to take one of those water bottles along I guess...:wink:

    I don't think there is any secret. I usually drink 64 ounces of water (8 x 8 ounces cups) at work every day. I used to have an insulated water bottle (1 Litre) that I filled 2 or more times a day and may start doing that again. In the beginning I peed and I peed a lot. I was up every 15 to 25 minutes; ridiculous. Over time the times I needed to go were less and less and now perhaps only going to the washroom maybe 3-4 times (8.5 hour period). At night I don't drink lots of water unless it is my workout day to replenish myself. On weekend I don't follow this whereas I should and I crave it. I'm also bad on holidays as when I get back I can't wait to get back into a routine.

    I "sip" continually throughout the day, not drink full glasses of water. Perhaps that is what makes the difference.

    Drinking this much water does make me feel fuller.
  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    It does get better. I'm not sure if anyone else mentioned this, but I was always told if you are not using the restroom every 1-2 hours, then you are not drinking enough fluids.
  • Christie422
    Christie422 Posts: 120 Member
    I've been drinking between 12-15 8 oz glasses a day...I've had three kids so the ol' bladder ain't what it used to be! I go to the bathroom every 15 minutes. I drink my first 5-6 glasses really early in the morning and then don't drink anything for a few hours so I can get my running around done (grocery store...etc). When I get back I drink another big jug of water and when I think I'm done going to the bathroom I go for a walk and get some exercise for an hour or so. Then another jug with dinner....I'm up all night peeing but if I didn't space it out like I do I would never be able to leave the house!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    You're going to the bathroom a lot probly because your drinking too much water.

    The 8 glasses, or 6 glasses, or how ever much whichever source states, is based entirely on a mis-interpretation of a daily water needs study.

    Different size people, with differing activity levels, in different environments, with different metabolism, need different amounts of water.

    If you are sitting at a desk in an air conditioned office 9 hours a day, you don't need as much water as someone nailing down shingles in the sun.

    Also, a very large percentage of your water intake comes from solid foods. For example, a five ounce chicken breast may contain 3.5 ounces of water.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Ok, here's an excerpt from the original study;

    Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council:

    "One milliliter of water for each calorie of food... most of this quantity is contained in prepared foods."
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    Personally, i think it's a matter of volume in/volume out not about getting used to it
    when i pee less it's probably because i drank less -- but that's my perception your mileage may vary...

    the only problem i have with it is finding a place to pee doing a distance run or walk orwhatever...
    hence my little taking along a bottle joke :smile:
    I don't think there is any secret.
  • Erica1965
    Erica1965 Posts: 36
    I have the same problem! Had 3 kids and I'm 45. I can't do rigorous exercise or... ooops. I hear you loud and clear!!
  • xxjacqueline
    xxjacqueline Posts: 97 Member
    Healthy kidneys produce a full bladder every 45 minutes to an hour. It's a good thing. If it's to bad drink more water when you can like when you're at home, or when you return from your walks. Not before you do anything.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    the only problem i have with it is finding a place to pee doing a distance run or walk orwhatever...
    Yeah, this is the biggest issue I have too. Don't mind having to go to the toilet every 15-20 minutes while I'm home but when I'm out somewhere it's quite often just not possible. I make sure not to drink anything for at least an hour before going out now.
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