reboot with Juicing fast



  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    edited January 2015
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    scubamaja wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    scubamaja wrote: »
    Wghat do you think how many nutrition you'll take with a hot dog? You just don't know what you don't know.

    Actually, I eat Applegate Farms hotdogs. They are very nutritious. I wonder where you get your protein and healthy fats while juicing?

    Avocados, Nuts, seeds and protein based plants

    Protein based plants???

    yepp, google it

    From women's health magazine. Okay then. :laugh: I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

    Anyways, I looked and you'd be hard pressed to get in more than minimum (absolute minimum) with just those listed. Unless you are eating really really large amounts.

    She may have googled it but didn't bother to read the "Something important to keep in mind: "Plant proteins are 'incomplete'"

    When have facts actually mattered to those creating these juice fast threads?
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    scubamaja wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    You have livers and kidneys that detox your body. If you need a detox, you need an MD, not a juice fast.

    As has already been covered, that documentary is a propaganda piece meant to scare the people that won't actually research anything. Nothing more.

    too...funny. Do you think that if you constantly drink alcohol and eat processed food and shovel mcdonalds and taco bell in your belly, your liver and kidneys will be able to detox all the toxics & chemicals in your body? Absolutely not. You getting sick, take medication for the liver which has an effect on other organs and you need another pill. Great- now you are in the medical mouse wheel- the doctor has you for live and you are his money pig. Do you think that all the side effects of medication are healthy and will extend your life? What exactly let you think that? Why do you think that people who are eating mostly raw food have proof records of a long healthy live? Juicing/Detoxing/rebooting is not a new trend, It has been around for a very long time. My grandma used to do that. So far I just see nobody here who have experience with juicing to share. But everybody seems to have an

    Cite your sources. Btw, your grandmother isn't a source.

    Oh, and they put arsenic and lead in food when your grandmother was young. You really think that all the other things they did back then is what you should do now?
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    scubamaja wrote: »
    Wghat do you think how many nutrition you'll take with a hot dog? You just don't know what you don't know.

    Actually, I eat Applegate Farms hotdogs. They are very nutritious. I wonder where you get your protein and healthy fats while juicing?

    Avocados, Nuts, seeds and protein based plants

    Protein based plants???

    The Venus Fly Trap IS a carnivore, you know!
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    scubamaja wrote: »
    redheaddee wrote: »
    scubamaja wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    You have livers and kidneys that detox your body. If you need a detox, you need an MD, not a juice fast.

    As has already been covered, that documentary is a propaganda piece meant to scare the people that won't actually research anything. Nothing more.

    too...funny. Do you think that if you constantly drink alcohol and eat processed food and shovel mcdonalds and taco bell in your belly, your liver and kidneys will be able to detox all the toxics & chemicals in your body? Absolutely not. You getting sick, take medication for the liver which has an effect on other organs and you need another pill. Great- now you are in the medical mouse wheel- the doctor has you for live and you are his money pig. Do you think that all the side effects of medication are healthy and will extend your life? What exactly let you think that? Why do you think that people who are eating mostly raw food have proof records of a long healthy live? Juicing/Detoxing/rebooting is not a new trend, It has been around for a very long time. My grandma used to do that. So far I just see nobody here who have experience with juicing to share. But everybody seems to have an

    Grandma and her generation also smoked cigarettes and drank whiskey during pregnancy. Is that still OK too?

    Your argument is not valid.
    Wow your grandma must be wild! We talking about juicing, stay focused.

    You're the one that brought up grandmothers and what people did 100 and 1000 years ago.

    (To note: 100 years ago was World War I so I don't think trying to use that as part of your argument is a good idea.)

    I'd also like to add that, 1000 years ago, they didn't have juicers.
  • killerqueen21
    killerqueen21 Posts: 157 Member
    scubamaja wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    You have livers and kidneys that detox your body. If you need a detox, you need an MD, not a juice fast.

    As has already been covered, that documentary is a propaganda piece meant to scare the people that won't actually research anything. Nothing more.

    too...funny. Do you think that if you constantly drink alcohol and eat processed food and shovel mcdonalds and taco bell in your belly, your liver and kidneys will be able to detox all the toxics & chemicals in your body? Absolutely not. You getting sick, take medication for the liver which has an effect on other organs and you need another pill. Great- now you are in the medical mouse wheel- the doctor has you for live and you are his money pig. Do you think that all the side effects of medication are healthy and will extend your life? What exactly let you think that? Why do you think that people who are eating mostly raw food have proof records of a long healthy live? Juicing/Detoxing/rebooting is not a new trend, It has been around for a very long time. My grandma used to do that. So far I just see nobody here who have experience with juicing to share. But everybody seems to have an


    So many lol's were had at this
  • LadyVeng3ance
    LadyVeng3ance Posts: 236 Member
    scubamaja wrote: »
    No offense but that documentary has been shot down so many times it's not even funny. These juice fasts are a quick trip to high blood sugar and insufficient nutrition.

    Do yourself a favor and stop watching heavily biased documentaries. Do what works and has worked for hundreds of years. Exercise and moderate calorie deficit.

    Thank you for your concern, however I am doing exactly what works for 100, even 1000 years, fruit, veggies and do excercise. The movies actually explain that very well. Loosing weight through reboot/detox your body is just a great side effect, more importantly it is the health benefits. You don't have to agree, and I can assume you did not watched the movies at all reading your comment. The movies let you think about processed food and marketing, medication and so much more. My blood sugar is fine and juicing gives you all nutritions your body is craving for to the first time. Wghat do you think how many nutrition you'll take with a hot dog? You just don't know what you don't know.



    Also, juicing. I also bought a juicer, but I did it to try and raise my intake of vegetables and fruits during the day, I still eat regular food, but I definitely drink a lot more veggies now then I did when I had to chew 'em.

    I've not read much on the juicing fast, but the little I've read suggests it is not as healthy as it may seem, or something along those lines. It seemed to have work for a lot of folks though, and in the movie the doctor 'allows' Joe to continue his fast (diet?), remember his physicist kept an eye on him during all of the fast.
  • lilmisfit1987
    lilmisfit1987 Posts: 183 Member
    edited January 2015
    scubamaja wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    redheaddee wrote: »
    scubamaja wrote: »
    So anybody actually has experience with juicing? I see a lot of opinions, but not 1 with experience. So if somebody has a question please feel free to contact me, I am more than happy to share my experience. For everybody else, good luck with your own battle.

    Oh back...I do believe I stated that I have done this before. It doesn't work. Once a day for breakfast: just fine. All day, everyday: not fine. As it seems you only want to hear from those who will tell you how wonderful this is and pat you on the head and tell you you're pretty, might I suggest searching the groups. Because the general public here thinks this is not healthy and is not going to as for your "experience".

    Eat less, move more. It's not rocket science.

    Juicing didn't work for me either. It actually increased my hunger and set off my migraines. I'm also reactive hypoglycemic and it played havoc on my system as well.

    No, You assuming wrong. I ask for other people experience in juicing, thats all. Im sorry that juicing did not worked for you. Unfortunately" Eat less, move more" doesn't work so simple, not for me.

    But I believe you said it was working for you. You mentioned you lost weight without juicing. It sounds like it just wasn't fast enough for you.

    Our body naturally detoxs. Starving your body for calories is not going to do anything but inhibit you metabolism. It might seem faster because you'll lose a bunch of weight at first, but once your body realizes it's not getting what it needs to function it will slow down your metabolism to opperate on what it's getting. That's why even people who lose weight steadily hit a plateau. The problem is since yours will have slowed down so much from an extreme calorie defect, it will take longer to speed back up or "reset" when you eat at a health calorie intake again and you run the risk of gaining back even more weight.

    Losing weight so fast also increases the chances of saggy skin and the lost of lean muscle mass, so in the long run you could be weaker and more squishy looking.
  • roxybeer
    roxybeer Posts: 28 Member
    Cavemen totally juiced. You know it and I know it.

    Seriously, just all the nopes.
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    This thread is lolcats
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member

    First - This is THE best clip from ALL the TV shows EVER made.

    Second - Juicing.... it's not going to 'reboot' anything. You could just as easily take a sugar pill and say the same thing. It's a a placebo!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    OP - what's your take on baking soda?
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Careful, you might get thyroid.
  • Cali212
    Cali212 Posts: 20 Member
    Lot of naysayers (and rude ones, at that) here, but I think it's a great "reboot" - kudos to you and good luck!
  • ritchiehl
    ritchiehl Posts: 64 Member
    scubamaja wrote: »
    So anybody actually has experience with juicing? I see a lot of opinions, but not 1 with experience. So if somebody has a question please feel free to contact me, I am more than happy to share my experience. For everybody else, good luck with your own battle.

    Yep I did it this time last year. Like you I was completely inspired by FSND. I did it for 28 days and lost 16lbs. Felt GREAT. Even trained for a half marathon during this time. However afterwards I went back to my *kitten* eating habits. So I don't blame juicing for this. Had I done it properly and transitioned to a healthy sustainable diet I would've seen prolonged results.

    I commend you for what you did and are doing!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Cali212 wrote: »
    Lot of naysayers (and rude ones, at that) here, but I think it's a great "reboot" - kudos to you and good luck!

    I personally like Control - Alt - Delete myself.

  • Impatient_Ruadh
    I did a 5 day detox at the beginning of the year, and I did get the horrible headaches with caffeine and junk food withdrawl, but by day 5 I felt absolutely brilliant! I did miss eating solid foods, therefore made the choice to have a juice with my breakfast and eat regular healthy meals. I did have a weightloss and only gained a few pounds when I began eating regular food, but that is to be expected.

    Alot of people dismissing the idea of juicing, and I admit to being skeptical at first until I tried it for the 5 days, I have seen the fanstastic results that my friends are having, they look healthier than they have done and years, energy has increased tenfold and they have had a great weightloss. Yes they do also eat normal healthy meals with juices, but like to follow 5 or 7 day juicing days.

    Each to their own, why slate someones choices and be rude?

    Well done!
  • gopgirl425
    gopgirl425 Posts: 140 Member
    Yeah...I would of thought if you know how to reboot your entire could find the spell check.

    CICO all day long....

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    In for the entertainment...

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    You'll really have to start watching your teeth. The acids in fruits, and especially juice since it has so much fruit in it can destroy the enamel. You should visit your dentist often. Probably more than twice a year.