low carb help please

Help please...im trying my hardest on a low carb diet. Yet while I track what I eat my nutrition says I'm hitting 100g a day in carbs! !! On an average day I will have,
2 poached eggs and 2 bacon - breakfast
- 2 boiled eggs - 10:30 am snack
- 4 egg frittata with spinach, ham, tomato & cheese - 12:30 dinner
- handful of Brazil nuts & peperoni - 4:30 snack
- butternut squash soup & smoked sausage - 7PM tea.

Where am u going wrong?


  • fearlessleader104
    fearlessleader104 Posts: 723 Member
  • Why what? Why am I on this diet? For weight loss
  • fearlessleader104
    fearlessleader104 Posts: 723 Member
    Eat what you want. Caloric deficit is all you need to lose weight
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    edited January 2015
    Why what? Why am I on this diet? For weight loss

    A lot of people will question why you are on a low carb diet because it's unnecessary for weight loss. If you find a low carb diet is a good tool for you to lose weight and sustain that, then I would recommend checking out one of the low carb groups. Personally, i like a balanced approach, moderate carbs, fats and protein. But you need to find a lifestyle that you can sustain. If low carb is hard, it may be beneficial to change strategies.

    But if you are low carb, you want to increase fats.. nuts, avocado, creams, full fat dairy.. etc..

  • I disagree sorry...consuming 2000 calories of veg & protein is alot more beneficial that 2000 calories of pizza
  • nr650
    nr650 Posts: 7 Member
    You might check the carb counts on another site, I've found that sometimes (especially when the nutrition info has been added by a user) the counts vary a lot. The only things on your list that are even a little carby are the squash (16 carbs per 1 cup) and the brazil nuts (same, 16 carbs per 1 cup)...tomatoes can be a little high, but not really. If this is what you are eating, I can't imagine how it adds up to 100 carbs per day. I have been following a pretty low carb diet and have been very successful, so keep it up!
  • Thank you lemon....yes that's what I thought nr650, I was either putting my diet in wrong or I needed to do more research on low carb foods lol...glad it's going well for you. This is my 4th day in and I had extremely bad cravings today. Hasn't been so bad until up to now...im gonna weigh myself after a week and see if there's any difference
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    edited January 2015
    Going low carb has nothing to with health (barring a medical condition that requires limiting carbs) or food quality. And the whole food quality/quantity debate is really a separate issue anyway.

    Back to your original issue, what is' your carb goal? 100g/day would be sufficiently low to me to be called "low carb." Different people have different goals, though.
  • gonzanab
    gonzanab Posts: 117 Member
    You shouldn't count vegetables as part of low carb. I recommend counting carbs that are from breads, pastas, and other sources of food if you want to stick with the low carb regimen.
  • I read that under 50g a day your body will go into ketosis and start burning fat rather than cars. ..thus loosing weight quicker. I'm knew to this so I could be wrong...its just what I read online.
    I'm avoiding bread, potatoes, pasta etc completely. I stick to eggs and meat and use nuts as a snack. I'll sometimes make my own smoothie with greek yogurt and a handful of strawberrys
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Yeah, I'm no expert, but I believe there's a difference between going low carb and going keto.

    As to the benefits of one over the other, I'll just say that it can be touchy subject sometimes. For whatever it's worth, in my opinion the best diet that will be burn the most fat is one that you can adhere to. So, if you like what you're eating now, and you're losing weight at an appropriate rate, stick with it.
  • nr650
    nr650 Posts: 7 Member
    Just speaking for myself, I've found that low-carb works very well for me, however I agree that the best plan is what works best for each individual. I tend to limit my carbs to 30-40 a day and find it's pretty easy to stick to that. I also find that I can lose weight eating more calories when I eat low carb, but again, that's just me! Good luck ashleymarsh19!!
  • mezeade
    mezeade Posts: 19
    No way is that 100g of carbs, closer to 30g. I think you're inputting inaccurate data.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I read that under 50g a day your body will go into ketosis and start burning fat rather than cars. ..thus loosing weight quicker. I'm knew to this so I could be wrong...its just what I read online.
    I'm avoiding bread, potatoes, pasta etc completely. I stick to eggs and meat and use nuts as a snack. I'll sometimes make my own smoothie with greek yogurt and a handful of strawberrys

    Keto is different than low carb, a bit of a more extreme version. But even on keto or low carb, you need to be in a deficit to burn fat.

    I believe there is also a keto group on here.. i believe it's called reddit keto. But before you try to go keto, make sure you know the full details of the diet.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I read that under 50g a day your body will go into ketosis and start burning fat rather than cars. ..thus loosing weight quicker. I'm knew to this so I could be wrong...its just what I read online.
    I'm avoiding bread, potatoes, pasta etc completely. I stick to eggs and meat and use nuts as a snack. I'll sometimes make my own smoothie with greek yogurt and a handful of strawberrys

    ashley you are off to a good start. Look at the sugar/carbs in greek yogurt. I had to leave it in the store last week because of the numbers listed on the container.

    It took me a couple months to find a lot of hidden carbs when I when very low carb high fat medium protein.

    psulemon makes a good point. Low carb by many is considered to be about 150 grams daily. A few can do keto at 100 grams daily. Keto is actually Very Low Carbing.

    Do not sweat the numbers just yet but keep reading the labels and tracking the count as you refine your new eating lifestyle.

  • Help please...im trying my hardest on a low carb diet. Yet while I track what I eat my nutrition says I'm hitting 100g a day in carbs! !! On an average day I will have,
    2 poached eggs and 2 bacon - breakfast
    - 2 boiled eggs - 10:30 am snack
    - 4 egg frittata with spinach, ham, tomato & cheese - 12:30 dinner
    - handful of Brazil nuts & peperoni - 4:30 snack
    - butternut squash soup & smoked sausage - 7PM tea.

    Where am u going wrong?

    Tomato will have sugars in it, and will increase your carb count.
    Brazil nuts tend to be carb heavy.
    Butternut squash can be very carb dense, and the TYPE of sausage you have can possibly be loaded with fillers or sugars - more carbs.

    Cravings are normal when first starting low carb, but what is often overlooked is that you need an alternative source of energy, once your body burns through your glycogen stores. Traditionally, low carb has been best combined with high HEALTHY fat, and after time, your body learns that it can burn fat for fuel instead of glycogen - and your cravings for sugar/carbs (your body trying to tell you I NEED FUEL HELP) will go away.

    More than anything else though, getting your body used to using "cleaner" source of energy, be it sugar, carbs, fats, proteins, etc will benefit you more than subsisting on pop tarts and pizza and the like.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    edited January 2015
    I don't do low-carb, but I have stolen a few tricks from the keto/low carb bunch, including using fats for satiety. This should also work to stop sugar cravings that you mentioned.

    Measure out some coconut oil (however much you want to use, just weigh and record it to get the calorie count). Make sure it's at room temperature (still solid).

    Add flavorings in the form of essential oils or spices, such as vanilla extract, peppermint extract, butter, almond, maple, lemon, or lime flavoring, unsweetened cocoa, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, etc. Then add your sweetener of choice, such as raw honey, maple syrup, stevia, Splenda, etc. in the appropriate amount to sweeten the amount of oil you chose.

    Mix really well and put in a sandwich bag, and cut the corner. If you have cake decorating tips, you can use a large one in that hole; if not, the hole in the bag is fine. Pipe out dots of the coconut oil mixture onto waxed paper or parchment. Make them all around the same size, and don't make them too big...around the size of a Hershey's Kiss. Put them in the freezer for about half an hour, then take them off the waxed paper and put them in a baggie, while counting. Counting will let you know how many servings to divide your recipe into when you plug it in MFP, so you can get a calorie count per candy.

    I made some small ones that were about the size of a large chocolate chip, with imitation butter flavoring and mint (buttermints), and they turned out to be 18 cals apiece. A couple of them after a meal sets me up to feel full and satisfied for a long time, with no sugar cravings.
  • brimoonandstars
    brimoonandstars Posts: 8 Member
    I do a low carb diet. I eat between 60-70g of carbs PER meal. Its worked really well for me.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I disagree sorry...consuming 2000 calories of veg & protein is alot more beneficial that 2000 calories of pizza

    well no one is saying just eat 2000 calories of pizza…however, if you did and that was a deficit you would lose weight.

    2000 calories in veg and protein =2000 pizza
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    gonzanab wrote: »
    You shouldn't count vegetables as part of low carb. I recommend counting carbs that are from breads, pastas, and other sources of food if you want to stick with the low carb regimen.

    why don't vegetables count as carbs???