Too many options!!



  • K8cain
    K8cain Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks everyone...that makes me feel much less stressed about doing the right thing!! You all seem to "get it" as well!! Feeling better after reading these!!
  • barby6011
    barby6011 Posts: 21 Member
    M F P will tell you if your eating a balanced diet. Click on nutrition. I like the pie chart. It also tells you in your diary if you are going over your fat or sugar goal. This app really helps. Good luck to you
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    I find that eating the same foods/meals make it easy for me. After a while of logging my food, I figured out what combination of foods worked well within my hunger, my calories allowed and my schedule. I don't stress about the timing, actually I try not to have breakfast too early, otherwise I am so hungry by the end of the day and I don't have enough calories to eat. Sometimes I go for longer periods without eating when I am out and about, waiting to find something decent. Some days I don't eat big volume of food because I am on-the-go, so I focus on calorie dense snacks that are full of protein and fats. I have carbs in moderation since they make me hungrier and give me cravings. I started off with Atkins Induction to cure me from cravings and kick start my weight loss, and after a few weeks I started increasing them slowly. I now allow myself treats here and there, but I am careful because it is so easy to overdo it. I don't keep treats at home, otherwise I will just eat it all lol, I tried. This is just what works for me. Good luck <3
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Sure it's been said but basically eat how you normally do (meanign whatever you want) within your calories. Specifics about macros, timing, etc are only relevant if you have reasons for it to be. E.g. a diabetic needs to monitor carbs. I need to make sure I eat low fat and moderate carb/protein for my pre-workout meal and ideally no sooner than 2 hours before my workout, otherwise I get nauseous (I had a 500-ish calorie butter chicken meal 4 hours before one of my workouts last week and I was so gassy, heavy, and had NO energy. I wanted to just lay down and pass out lol). Others have macro needs that they follow for their weightlifting or endurance activities. These are all things to consider only if you have goals outside of "lose weight."
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Calorie deficit works for me but not in the long term. The only thing that sticks for me is cutting out sugar. When I cut out the sugar my appetite goes back to normal so I'm not fighting cravings all the time, thus I eat less. So perhaps calorie deficit does work for me but only if I'm taking into consideration how different foods effect my body.
    Unlikely that sugar is making you hungry. More likely that carbs are making you hungry due to poor macro ratios. Removing sugar from your diet (so, you basically don't eat fruit then either?) means reducing carbs means improving macro ratio means less hunger.
  • poetgirl115
    poetgirl115 Posts: 45 Member
    I'll be honest. I eat practically nothing but junk food and sandwiches! I've dieted before on "rabbit food," and I couldn't do it again. I do watch my sodium levels and eat veggies, but other than that? Generally speaking, limiting your calories will naturally lower your sodium, sugar, carbs, etc. By lowering the umbrella, the categories under it lower, too. If you have specific health concerns, then by all means watch your sugar, fat, sodium, or whatever else it is you have to watch. My mother is diabetic, so I get it, but if you don't? Just watch your calories, move around more, and remember that you're doing this in order to enjoy your life, not in order for you to dread food. :smile: Good Luck!
