Looking for moms of young kids to motivate each other

Marpepp Posts: 7 Member
edited January 2015 in Motivation and Support
Being a mom of young children comes with some tough challenges to losing weight! I'd love to meet some other moms out there doing this too! I've lost 7 pounds so far but it's a hard slog so it would be nice to see others trying to get that baby (ies) weight off! I have 13 pounds to go.


  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    edited January 2015
    Mom of a 3 y/o, I gained 30 and then lost 40 lbs with him (I'm only 5'0", so that's really gross). Now 18 weeks pregnant with #2. Grimly determined to give my little ones a hot mom this time around!
  • angelicawix
    angelicawix Posts: 6 Member
    I lost 60 lbs and then got pregnant. When I left the hospital I was 186. Now (almost 2 years later) I'm 200 even. 8lbs gone in 2 weeks with about 65 to go!
  • homemademama
    homemademama Posts: 199 Member
    I've got a three year old and a five year old and am constantly reminding myself to not fall into the "snack - for - you - snack - for - me" habit. And I'm desperately trying to find more energy to keep up with them!
  • I have an almost 4 year old and a 6 month old....never lost all the weight after my 1st was born and still weigh the same as when I left the hospital 6 months ago! I need to lose 50 lbs would really love some support and tips!
  • I have a son that just turned 5 and a 5 month old baby boy. When I started MFP almost 2 weeks ago, I weighed 184 (which is a few pounds shy of what I weighed at 9 months pregnant with kid #1!). I am now 179 but I am really struggling to stay motivated. Sometimes I just don't feel like it. I'm looking forward to keeping up with this group of moms!
  • needstobefit15
    needstobefit15 Posts: 119 Member
    I'm a mom of two young boys ages 6 and 4.this is my third try to lose weight.i started again on January 2,2015.my weight was 187lbs.im 5 foot.as of today I have lost 4 pounds so far.im looking for mommy friends too.or just friends in general to help me through this journey.so add me please
  • I have a 4 year old and a 6 month old. I'm just trying to loss these last 10lbs to get me to pre-prego weight (and it's almost all in my belly). It sounds much easier than it really is. I have been stuck at my current weight for about 2 1/2 months. I can't figure out what's wrong with my body. When I was 20 yrs old, I could have ate cookies all day and lost 10lbs
  • angelsandwolves09
    angelsandwolves09 Posts: 264 Member
    I have a 4 & 1/2 year old and a 1 month old. Just getting started back. After my first, I fell into the "I'm a mom I don't have to look nice" stitch...for 4 years. In Dec 2013 I decided I was tired of being overweight & not being able to run with my toddler. I was around 180 lbs. I joined MFP in 2014 & started exercising daily and making my calorie deficit. In April 2014 I found out I was pregnant with number 2. I weighed 145(my lowest in over 10years. Packed on 52lbs this time. 1 month post part um and I am down to 180. My goal is to get back to 145 by June and get that "kangaroo pouch" gone. I would love to have some moms to relate to and check in with!!
  • 2 kids- 4 and 2 now. Gained 75lbs by the time second one was born. Tried everything. Hard core Atkins for 6 months finally cut through the lbs and I'm happily at my pre- baby weight now with more energy than ever. I keep the carbs low, protein and veggies high, and the extra energy keeps me chasing after the babies which in turn burns more fat. Went from size 14 to current size 6.
  • 2 kids- 4 and 2 now. Gained 75lbs by the time second one was born. Tried everything. Hard core Atkins for 6 months finally cut through the lbs and I'm happily at my pre- baby weight now with more energy than ever. I keep the carbs low, protein and veggies high, and the extra energy keeps me chasing after the babies which in turn burns more fat. Went from size 14 to current size 6.
  • SJunczyk
    SJunczyk Posts: 430 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hello :) I have a son who will be 7 (currently planning a party) and a daughter who is 4. Both drive me insane. However, this year I have no excuses in getting healthier or fitter. Support and motivation is always needed. If I have calculated right, I would like to be at least 20lbs lighter (currently 170lbs). Add me if you would like to :) Good Luck on your journeys too :smile:
  • Marpepp
    Marpepp Posts: 7 Member
    It's wonderful to see all these replies!! I have two boys, 4 and almost 2, and so I never have time to work out. My younger gets up at 5:30 (kill me) so pre-wake ups are out and it's been very hard to motivate after bed time after making preschool lunches and cleaning up etc. I didn't gain MUCH with each boy but I kept on about 5-7 for each one and then have just put on some weight generally with the lack of exercise. So I'm trying to be really kind to myself and lose weight slowly. I'm walking the dog more and longer (and faster) but when the boys are with me on the bike/stroller, it's impossible to keep a decent pace. But I'll take my 75-100 calories where I can get them and I'm already seeing more definition in my legs! Anyway I hope we can support each other to meet our goals! I was a size 2 when my husband started dating me, poor guy!!!
  • Three girls, 18 months, 3.5 yrs, & almost 6yrs, here! Love them, but don't love that I was nearly back to my 41 week pregnant weight more than a year after the youngest was born. I hit a high of 222.4 pounds, though I'm down to 215.2 today! Motivation and support from other moms with little kids would be great!
  • Hey ladies! My kids are 5, 3, and almost 1 and almost 1 - clearly my life is hectic. I also work a pretty demandig job FT outside my home so fitting in fitness, eating healthy, and not being a slug when I get home are all challenges. I'm almost down to my pre-twin pregnancy weight and in another 15 will be at my goal weight. Love sporting fellow Moms - we can do it ladies!!
  • I have a 6 month old and I'm trying to lose 20 or 25 pounds to be pre baby weight. I'm exclusively breastfeeding so it's hard to work around her schedule to get my workouts in. I could use a group of my mommies who know what it's like! Add me as a friend!! I don't know how to do it
  • vickierivero1
    vickierivero1 Posts: 46 Member
    My daughter is 5. I am trying to lose 30 lbs maybe 35. 4 days in and I am trying to stay strong!
  • livb528
    livb528 Posts: 55 Member
    I am 28 and have 3 children: 4.5, 3, and 9 months. I developed hypothyroidism after my second pregnancy and so I have at least 60 to lose. I joined MFP 11 days ago and am down 3 so far.
  • sasafras21
    sasafras21 Posts: 9 Member
    I have a lot to lose, I have a one year old, 9 yr old, 13 year old, and a 17 year old. I weigh 182 lbs and I'm 5'0ft. I've exercised everyday for 5 days straight, and I've seen results in my clothes not the scale. Please help me keep motivated :)
  • SJunczyk
    SJunczyk Posts: 430 Member
    Marpepp wrote: »
    It's wonderful to see all these replies!! I have two boys, 4 and almost 2, and so I never have time to work out. My younger gets up at 5:30 (kill me) so pre-wake ups are out and it's been very hard to motivate after bed time after making preschool lunches and cleaning up etc. I didn't gain MUCH with each boy but I kept on about 5-7 for each one and then have just put on some weight generally with the lack of exercise. So I'm trying to be really kind to myself and lose weight slowly. I'm walking the dog more and longer (and faster) but when the boys are with me on the bike/stroller, it's impossible to keep a decent pace. But I'll take my 75-100 calories where I can get them and I'm already seeing more definition in my legs! Anyway I hope we can support each other to meet our goals! I was a size 2 when my husband started dating me, poor guy!!!

    Size 4-wowee! I have never been that small (maybe when i was 10 years old.

    I am roughly size 14 (UK 14) so i think thats a 12 in the US...? I've never been small. But with a bit of willpowet and determination (more than what I had ladt year), I aim to be a fitter size 14. If i shrink a little then a new wardrobe will be sooo good :) THIS and feeling and looking great I CANNOT WAIT :)
  • curlyslim
    curlyslim Posts: 64 Member
    edited January 2015
    Me too!!

    I am a mum of a 4 and a 2 year old. It has taken me almost two years of losing 41 pounds (so far!), and I am at my pre pregnancy weight, and i breastfed for 18 months. BUT, I really don't want to stop here, I am aiming for another 15-20 lbs.

    Oh yes, I started at 205lbs 6 weeks after baby 2 at 5.8 (almost!)
    current weight 164 lbs (UK size 14).

    Fitness is something which I am very determined with, but guess what?! the number of colds that my kids pass on to me is just plain ridiculous, and it's really hard to not get upset with feeling rubbish so often. But, it's ok! I am going to carry on and would love to have mum's as friends!

    In my day to day life, very few people I know are into fitness and fat loss, so this is good!