Quick Explanation

desgadelhado Posts: 21
edited January 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
So i stopped training and gained some weight wile drinking and going to parties in my university but i always dropped the weight i wanted when i focused to a clean diet and back to working hard.

I'm not used to drink much water, but i've forced myself to drink the 8 glasses every day and on training days, i easily exceed that amount.
I'm training muay thai 3x week (90m) hard trainings and i've been eating clean as in eating soup, fish, oranges, turkey, chicken, no rice, no bread, just salad.

The thing is my goal was 1kg per week, i'm on 2 weeks and i've only lost 1kg.
I'm confused because i usually drop weight fast, what is going on?
My fitness pal adviced calory intake is 1440 and i've exceeded that amount 1 time on the other hand, my average intake is about 900 daily.

PS- I consume l-carnitine before training and a herbalife protein shake before training
- when i exceeded the calory intake it was mostly due to a sushi buffet. Yesterday i ate a medium pizza (spinach, tuna, pineapple, onion)


  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    You are eating more than you think you are and your goal is stupidly low. Eating clean, wahtever that is, doesn't make you lose weight. Your goal is also too aggressive.

    You are over eating enough to cancel out your deficit or to significantly reduce it, and you are retaining water because of your high sodium intake days.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    You are eating more than you think you are and your goal is stupidly low. Eating clean, wahtever that is, doesn't make you lose weight. Your goal is also too aggressive.

    You are over eating enough to cancel out your deficit or to significantly reduce it, and you are retaining water because of your high sodium intake days.

    Yep. Plus, as a 21-year-old male, 1440 is too low a goal for you, let alone the 900 you believe you are consuming.
  • desgadelhado
    I said average because of the black bar, but i dont know. What does this mean? What about the purple ones? Or that thursday that it shows a tiny bar even tough i added everything to the diary? 6m4vtimfjufr.jpg
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    You are eating more than you think. You can't eat negative 800 calories nor can you survive on 50 calories a day. Start logging properly.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited January 2015
    So i stopped training and gained some weight wile drinking and going to parties in my university but i always dropped the weight i wanted when i focused to a clean diet and back to working hard.

    I'm not used to drink much water, but i've forced myself to drink the 8 glasses every day and on training days, i easily exceed that amount.
    I'm training muay thai 3x week (90m) hard trainings and i've been eating clean as in eating soup, fish, oranges, turkey, chicken, no rice, no bread, just salad.

    The thing is my goal was 1kg per week, i'm on 2 weeks and i've only lost 1kg.
    I'm confused because i usually drop weight fast, what is going on?
    My fitness pal adviced calory intake is 1440 and i've exceeded that amount 1 time on the other hand, my average intake is about 900 daily.

    PS- I consume l-carnitine before training and a herbalife protein shake before training
    - when i exceeded the calory intake it was mostly due to a sushi buffet. Yesterday i ate a medium pizza (spinach, tuna, pineapple, onion)

    I hate to break it to you, but you are definitely eating more than you think you are. You are not correctly calculating calories. Otherwise you would be losing more weight.

    Don't consume 900 calories a day under any circumstances, please. That is asinine and not a healthy amount of calories at all.

    Edited to add, after looking at your screenshot: Those daily counts are crazy. You are not logging everything, unless you really ate only 59 calories on one day and zero on another. Come on, you've got to get honest with your logging.

    It also looks like you log your exercise. If you're getting those burns from the MFP database or internet sources, or even a phone app, they are way ovestimated.
  • desgadelhado
    desgadelhado Posts: 21
    edited January 2015
    I added everything everyday. I believe i've entered, complete the entry everyday aswell, what do you mean by logging properly?
    I'll check if i havent in a min.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    I added everything everyday. I believe i've entered, complete the entry everyday aswell, what do you mean by logging properly?
    I'll check if i havent in a min.

    Oh, okay, cool sorry. So you ate negative 800 calories, totally believable. You went two days eating only 50 calories, oh cool.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I added everything everyday. I believe i've entered, complete the entry everyday aswell, what do you mean by logging properly?
    I'll check if i havent in a min.

    I mean, do you really eat that few calories on some of those days. Zero, 59? Come on, something is off here. With training, you'd be lying flat on the sofa because only on two days did you eat any reasonable amount of calories.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    You're supposed to be hitting your goal every day (which should be MINIMUM 1500, and in your case most likely more). How much do you weigh and what is your goal weight? If you start logging properly, you should easily be able to lose half a pound to a pound a week.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    I added everything everyday. I believe i've entered, complete the entry everyday aswell, what do you mean by logging properly?
    I'll check if i havent in a min.

    I mean, do you really eat that few calories on some of those days. Zero, 59? Come on, something is off here. With training, you'd be lying flat on the sofa because only on two days did you eat any reasonable amount of calories.

    I'd be flat on the couch hating life eating even only 1500 as is rec'd as a minimum for men. OP is in denial.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Plus your ticker indicates you have 17 pounds to go. That should be lost at a rate of .5 pounds per week because you have so little to lose.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    I added everything everyday. I believe i've entered, complete the entry everyday aswell, what do you mean by logging properly?
    I'll check if i havent in a min.

    I mean, do you really eat that few calories on some of those days. Zero, 59? Come on, something is off here. With training, you'd be lying flat on the sofa because only on two days did you eat any reasonable amount of calories.

    I'd be flat on the couch hating life eating even only 1500 as is rec'd as a minimum for men. OP is in denial.

    Me too! With my activity level I average 2000 or more, and I'm an old lady! :D
  • desgadelhado
    desgadelhado Posts: 21
    edited January 2015
    lol i know i cant eat negative calories ana!
    SLL runner, even tough i agree with you on calories burning being too much on the web estimates, i've been training with more clothes on, hard training, pushing very hard as i usually train and taking l-carnitine getting soaking wet everytime while drinking 1,5L of water per training. The days that seem strange on the pics are training days, can it be some kind of bug by the exercise input?
    Ill post the daily pics.
    Btw, i quick added 800 calories to that pizza i mentioned, is it around that? I had no idea, and couldnt find searching.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    lol i know i cant eat negative calories ana!
    SLL runner, even tough i agree with you on calories burning being too much on the web estimates, i've been training with more clothes on, hard training, pushing very hard as i usually train and taking l-carnitine getting soaking wet everytime while drinking 1,5L of water per training. The days that seem strange on the pics are training days, can it be some kind of bug by the exercise input?
    Ill post the daily pics.
    Btw, i quick added 800 calories to that pizza i mentioned, is it around that? I had no idea, and couldnt find searching.

    You're doing exercise and dieting wrong. UNless you are an athlete (at 1000 cals, you are not an athlete), you are over-exerting yourself.

    This entire thread and your mindset is just depressing.
  • LeslieCampbell35
    LeslieCampbell35 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm no expert on weight loss and I'm not trying to come across as mean, but you have days you couldn't have logged everything. 50 and 42 calorie days I have a hard time believing that you ate such a small amout. The purple bars show negative calories, which would mean you exercised a ridiculous amount and didn't eat anything or you logged it wrong. If you open your diary someone could probably give you more help with your question. To answer your other question, the black bar on the far right is your weekly average of calories. Mfp only works if you're 100% honest with it. I also agree your goal is far too agressive.
  • desgadelhado
    Guys, im posting my daily pics now, give me on sec.
    I Definitily didnt post eat 50 calories on the 1st two days.
    I ate usually around what the calories i should but there were some days that i ate way less and 2 days i ate more, making the average less. But if those two initial days may be conflicting with the average.

  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    I added everything everyday. I believe i've entered, complete the entry everyday aswell, what do you mean by logging properly?
    I'll check if i havent in a min.

    Oh, okay, cool sorry. So you ate negative 800 calories, totally believable. You went two days eating only 50 calories, oh cool.

    FYI, those graphs show the net calories on the app. So if you ate 859 and exercised 800, it would indeed show 59.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    We don't need pictures. Why are you doing pictures? Your issue is that you don't know how to diet reasonably and you are not logging properly. If the intake you THINK you consumed doesn't even match up with your logged intake, then you are clearly doing this blindly.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    As an explanation for the bars and why they seem so low: Your exercise calories will take away from your net calories. If you ate 1000 calories and then logged 950 calories burned during exercise, the bar will say you ate 50 calories that day.

    HOWEVER, that said, it's very difficult to burn that amount of calories while exercising. And in the negative (purple) bar, if you ate 1000 calories that day, you logged 1800 calories worth of exercise, rendering a negative net calorie count.

    I just figured I would explain, since you asked what they meant, but I agree with everyone else that you have a very unhealthy mindset towards food... And that you're most likely eating more than you think.

    If you want to do this properly, weigh your food on a food scale and log it properly, eat a proper amount of calories (with so little to lose, you should only be losing 0.25 kg per week, NOT 1 or 2 kg per week--That's just crazy), and continue your working out if you want to. Weight loss is all about diet, not about exercise; exercise can help you increase your fitness and give you more calories to eat.

    All the best.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    As an explanation for the bars and why they seem so low: Your exercise calories will take away from your net calories. If you ate 1000 calories and then logged 950 calories burned during exercise, the bar will say you ate 50 calories that day.

    HOWEVER, that said, it's very difficult to burn that amount of calories while exercising. And in the negative (purple) bar, if you ate 1000 calories that day, you logged 1800 calories worth of exercise, rendering a negative net calorie count.

    I just figured I would explain, since you asked what they meant, but I agree with everyone else that you have a very unhealthy mindset towards food... And that you're most likely eating more than you think.

    If you want to do this properly, weigh your food on a food scale and log it properly, eat a proper amount of calories (with so little to lose, you should only be losing 0.25 kg per week, NOT 1 or 2 kg per week--That's just crazy), and continue your working out if you want to. Weight loss is all about diet, not about exercise; exercise can help you increase your fitness and give you more calories to eat.

    All the best.

    And eat back at least 50% of those exercise calories.