


  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    The daughter of a good friend is into it and we had a long discussion. She has swallowed the kool-aid fully and insists that you absorb the nutrients better if the food is juiced and that removing the fiber allows your colon to dump all the stuff it has been holding on to. I got the usual list of "toxins" (dioxins, PCBs, bisphenol-A, DDT, phthalates, heavy metals, etc.). When I asked her about this; the fact that these come from pesticides and herbicides mostly and they are still present in her veggies, and how does juicing remove them when cooking and/or chewing raw does not, and I received silence. She also had no answer when I pointed out that your colon cleans itself best when you eat a high fiber diet and that humans generally have all food pass through within a 24-36 hour period. Nothing gets "stuck" unless you have a medical issue which causes weak walls in the colon that can create pockets for waste to accumulate. We compared 4 months of food diaries (including her 1 month juice fast) and they actually were very similar in the number of calories. I just ate a regular calorie amount each day where she had higher calorie amounts for months with one month of a very low calorie diet. Hers was much higher in carbs and much lower in fiber than mine. I would rather get some veggies in every day (along with my protein, fat, etc) rather than binge on veggies only for a month. I really think that can eventually throw things out of whack if you do it 4 times a year like she does.

  • Spocky
    Spocky Posts: 62 Member
    I really liked the first move but when he talked about juicing I translated that as eating healthy. I did a little research and I realized that juicing is very expensive so instead of that I can eat more healthy and eat more vegetables instead of pasta or other carbs. He said that he almost died from some some kind of illnes related to toxins but normally people should not do what he did, I think.
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    edited January 2015
    I watched the movie. You can check, he persuaded one guy to follow his diet,which he did. That guy lost all his weight and then went on to teach other people about the benefit of juicing. Two years later...he had gained all the weight back and more...

    I do not juice, because a) it takes a hell of a lot of veggies to make the juice, b) juicing is very costly and c) you lose all the important fibres.

    I do though make myself smoothies with a blender. The reason for this is that I can get a lot of veggies into my body that I would not otherwise eat, such as 250g of daily spinach.

  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    Here is the link to the story of the guy from Fat, Sick...who gained it all back:
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    SKME2013 wrote: »
    I watched the movie. You can check, he persuaded one guy to follow his diet,which he did. That guy lost all his weight and then went on to teach other people about the benefit of juicing. Two years later...he had gained all the weight back and more...

    I do not juice, because a) it takes a hell of a lot of veggies to make the juice, b) juicing is very costly and c) you lose all the important fibres.

    I do though make myself smoothies with a blender. The reason for this is that I can get a lot of veggies into my body that I would not otherwise eat, such as 250g of daily spinach.


    so, instead of eating spinach in a way that tastes good, you blend it up to gross mush? that does not sound like fun eating.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    SMH at the number of juice threads lately...

    I like to eat my fruits and vegetables. They make me feel fuller longer than juice and the fiber is good for my system.

    There is a sequel to Fat Sick and Nearly Dead out. I'm thinking that has something to do with it.
  • Juicing is not really as much about losing weight as it is about aiding in healing of the body. Of course it is not a cure all, but if you notice one of the common themes in the juicing success stories is that many people were taken off of their medicines by their doctor after they began juicing. After someone detoxes, the juice continues to give the maximum nutrition without the body having to work hard through digesting and detoxing. There are many many success stories on this that were done under a doctor's care and monitoring. The weight that he lost in the documentary was an added bonus. The motivation to heal his body this way came after he was put on a lot of medication for a condition he was diagnosed with but no longer suffers from.
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    tkwelby5 wrote: »
    Juicing is not really as much about losing weight as it is about aiding in healing of the body. Of course it is not a cure all, but if you notice one of the common themes in the juicing success stories is that many people were taken off of their medicines by their doctor after they began juicing. After someone detoxes, the juice continues to give the maximum nutrition without the body having to work hard through digesting and detoxing. There are many many success stories on this that were done under a doctor's care and monitoring. The weight that he lost in the documentary was an added bonus. The motivation to heal his body this way came after he was put on a lot of medication for a condition he was diagnosed with but no longer suffers from.

  • altmancarole
    altmancarole Posts: 1 Member
    I have been juicing for just one day and have experienced a complete excretion of all that has been in my colon. I plan to continue for one week to see how much more gets excreted. I see the merit in doing juicing for this reason. Will
    probably transition from juicing to fruits in the morning and vegetables in the evening with the fiber for another week.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    tkwelby5 wrote: »
    Juicing is not really as much about losing weight as it is about aiding in healing of the body. Of course it is not a cure all, but if you notice one of the common themes in the juicing success stories is that many people were taken off of their medicines by their doctor after they began juicing. After someone detoxes, the juice continues to give the maximum nutrition without the body having to work hard through digesting and detoxing. There are many many success stories on this that were done under a doctor's care and monitoring. The weight that he lost in the documentary was an added bonus. The motivation to heal his body this way came after he was put on a lot of medication for a condition he was diagnosed with but no longer suffers from.

    Bwahahaha that your body needs a break from all the "hard work" of digesting. Maybe your heart needs a break from the hard work of beating all the time?

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I have been juicing for just one day and have experienced a complete excretion of all that has been in my colon. I plan to continue for one week to see how much more gets excreted. I see the merit in doing juicing for this reason. Will
    probably transition from juicing to fruits in the morning and vegetables in the evening with the fiber for another week.

    Congratulations on going to the bathroom.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    SMH at the number of juice threads lately...

    I like to eat my fruits and vegetables. They make me feel fuller longer than juice and the fiber is good for my system.

    There is a sequel to Fat Sick and Nearly Dead out. I'm thinking that has something to do with it.

    Ahhh. I guess that means that we should brace ourselves.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    edited January 2015
    I have been juicing for just one day and have experienced a complete excretion of all that has been in my colon. I plan to continue for one week to see how much more gets excreted. I see the merit in doing juicing for this reason. Will
    probably transition from juicing to fruits in the morning and vegetables in the evening with the fiber for another week.

    so, you had the runs and this is a good thing?

    you can drink this icky stuff that people have to drink before a colonoscopy and completely clean yourself out. i wouldn't recommend it because it's unpleasant and pointless unless you are getting a colonoscopy, but why not go the entire distance on this if you want to "clean yourself out"?
  • Msgorgeous83
    Msgorgeous83 Posts: 5 Member
    Juicing is very beneficial as blending. You have to reuse and recycle. I juice and the left over pulp I turn in to a blending shake (fiber) for later in the day (only with some recipes). I just started and I enjoy it, it makes eating veggies easier for me and my husband who wouldn't eat them otherwise.

    It just adds a different variety of food to my menu, and different texture. Juicing is absorbed faster then blending and digestion is quick.

    I only do it once a day either for breakfast, lunch or dinner and still eat and enjoy whole foods. Juicing is a very good diuretic and you will be urinating a lot. Juicing can be expensive, especially at first to invest in a good juicer. I get my fruit and veggies at Costco, enough veggies and fruits to juice and blend for ten days was about $40. Not bad :wink: you have to just find what you like.
  • We also get our fruits and veggies from Costco. It is cost effective especially with juicing and can get many things organic there. Our family eats whole foods with some blending and juicing. I would like to muster up the will power do a 3 day reboot at some point.
  • sahead710
    sahead710 Posts: 74 Member
    I love juicing although I have never done a reboot, I feel that it gives me energy and nutrients I'm not eating love fat sick and nearly dead and hungry for a change they motivate me to stay on track6ne6lgodh1ht.jpg
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    tkwelby5 wrote: »
    We also get our fruits and veggies from Costco. It is cost effective especially with juicing and can get many things organic there. Our family eats whole foods with some blending and juicing. I would like to muster up the will power do a 3 day reboot at some point.

    If you have to "muster up the will power" to do a juice fast, it is probably not the way to go.

  • BeastReborn
    BeastReborn Posts: 13 Member
    I don't see juicing as a way to cure anything; I see it as a way to get in your vitamins and minerals from vegetables that you wouldn't normally ever eat. I have to use willpower to make myself eat vegetables, but I can make a really tasty veggie juice that I'll drink down in 10 seconds that will contain that I'm not getting from the rest of my diet.

    Also, two of my good friends were both able to get off of their high blood pressure medication, just from adding juicing to their daily regimen. They changed nothing else. There are many, many stories just like theirs.

    The juice fasting part is crap, there's no need to consume just juice. Ya'll have to realize that some people just don't like to eat vegetables. Telling these people not to juice is not helpful at all. I get plenty of fiber in my diet from fruit, beans, whole grains and nuts. I don't need the added fiber from vegetables. I do need the additional nutrients that are abundant in certain vegetables that the rest of my diet isn't strong in.

    As Joe Cross says "Juice on!"
  • BeastReborn
    BeastReborn Posts: 13 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    If you have to "muster up the will power" to do a juice fast, it is probably not the way to go.

    Well with that logic, since I have to "muster up the will power" to eat my vegetables, maybe I shouldn't be eating vegetables? I also have to use will power to go to the gym, something I don't particularly enjoy doing. Maybe I shouldn't go to the gym, either?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Juicing is very beneficial as blending. You have to reuse and recycle. I juice and the left over pulp I turn in to a blending shake (fiber) for later in the day (only with some recipes).

    The blending shake sounds disgusting, but if you like it why not just have a smoothie? You get both in one.

    Of course, I highly recommend just learning to like vegetables, which are perfectly tasty, especially if properly cooked.

    Not sure why super quick digestion is supposed to be a plus. Don't people normally go on about how slowing down digestion is some big benefit?