


  • amorvincit105
    Loud music wont discourage me! Loud dance music gts me pumped up!!! :)
  • kk281
    kk281 Posts: 66 Member
    again zumba's tagline is "Ditch the work out, join the party"...my comment was meant purely as an aparently-not-so-humours pun that accurately describes my opinion. If no one is allowed to express a dissenting opinion then what is the point of any opinions at all? iknow its in no way as serious, but If i see someone driving off the road towards the edge of a cliff i'm not going to shout words of encouragement and praise their driving skills. I just so happened to notice a topic that had been of some interest amoung my circle of freinds pop up in side bar on MFP and decided the chime in on. hind sight being what it is perhaps i should have followed it with a "lol" or "jk" or even a "=P", but i didn't so i apologized for offeneding anyone and moved on. perhaps if other peoples opinions wasn't desire on thios topic it shouldn't have been posted in a PUBLIC forum on the WORLD WIDE web

    it's been my experience that group excersise programs have a tendancy to be un-effective. I am sure there are people who have had success and congratulations to them, but i have noticed that people i ahve had tell me they lost weight through group excersise programs only needed to loose about 10-20 maybe 30 lbs tops, only slightly to moderately overweight. for the many people who have more or much more than that to loose group excersise can prove difficult and raises self conciousness issues that can overall hinder ones efforts. I have seen it work for people who only need a slight "tone-up" and if that is your goal then have at it. but as for a serious weight loss goes, sweat does not equal lbs lost. High intensity cardio, suchs as some zumba classes can actually burn MUSCLE instead of fat, which is actually counter-productive when it comes toones overall goal of loosing the wieght. light to moderate strength trainning combined with low intensity cardio (walking at a brisk pace is great, especially first thing in the morning, before breakfast) is one of the absolute most effective ways to loose weight. Thats not just my opinion, but that of much of the medical community, as well as plain old phsyiology as well.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member

    That's frightening, I didn't know that :(

    I do an average of 8-10 group classes a week and they make up 75-80% of my exercise.
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    I added in my database so I can add it as Zumba.
    I burned over almost 600 calories during Zumba this morning. Like other group classes & exercising in general you get out of it what you put into it.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    High intensity cardio, suchs as some zumba classes can actually burn MUSCLE instead of fat, which is actually counter-productive when it comes toones overall goal of loosing the wieght. light to moderate strength trainning combined with low intensity cardio (walking at a brisk pace is great, especially first thing in the morning, before breakfast) is one of the absolute most effective ways to loose weight. Thats not just my opinion, but that of much of the medical community, as well as plain old phsyiology as well.

    There is light to moderate strength training incorporated in zumba. Lots and lots of squats, some lunges and my class even does one song that is all arm work.
  • rag5051
    rag5051 Posts: 28 Member
    I <3 Zumba. That is all.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    maybe your friends are not participating as they should? Maybe they need to watch intake but high intensity cardio (ZUMBA) burns calories=weight lost. It truly is that simple, I wish I go make it to my gyms Zumba class, but can't, I know that the class lets out as I go to spin and they are drenched after it. I also know one of the trainers at the gym who is a WORLD CHAMPION weight lifter, Zumba kicked his *kitten* he said never again!!
  • kk281
    kk281 Posts: 66 Member
    maybe your friends are not participating as they should? Maybe they need to watch intake but high intensity cardio (ZUMBA) burns calories=weight lost. It truly is that simple, I wish I go make it to my gyms Zumba class, but can't, I know that the class lets out as I go to spin and they are drenched after it. I also know one of the trainers at the gym who is a WORLD CHAMPION weight lifter, Zumba kicked his *kitten* he said never again!!

    calories burned does normally equate to weight loss yes, but as i previously mentioned not always fat loss. High intensity cardio workout leave your body in an energy crisis. When you body is in energy crisis mode it does what ever it can to get energy to keep your body functioning. Most of the times this involves burning its store of carbohydrates, your liver storage around 70g +/- and your muscles usually store around 200-300g. After this store has been expended your body turns to the next most readily available store of energy, your muscles themselves. The process is called glucogenisis and envovlve breaking down the muscles for energy. This process is less resource intensive that ketosis, or breaking down fat for energy, and therefore is your bodies second choice for energy.

    Don't get me wrong a good 15-20 minutes of cardio work out is great, but anything much over that and you run the risk of loosing valuable fat-burning muscle. Sure a high intensity cardio work out might burn lots of calories for the hour or so that your doing it, but what about the other 23hrs of the day? Muscle burns calories just sitting there, if you loose muscle mass, you loose the ability to burn as many calories just resting and therefore cannot eat the same amount of calories as before.
  • kk281
    kk281 Posts: 66 Member
    OK. as a self prescribed penance for unintentionally causing potential damaged to some ones fitness plans, i have personally greeted and done my best to encourage 5 new members.
  • rwinnie2
    rwinnie2 Posts: 59 Member
    sorry this has all got way to technical for me, I just try to burn more calories than I eat which was why I asked the question in the first place did not want to eat more calories than I was using up, so can I ask some questions.

    my body find it more energy efficient to burn muscle rather than fat?

    so after 20 mins of cardio I'm no longer burning fat, but starting to burn muscle?

    so why do arobics, aquafit, spinning, whatever last more than 20 mins?

    Im not trying to be super toned just not overweight
  • amorvincit105
    Well Itried the zumba toning last night and holy cow! If thats not burning fat I dont know what is! :) It was great!
  • meechellebelle
    Zumba for the wii is amazing. I'd say the intermediate and expert levels mirror the intensity of a live zumba class very well...and targets your whole body. I encourage you to get it! I've lost 23 pounds so far, as well as toned up EVERYTHING just by doing wii zumba :o) Have fun!
  • rwinnie2
    rwinnie2 Posts: 59 Member
    my lovley hubby got it for me for easter instead of chocolat, which was why I was trying to get the calorie count right I have unlocked all the intermediate levels and am now working on the expert ones I want to try the marathon one.:happy:

    do this on the days I dont have classes, either that or the wii fit.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    They offer this at my gym- I don't know why I haven't tried it yet to be honest!
  • kk281
    kk281 Posts: 66 Member
    sorry this has all got way to technical for me, I just try to burn more calories than I eat which was why I asked the question in the first place did not want to eat more calories than I was using up, so can I ask some questions.

    my body find it more energy efficient to burn muscle rather than fat?

    so after 20 mins of cardio I'm no longer burning fat, but starting to burn muscle?

    so why do arobics, aquafit, spinning, whatever last more than 20 mins?

    Im not trying to be super toned just not overweight

    my body find it more energy efficient to burn muscle rather than fat?
    when you are under going extended periods of anaerobic activities your body goes into energy crisis mode. your body is no longer able to provide the necessary energy to continue functioning at that high of a level. in light of this crisis you body takes the most efficient way out of the crisis. burning fat would indeed give it some energy, but if you body begins breaking down muscles for energy it kills two birds with one stone. The breaking down of muscles both provides energy as well as reduces the amount of energy needed to be supplied. If the body experiences these extended energy crisis' for a prolonged period of time it can actually go into starvation mode and start storing more fat to deal with the constant demand for more energy.

    so after 20 mins of cardio I'm no longer burning fat, but starting to burn muscle?
    that's a rough estimate and all depends on your body type, diet, and intensity level, but yes after depleting your bodies energy supply (which is primarily carbs, not fat) at such high exertion levels it turns to your muscles.

    so why do arobics, aquafit, spinning, whatever last more than 20 mins?
    well aerobics (both regualr and water) classes general are low intensity cardio (110-130bpm on average). as far as the spinning classes, i have only been to two or three so i can only generalize, from what i understand the go through a 10min low-intensity warmup, a 20minute high intensity phase sections then a 10minute low intensity cool off section phase. i don't want to get too preachy about the economics of it, but in summary, almost anytime your doing a group exercise program somebody, somewhere, is getting paid for something, whether its directly by you or not. but i digress....

    its totally awesome that you have decided to loose weight. i just know that from experience that ineffective weight-loss plans can be detrimental to ones overall success. i'm not saying Zumba isn't healthy or that you wont loose a little weight doing it, i just wouldn't use it as a core of any serious weight loss program. in the long run, for sustain weight loss absolutely nothing can beat a strength training / low intensity cardio combined with a balanced diet. If it is something that you liek to do and is fun then i would use it as a motivator for those days when you just can't get yourself to the gym. i would stick to a regular workout plan with weights and a good morning walk and if you just feel completely drained and don't think you could make yourself get to the gym, maybe instead go to the Zumba class for a change and a little fun. If you do zumba all the time and its your primary work out then eventually it will start to be more work than fun and might loose some of its appeal.
  • deltafour1212
    deltafour1212 Posts: 2 Member
    In all fairness kk281 is right. You do need muscle to help loose wieght. To much cadio will burn muscle. (look at any marathon runner)

    But........there is always a but. Trouble with any type of excercise ( I have done them all) if it isnt fun or hold your interest or you get bored after a week or burned out (put any excuse you want here) it doesnt matter what excercise you choose if your not going to stick with it.

    With me, I am in great shape I am a 48 male.
    The reason I am in great shape is that I choose an excercise that is fun and it doesnt seem like excercise. I hate weightlifting bores me to tears. I hate running, just the thought of running 3 to 5 miles makes me say "forget it"

    So I choose bicycling because I can go super fast on my road bike love the speed!. Love boxing, talk about a workout!
    A few basic bodyweight excercises to build the muscle like pushups, dips, pullups and ZUMBA because it freakin fun

    Zumba is great, it gives you a workout without seeming like a workout. To me I'm learning to dance and dancing is fun! Women love a guy that wants an can dance!

    Like I said kk281 is right, to much cardio will burn muscle ( look at a marathoner) and you do need some type of excercise that will build muscle to keep you from losing it.

    But just make sure you choose and excercise thats fun for you to where you will stick with it LIKE ZUMBA! :smile:

    you do need to build muscle to help loose weight. high intensity cardio does burn lots of calories while your doing it, but it can also burn muscle through glucogenesis(which is quite counter-productive). adding more muscles (not he-man like muscles) helps you burn more calories the other 23hrs of the day that you aren't working out as muscle burns calories just sitting there.