Stay-At-Home Moms 12/1-12/7



  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    Is there room for one more in here?

    I'm a mom to two wonderful little girls, ages 8 and 5. Natalie and Jennifer keep me moving a lot....and having their dad around is like raising another kid:laugh: :laugh: except that I can make that "kid" sleep on the couch when he p*sses me off. We have had our share of problems lately, and we are trying to work through them but it is really difficult for me right now. It's hard to cater to everyone all the time and I feel as if everybody takes me for granted. I have very little time for myself, that's why my daily workout is so important. It's one of the few things I do just for ME.

    Off to do my Slim in 6 "Burn it Up!" legs and abs will be thanking me later.:laugh:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Welcome GTO. There's always room for another mom. I know how you feel on the "catering" scene. That's my life in a nutshell. Lately my hubby seems to think this is a bed and breakfast....and that's about the only time I see him too. Good night and good bye are the only words I hear anymore. Oh he's the golden boy when he wants a little somethin somethin :grumble: Time to myself is literally unheard of.

    But enough of my pity party....Sorry ladies I'm really b***hy this morning. As soon as Adi goes down for her nap I gettin out the Turbo Jam and kickin some calories (and hopefully this bad mood).
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    Hi ladies!

    D's mom - I say be as b***hy as you want to be. That's what we're all here for, to support each other through the good and the bad and the b***hy. Let it out girly!

    GTO - Welcome! I feel the same way about my workout.

    And on that note, ladies, DH got paid on Wednesday, and he gave me the money for a babysitting pass, so I was able to go yesterday and today. And yesterday I stuck to my calories for the first time in...Well, let's just say a while. :bigsmile: I feel much better now that I can work out. I'm in a lot better mood and just feel...good. I also raised my calories to 1 pound a week. That's the best I can do for the holiday season.

    Something bothering me though: Today at the gym, I brought Darrell up to the daycare and went to do my hour on the elliptical. When I came out, he was sitting at the front desk with a man I had never seen before. :huh: So I freaked out a little, went up and calmly asked what happened to the daycare lady. He said she had to go so he was taking care of Darrell. I didn't see any harm in it, but I was only 20 feet away in the cardio room. Someone could have checked with me to see if I minded, because honestly I would rather have cut my workout short than leave Darrell with someone I had never seen before. So there's that. What would you guys have done in that situation? Should I have made a scene or said something about it?

    Lori - Has Harley been doing any better with her naps?

    I have to share something with all of you. This is Darrell's picture for our Christmas card:


    Don't you just want to eat him up? I do. :bigsmile:
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Lori - Has Harley been doing any better with her naps?

    I have to share something with all of you. This is Darrell's picture for our Christmas card:


    Don't you just want to eat him up? I do. :bigsmile:

    Today I laid her down on the ottoman next to my feet. She babbled for a little while and then fell asleep and slept about half an hour. I know it's not her crib but it's a start. Maybe I can work my way slowly up to her room. In a few days she might be clear over to sleeping on the stairs. :laugh: Just kidding. But I figure it's a start.

    Darrell is too cute. His little face makes me smile! :bigsmile:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Darrell is a cutie. I don't know that I would have made a scene but I would have been uneasy about a stranger watching my child, especially a man. We have a rule in our church that men can not help in the classed with children under 6. I think that's a good rule. It makes me feel better anyway. They should have at least told you and let you meet the guy first.
    Welcome GTO!
    I have an appointment with a midwife at three. Can you say nervous? She's just going to talk with me and maybe draw some blood. I know it's not a big deal and I will be fine, but I still get nervous! I don't have to decide to use her services right now. I do hope that I like her and she doesn't get on my nerves. lol I'll post later and let you know what they find out. I hope to be back doing my push ups tomorrow! :laugh:
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    Lori - Hey, progress is progress! I wouldn't recommend putting her to sleep on the stairs though! :laugh:

    MM - That's kind of how I felt about it. Oh well. I think if it happens again I'll make a little stink about it. Good luck with the midwife!
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Harley is snoozing on the ottoman again. I didn't get up. (I don't want her to roll off or the dogs to get her.) But I still got coupons clipped and my grocery list made. So it is progress.
  • noremac
    noremac Posts: 8 Member
    Hey what about stay at home dads
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    Hey what about stay at home dads

    Hey, I think everyone is welcome! You have the same challenges we do! How old are your kids?
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Hey what about stay at home dads

    Welcome! Though just to warn you, we do sometimes discuss things here like labor stories. :laugh:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Loki-thanks for permission to be b***hy :flowerforyou: Sometimes men are just so stupid. No offense bull (welcome!) Granted my bad mood started the whole ordeal yesterday but the sh** that came out of his mouth just made it worse! And sadly the majority of the argument was over the HRM I want :sad: Oh it's a long story.....

    But I'm trying to get into a better least until he gets home and then honestly I hope to NOT be here. So in my attempt to be in a better mood I'm trying to focus on some positives. (1) I'm starting to feel muscles in places that they weren't before..Ok ok ok I know they were there but I couldn't FEEL them underneath all the fat. Fat is still there but muscles are getting stronger (2) I'm finding I have better balance during my workouts. As you may or may not know I'm a Turbo Jam junkie and we do a lot of kick boxing moves. When I first started I was trippin and stumblin and havin a hard time finding my balance. Now I'm doing better...connection to the muscles strengthing I think so :wink: (3) I am wearing a shirt today that I haven't worn since last fall....granted I was pregnant and couldn't even think about getting it on, but I put it on about 2 months ago and it looked terrible. Today it fits much better. Belly is still stickin out a little but hey I'll take what I can get. (4) I'm on the road to losing my goal of 2 lbs this week. If I can just be good over the weekend I'm hoping to weigh in on Monday at 192...or maybe even 191!! (5) While showering a song popped into my head and it made me smile
    "I'm a survivor, I'm not gonna give up, I'm not gon' stop, I'm gonna work harder, I'm a survivor, I'm gonna make it, I will survive, Keep on survivin'" (Destiny's Child- Survivor). This is what I need to think about during my workouts. I'm not going to quit! I'm going to work hard. And even though sometimes it IS hard I'll make it through and keep on survivin!!!

    Okay now I feel a little better :smile:

    Loki-Your baby boy is so cute! I love his little grin.
    Loree- your right getting her to sleep somewhere other than your arms is a good start. It gets better I promise!
    MM- I hope the appointment goes well.
    Bull-Welcome again. Sorry I jumped on the men as soon as you joined. It's one of those days :happy:

    Gotta get my son off to school and then I need to run to the store and return some things I bought :grumble:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    *Peeks her head in*

    Hi, I'm late :bigsmile:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    allenhm-welcome. I just read your crack me up!!! WTH tummy roll :laugh: Your story sounds similar to mine; overweight parents, overweight life, baby weight etc etc etc. I was 188 when I got preg, 220 something at 40 weeks, came home at 215. This was my second child...I was still holding about 15 lbs from the first one and he's 6!!! I was determined to drop the preg weight so as soon as the doc cleared me at 6 wks post partum I got serious. So far 20 lbs plus a little that I'm not gonna count until I weigh in on Monday (don't wanna jinx myself) I'm almost to pre preg weight and then I need to get to pre preg weight from the first one and then I still need to lose about 10-15 lbs.

    Anyway...WELCOME!! Jump right in, strike up a conversation!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    busy chicks (and one bull?) in here today! I only have a sec but wanted to say Happy Friday! I'll be back later. My dad just called to inform me he & my mom are bringing pizza for dinner so I have to go TJ b/c I wasn't going to today. Nothing says motivation like pizza coming to my house. :laugh:

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Here's my update:
    I really liked the midwife. She was nice and informative. I didn't like all of what she had to say though, not because I disagreed but I didn't want to hear it. I am on bed rest pretty much. She said limit my activities and take it easy. No exercise for at least several weeks if not up to 12 weeks! UGH!!! I'm gonna get fat! She said to limit things like grocery shopping. Oh that will be fun. So maybe I can limit myself to 15-20 minutes of activity a day. She took blood to check my progesterone level and said she could also check HCG's but it wasn't necessary because it cost a lot more. Anyway, that's a portion of what she told me. I need to go tell hubby now.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    drevans_mom - Congrats on your weight loss! I am aiming for my pre-pregnancy goal first too. I'm so amazed that I used to think about how obese I was at 185 (which I was) but holy cow I have no idea how my scale began reading 215. Fat is sneaky. :angry:

    baby beans - I wish you the best of luck with your pizza. :flowerforyou: I am just glad it isn't coming to my house.

    MM - Bed rest? Oh icky. I'm so sorry :frown: Do you have any girlfriends that could help you during the day? Long shot, I know - but even just someone to do your shopping or laundary :ohwell:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    MM-Do any of your local grocery stores have delivery service? You can shop online and then have it delivered right to your door. I don't know if they charge for the service but in your case it might be worth the money.

    3BB- I love that the knowledge of pizza gets you to exercise :smile: For me it's any food. If I want to eat throughout the day I have to get my workout in. Do you guys have Papa Murphys?? I love their deLITE pizzas because I can have 2 or 3 pieces and still be under 600 calories.

    Well it's amazing what anger can make you do. It made me dust, clean carpets, wash bedding, fold laundry, and burn calories. I managed to not be home when he got here. I picked up my son from school and then we went to the library. By 5:30 we had to come home though, cuz I was starving and so was baby. DH had dinner made (fattening enchiladas...I swear he doesn't think about things before he makes them. He knows I'm trying my hardest to drop this weight. UGH!). So I fed the baby without talking to him and then ate dinner without talking to him and now I'm on my way to WalMart without him. I know the silent treatment is childish but my mother taught me if I don't have something nice to say don't say nothing at all......and right now I have NOTHING nice to say to him.
  • aprilann
    aprilann Posts: 238
    Hi to all the other stay at home moms out there. I'm new to this site today actually. I find it hard to getthe motivation needed to get up and get my workout done being at home. I have a 15mo old I think that's part of the problem I can't run with her up she wants to try and run to or grab the machine. Which leaves me no choice but to either get up early, do it while she naps, or in the evening all of which I don't always care for I use to get up and do it before Chris(my other half) would leave for work but I became lazy. In the evening I find I lack the motivation. I see a lot of success out there and I'm wondering how do I start mine. I feel like there's so much to lose and I have good intentions but intentions don't drop the lbs. So what should I do? It's easier said then done to just do it. If I could only afford a personal trainer but with 4 kids that wont happen any year soon. To make it worse I start college in Jan of 09 and I saw the girls that go there. They are thin just like I use to be. Oh does that make me feel even worse. Actually really sad and almost like I don't want to go. Sound sad doesn't it anyone out there feel me?
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Well it's amazing what anger can make you do. It made me dust, clean carpets, wash bedding, fold laundry, and burn calories. I managed to not be home when he got here. I picked up my son from school and then we went to the library. By 5:30 we had to come home though, cuz I was starving and so was baby. DH had dinner made (fattening enchiladas...I swear he doesn't think about things before he makes them. He knows I'm trying my hardest to drop this weight. UGH!). So I fed the baby without talking to him and then ate dinner without talking to him and now I'm on my way to WalMart without him. I know the silent treatment is childish but my mother taught me if I don't have something nice to say don't say nothing at all......and right now I have NOTHING nice to say to him.

    Sorry you are fighting with DH (or your NSDH - not so darling husband - right now ). I know what you mean though. When my DH and I have a fight, I kind of close in on myself and just want to be alone and curl up into a ball away from him. I don't know what happened (and I'm not asking) but I know I feel better once the fight is settled even if the actual discussion part makes me feel lousy. So I try to talk it out with him to get it over with.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Well it's amazing what anger can make you do. It made me dust, clean carpets, wash bedding, fold laundry, and burn calories. I managed to not be home when he got here. I picked up my son from school and then we went to the library. By 5:30 we had to come home though, cuz I was starving and so was baby. DH had dinner made (fattening enchiladas...I swear he doesn't think about things before he makes them. He knows I'm trying my hardest to drop this weight. UGH!). So I fed the baby without talking to him and then ate dinner without talking to him and now I'm on my way to WalMart without him. I know the silent treatment is childish but my mother taught me if I don't have something nice to say don't say nothing at all......and right now I have NOTHING nice to say to him.

    You are an angry cleaner too!! Sometimes I ask DH to make me mad so I will do the dishes... :blushing:

    Sorry you have some unrest in your house :frown: At least he tried to make dinner, even if his peace offering majorly backfired. :flowerforyou: