Ladies! How many calories do you consume a day?



  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    You need adequate protein and healthy fats, not just veggies. I eat 1400ish/ day. 5'3", 166lb. I would eat more if hashimoto's didn't mess up my metabolism so easily.
    To give some perspective: working concentration camp prisoners were given 1200 calories per day. if you have a physical job and are working out a lot, and not eating back exercise calories, you are essentially netting around the same as one of those prisoners.

    If you're very short, 5' and under, older, and fairly sedentary then you may be at the right amount, as long as you're eating back at least half of your exercise calories. But this still doesn't account for adequate protein and fat.
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    Veggies are good for you, but don't forget about protein. I'm trying to stay around 1,400 cals right now.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    I'm 5'4", 158, and work out hard every day. I was at 1200 because that's what MFP put me at ... did some probing on these chats and some research and have upped my calories to 1500. Much happier and less hungry - losing weight with less chance of injury due to lack of fuel.
  • Headtothemountains
    Headtothemountains Posts: 36 Member
    I eat about 1400 a day and am dropping weight quickly. I don't think I'd have energy on 1000 a day though, and I need my brain to function well for grad school/work.
  • kaylajane11
    kaylajane11 Posts: 313 Member
    I am 5'4, have about 10 pounds to lose, and eat 1600 net calories a day. I've tried to eat 1200 calories, and was starving and miserable. 1000 is not healthy - you need to eat more than that.

    Also, starvation mode is a MYTH. If you are eating too little, your body will not "store fat." You will lose weight, but you will also lose a lot of energy, and your body may stop producing things that are not necessary to live, such as your hair and nails.

    Your best option is to eat at a slight deficit and in a manner that is sustainable for you.
  • scorpiophoenix
    scorpiophoenix Posts: 222 Member
    1510 on lazy days, up to 2100 with exercise. Lost 35lbs. I like to eat.
  • NerdieMcChub
    NerdieMcChub Posts: 153 Member
    1200-1500 depending on how much exercise. I usually try and eat back 1/2 of my exercise calories.
  • PwrLftr82
    PwrLftr82 Posts: 945 Member
    I'm a 5'6" 129 lb female losing on 2400 cals/day. I just finished a bulk and am in the process of cutting down again.
  • shimmerich
    shimmerich Posts: 2
    edited January 2015
    I am 5'3 at 120 lbs and my fitness pal is always telling me to eat more but I will gain weight if I do. I have a thyroid condition so I try to eat no more than 800 a day. But I drink a lot of hot drinks so I know it's well over 1200. If I don't eat past 5pm I loose weight.
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    Personally I wouldn't go down that low. I'm of the opinion that it isn't good for your body, but I know there are many that will debate that. Good for you for eating all those veggies...but maybe melt some cheese on them or dip them in ranch :-)

    I typically eat about 1,400 a day. I go down to 1,200 for a few days here and there to make up for a bad weekend or something and then I'm right back up. I have never found pushing myself that hard to be sustainable long term. I have much more success with a few hundred extra because I don't get so burnt out. It's been trial and error and I'm always learning and adjusting, but that's one lesson well learned for me.
  • ChristinaLConway
    ChristinaLConway Posts: 115 Member

    I used to be one of those people that thought the lower the better. I also felt pride in being able to eat less than everyone else (embarrassing to admit). Ive changed my attitude to be healthier. I eat no less than 1200 a day and try to make the majority of them clean. Some days I even go over. I listen to my body if Im hungry there is a reason. I also work out 5/6 days a week lifting weights and doing cardio. Im still burning 1000 or more calories easily over what I eat a day.

    Im sticking to this program for 90 days then will adjust as I see fit (I assume I will be eating more).

    My calorie burn is estimated by wearing a fitbit all day and a polar when I workout.

    Stats: 5'4
    sw: 161
    cw: 144
    gw: size 4 jeans
  • kmayers143
    kmayers143 Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input!! :) Will definately up my calories intake!! :)
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    2,000 yesterday. MFP figures if I keep doing that I will be at maintenance. I've set a target of 1,650 and more if I exercise.

    As you can see this is an individual journey. You need to eat AT LEAST 1,200 and probably more if you want the best results.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member

    I used to be one of those people that thought the lower the better. I also felt pride in being able to eat less than everyone else (embarrassing to admit). Ive changed my attitude to be healthier. I eat no less than 1200 a day and try to make the majority of them clean. Some days I even go over. I listen to my body if Im hungry there is a reason. I also work out 5/6 days a week lifting weights and doing cardio. Im still burning 1000 or more calories easily over what I eat a day.

    Im sticking to this program for 90 days then will adjust as I see fit (I assume I will be eating more).

    My calorie burn is estimated by wearing a fitbit all day and a polar when I workout.

    Stats: 5'4
    sw: 161
    cw: 144
    gw: size 4 jeans

    Very sensible approach.
  • MissFitee
    MissFitee Posts: 106 Member
    On maintenance I eat about 1600 kcal. 1000 calories a day is fine short term. Do pay some attention to your vitamins and minerals though - especially the fat-soluble if you're mainly eating veggies....but most of the storages take some time to deplete so once again short-term you should be fine. If we're talking long-term I'd say increase your intake even if it brings your intake close to your expendure and thus causing your weight loss to slow down, to decrease the risk of internal and external consequences.
  • LookAWalrus
    LookAWalrus Posts: 52 Member
  • lisaw19855
    lisaw19855 Posts: 165 Member
    My goal is 1730 to lose 1lb a week, TDEE is almost the same. I tend to be round the 1400 mark though unless I'm working then I bump it up as my job is very physical x
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    I've been losing 1,500-1,700 calories a day.
  • fitfabforties
    fitfabforties Posts: 370 Member
    1200-1400.....and I try not to eat back any exercise calories or very few anyway.....I'm 5'3" and I'm almost 45 years old....right now I'm 134lb and trying to get back to 120lb....I was down at that weight before and I will do it again!!!!
  • savvyfantastic
    savvyfantastic Posts: 112 Member
    The amount your own intake should be depends on soooo many factors. Your body, your needs, your lifestyle, your goals, blah blah blah. You shouldn't take advice as to whether it's too low from here because nobody can really tell you.

    I'm currently sitting around 1500-1600 because I'm preparing for a competition but it's far, far too low for me. I feel weak and tired. I sit 10-12 hours a day at a desk but I also powerlift and dance, so normally I like to be around 2000-2200.

    People simplify things down to a calorific deficit but you're not doing your body any favours if you aren't providing appropriate fuel to do what you need to do day to day.