My worst habbit is STARBUCKS/drinking my calories... what's yours? LETS HELP EACHOTHER



  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    my favorite is the salted caramel mocha latte they have around the holidays... I get non-fat, no-whip, but the grande is still over 300 calories. I just skip lunch and sip on it slowly and enjoy it. I don't do it often, but it's so worth it when I do!
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    Celestial seasonings Teas have been in Canada for Years! Even in Vancouver. You can get them at Safeway.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    meritage4 wrote: »
    Celestial seasonings Teas have been in Canada for Years! Even in Vancouver. You can get them at Safeway.

    I like the Bengal Spice. I drink like 4 cups every night. Which is way too much because I wake up needing to pee constantly.

    I don't have any horrible habits. My dessert is often the same amount of calories as my dinner...but, I hit my macros so I don't think I'd be getting any extra credit anyway.

    I don't love the fact that I have trouble with moderation on some foods, and have kept some out of the house. I'm having Operation-Moderation in Peanut Butter right now. So far there has been one or two licks unaccounted for.
  • YumiZoomi
    YumiZoomi Posts: 42
    edited January 2015
    I lovee starbucks latte! I usually have a tall original latte.. with the whole milk and everything.. 150 cals. AND, I have it to replace a snack time, usually happens when I'm running around and can't grab a healthy snack or forgot to pack one and I go for it. The whole milk keeps me full for hours. I think I consume less calories after drinking one than if I didn't drink one. Curbs the appetite for me.

    Oh yeah.. I don't add anything to it. Just plain. No added sugars or sweeteners.
  • thanoshp
    thanoshp Posts: 15 Member
    I like the sweet stuff. Candy chocolate and all that and once yeah once I have one thing it's like I want another.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I got 125 dollars worth of starbucks gift cards from clients this year and I literally never go there. I ended up being a bit tight financially so I've actually been getting my lunch there every day for the past two weeks. I only get a coffee though.
  • NightShiftMedic
    NightShiftMedic Posts: 59 Member
    My weakness is when someone brings in sweets for everyone at work. I like the sweets. Also, I work in the Middle East and to refuse is often seen as impolite.
  • harmon_jessica
    harmon_jessica Posts: 10 Member
    I used to be a 3 times a day Starbucks customer, grande nonfat vanilla latte. It became a habit. For me, I am at Starbucks 5 days a week, but now I do Americanos, and just get 2 a day. Changing my drink was easy, changing my daily routine is the real struggle. Getting used to going somewhere else for my pick me up, or being happy with water and going for a walk instead
  • chemaeroberts
    I work at a coffee house...the struggle is real! Haha. The positive thing though is that it's all natural and organic, with only whole non-homogenized milk (can you say sooo much yummy fat). But I have switched to just drip coffee with some half and half. This though is an extreme change, because like you I would have that 16oz Mocha everyday (with whip on occasion). Something that will help you cut back would be first just order a smaller size, then just have it every other day, then just two times a week, and then once a week. Also maybe trying a less sugary drink like an American (add some honey and half/half to sweeten, maybe even cinnamon if feeling adventurous
  • kcmccormack
    kcmccormack Posts: 71 Member
    Wine! Red. Not white. And only on weekends. Can't always be perfect. Also peanut butter, I LOVE it mixed into Greek yogurt. Omg.

    Occasionally in the fall the pumpkin spice latte. It's a classic
  • sugarpeas
    sugarpeas Posts: 56 Member
    I mainly go because I like getting outside. But maybe I'll opt for a walk instead of sitting at Starbucks once in a while. It's all about small changes sometimes I think. I used to walk all the time for one of my breaks, not sure what happened
  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    I've switched to Black Tea. It's my pick me up.
  • daltonjsmom
    daltonjsmom Posts: 74 Member
    I did cut back on my Sbux addiction by 1) ordering only on Sunday morning as a treat; 2) buying my own cup to save money in a 3) SHORT SIZE=fewer calories 4) making a list of sugar free syrups to keep in my wallet with my gold card since they aren't posted at my store. They also now have coconut milk, a slightly healthier choice than regular dairy