Fall 2011 Marathon Support Group



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am doing a half marathon in September to raise money for Cancer research in memory of a good friend who died of the disease a couple of months ago.

    I have to say I am terrified!

    you kept that quiet Fredi!
    ill sponsor you x

    I'm doing a 10k next month first to warm up for it!
  • Fernandomike
    Fernandomike Posts: 95 Member
    Well, I completed my 5th Half Marathon today! 2:16:08, which is a PR for me! It was a beautiful day and I ran it with my brother which makes it even more special!! I'll try to get some pictures up later!
    Happy Mother's Day to all of you out there!

    Great job on the PR. It sure is a nice time of the year for a good, long run.
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    I'm doing the MCM too! Anyone interested in doing Ragnar in the mean time..? I need some more races to keep motivated!
  • waynep00
    waynep00 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All . . . Found this thread this morning. I quit weightwatchers.com, online program and found this site which I like better. It takes some mystery out of tracking food. I am planning on running the White Rock Marathon in Dallas in Dec 2011. I have a lot of work to do, 5K on Friday, 11:54 pace. . . .
  • ineednapkin
    ineednapkin Posts: 151
    I am running the Air Force Marathon in September! My very first!
  • ineednapkin
    ineednapkin Posts: 151
    Is it a bad idea to run two marathons a month and a half apart? I am looking at running the MCM through a charity.... hmmmm
  • ineednapkin
    ineednapkin Posts: 151
    LOVE IT!!! I just finished the flying pig 1/2 in Cincinnati and I start training Monday for my very first full! I'm excited, but also nervous. 26.2 is a FAR distance! I'm doing either the Marshall marathon in West Virginia in November or the Indianapolis Monumental. Haven't decided yet. Good luck all!

    I love the Flying Pig Half! I did it last year! It was good times :)
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    When I did a half I heard that for full marathons you should give yourself a day to recover for each mile...so like a marathon a month...but it depends on how you run/train
  • hellen72
    hellen72 Posts: 144 Member
    Is it a bad idea to run two marathons a month and a half apart? I am looking at running the MCM through a charity.... hmmmm

    No of course not, I sometimes do 2 in a weekend!
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Is it a bad idea to run two marathons a month and a half apart? I am looking at running the MCM through a charity.... hmmmm

    No of course not, I sometimes do 2 in a weekend!

    2 in a weekend! Wow I hope to get there some day!
    FAVORED1 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm IN!! Great idea... I'm training for my first half marathon in Alexandria Virginia in October. Sooo excited ;0)
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Ooo, the group is growing! Love it!

    Hope you all had a great weekend! I started with a running group this morning at 5:45 am. Boy, that was early! It was a great group though. 3 groups: beginners, 5 & 10k and the fall half and full marathon group. The marathon group was mostly women, which I thought was interesting. About 60 people, (maybe more!) all together. Everyone was really nice. A few peeps doing MCM, San Antonio & New York. I know some were doing other events too, I just didn't get a chance to chat with everyone.
    We started with a 1.25 mile run to our workout area. Then we did warm up drills, (high knees, butt kicks, twisty things :tongue: side steps, running backwards) all uphill, then running down. Then we did basically a giant circuit. Three stations, each with 150-200 yards in between. One station had 10 little hurdle jumps we had to hop x 3, then mountain climbers. Next station was frog jumps, (longer jumps, no hurdle) then 10 push ups. Last station was medicine ball work. Marathon group ran the whole circuit 4 times. Then we ran back to our original starting point 1.25 miles. It was hard work.

    My knee was/is not happy. I did feel like l did ok overall though. I have never run with a group before and these peeps have been doing this for years. Without P90X I would have been DEAD. I was strong in all of the circuits and that helped my confidence strangely enough. We meet again on Wednesday for fartleks and then long run on Saturday.

    I'm really looking forward to getting better and stronger. I'm also looking forward to getting to know people with similar goals. Right now the only people I "know" are here on MFP. My RL friends, (except for one friend and hubby is amazing) have zero interest in getting up early and running long distances for what they would call, "no reason". I can't even count how many times I have been asked, "Why?"

    Do you all get the same, "Why?" and blank stare when talking about running?
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    Still not fully recovered from my 10k on Saturday, methinks. But a light interval session and an aerobics class went okay; weights tomorrow, then a rest day, and hopefully I will be back at full speed on Thursday.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Ooo, the group is growing! Love it!

    Hope you all had a great weekend! I started with a running group this morning at 5:45 am. Boy, that was early! It was a great group though. 3 groups: beginners, 5 & 10k and the fall half and full marathon group. The marathon group was mostly women, which I thought was interesting. About 60 people, (maybe more!) all together. Everyone was really nice. A few peeps doing MCM, San Antonio & New York. I know some were doing other events too, I just didn't get a chance to chat with everyone.
    We started with a 1.25 mile run to our workout area. Then we did warm up drills, (high knees, butt kicks, twisty things :tongue: side steps, running backwards) all uphill, then running down. Then we did basically a giant circuit. Three stations, each with 150-200 yards in between. One station had 10 little hurdle jumps we had to hop x 3, then mountain climbers. Next station was frog jumps, (longer jumps, no hurdle) then 10 push ups. Last station was medicine ball work. Marathon group ran the whole circuit 4 times. Then we ran back to our original starting point 1.25 miles. It was hard work.

    My knee was/is not happy. I did feel like l did ok overall though. I have never run with a group before and these peeps have been doing this for years. Without P90X I would have been DEAD. I was strong in all of the circuits and that helped my confidence strangely enough. We meet again on Wednesday for fartleks and then long run on Saturday.

    I'm really looking forward to getting better and stronger. I'm also looking forward to getting to know people with similar goals. Right now the only people I "know" are here on MFP. My RL friends, (except for one friend and hubby is amazing) have zero interest in getting up early and running long distances for what they would call, "no reason". I can't even count how many times I have been asked, "Why?"

    Do you all get the same, "Why?" and blank stare when talking about running?

    That sounds like a great group you found! I'd love to do more intervals and fartleks with others. I say more....I've never done fartleks or speed training, Ha Ha! My team does speed training in the Spring and Summer but I've never been able to make it to one because I see clients at the time those trainings are scheduled. Hoping to change that.

    I always get told "Wow, I'd only run if someone was chasing me.." Huh, huh, huh...so funny. (I hope my sarcasm is showing) I can't tell you how many times I've heard it. The thing is, if someone was chasing them, they'd be out a luck cause they are so slow and out of shape. It aggrevates me the excuses people make for not taking care of themselves. Granted, running is not for everyone....then again, I never thought I'd be a runner either.
  • girlruns
    girlruns Posts: 344
    Why do I run? 'Tain't no mystery-Wanna have a good medical history. Doctor told me runnin' is great-helps them blood cells circulate. Great for the lungs, great for the ticker. Can't nothing getcha in better shape quicker. Feels so healthy, feels so sweet; Pumpin' my arms and flappin' my feet. Moldin' my muscles, firmin' my form; Pantin' like a pack mule, sweatin' up a storm. Keeps me youthful, keeps me loose. Tightens my tummy and shrinks my caboose. Beats bein' sluggish, beats bein' lazy. Why do I run? Maybe I'm crazy!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Why do I run? 'Tain't no mystery-Wanna have a good medical history. Doctor told me runnin' is great-helps them blood cells circulate. Great for the lungs, great for the ticker. Can't nothing getcha in better shape quicker. Feels so healthy, feels so sweet; Pumpin' my arms and flappin' my feet. Moldin' my muscles, firmin' my form; Pantin' like a pack mule, sweatin' up a storm. Keeps me youthful, keeps me loose. Tightens my tummy and shrinks my caboose. Beats bein' sluggish, beats bein' lazy. Why do I run? Maybe I'm crazy!
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Why do I run? 'Tain't no mystery-Wanna have a good medical history. Doctor told me runnin' is great-helps them blood cells circulate. Great for the lungs, great for the ticker. Can't nothing getcha in better shape quicker. Feels so healthy, feels so sweet; Pumpin' my arms and flappin' my feet. Moldin' my muscles, firmin' my form; Pantin' like a pack mule, sweatin' up a storm. Keeps me youthful, keeps me loose. Tightens my tummy and shrinks my caboose. Beats bein' sluggish, beats bein' lazy. Why do I run? Maybe I'm crazy!

    LOVE IT!!!
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I just blogged about my 5th Half Marathon from this past weekend. Check it out on my website at www.muffintopnomore.com
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Is anybody running the TInkerbell Half Marathon at DisneyLand January 29, 2012?

    Thinking about signing up.... I've heard the Disney races are really crowded.

    It's also the same day as the 3M half here in Austin which is supposed to be really fun.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I'm not running the Princess Half, but I did run the Full in 2010. It was very crowded, but that was not a problem, as Disney really knows how to handle crowds. However, for a 6am race start, we had to be up at 2am, on the buses at our resort at 3am in order to get to the start area by 4am. We then had to wait two hours for the start. That was the worst part of it. AND, it just so happened that the year I ran it (my very first marathon ever!) there was a cold snap in Orlando. It was 25 degrees at the start and hit 32 by the time I finished. CRAZY!!! That's not likely to happen again anytime soon though. It just goes to show that you should be prepared for ANY kind of weather when you race!
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