"You can have just one!"



  • priyaFitnessFreak
    priyaFitnessFreak Posts: 105 Member
    JoanaMHill wrote: »
    Keep in mind that it is just as frustrating to them that you don't eat what they prepared. Rather than refuse to eat it, it might be better to prepare for the encounter by budgeting it into your diet.

    There's a difference between going to someone's house when you know they're preparing a meal for you and being assaulted with chocolate chip cookies and brownies at your work desk. (assaulting being a little over-dramatic, but you get my point)

    Not really. We know people are going to do that at work or we wouldn't be complaining about it. Most of us have a meal we eat after work, so all we really need to do is eat less during that meal or even skip it on days food is offered to us at work.

    So I should eat less of the healthy lunch that I prepared so that I make my coworkers happy by eating the goodies they baked? Maybe I'm just dumb, but this makes zero sense to me!
  • BethWilliams24
    BethWilliams24 Posts: 175 Member
    Well if you're eating healthily then you won't want __________

    That seems to be a popular one to say to me lately!!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I have a relative who always comments negatively about my size no matter how big or small or healthy or unhealthy I am at any given time. I don't think she's trying to be nasty, it just hasn't occurred to her that some many people might find that offensive. I know she's insecure about herself even though she's pretty slim, so I try to remember it's a reflection of her and not me.
  • smjpk03lk
    a friend of mine lost a lot of weight, since finding out I am changing my lifestyle she told me I was fine and not to bother, almost as though she wants me to remain the 'chubby' friend! ggrrr

    cant people just be pleased for you?
  • lisaw19855
    lisaw19855 Posts: 165 Member
    'Are you allowed to eat that?' Yes, it fits in my calories, this isn't a diet it is a lifestyle change.
    or shop assistants

    'Do you want this giant bar of chocolate for £1' Makes me realise why so many of us end up fat in the first place.

    'You're obsessed with counting calories and weighing everything'
  • _celesse
    _celesse Posts: 75 Member
    "That's not part of your diet!!" :unamused:
  • Redinky22
    I battled this in social circles for a long time. Everyone around me was gorging themselves on foods that were loaded with sugar and carbs. I got so tired of being asked if I was going to eat anything. When I would reply by saying,"I don't eat that kind of stuff", they would usually walk away offended like I had insulted them. I guess in reality I had. Guess that's why I stopped hanging around people that lived to eat. I now eat to live.
  • Revonue
    Revonue Posts: 135 Member
    I understand most comments come from a place of well-meaning, but here are the ones that bothered me a little:
    1: "You are losing your figure"- my mother.
    2: "You are eating a lot tonight, you usually live on lettuce!"- my mother.
    3: "You can have it, it's low fat/small/good for you"- my father.
    4: "You should stop losing weight"- my sister.

    Typically the ones that bother me the most are the comments on the amount of what I'm eating. When did it become okay to comment on this, especially in border-line rude ways, like "wow that's a lot for you, you better watch it *insert laughing*".
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    "You have to be starving yourself since you're losing weight."
    "Running is hard on your knees when you weigh as much as you do."
    "I don't have time to workout. Some of us actually have to work."
    (these first three all came from the same person. She's lucky I love her, otherwise I might kill her!)
    "Have you lost weight?" (after I've lost over 100 pounds)
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    I hate when people bring baked goods in to the office and insist you eat one.

    This- so much! Sometimes i find it's easier to take the cake, 'save it for later'. Then I wrap it up andslip it in my bag and throw it in the bin on the way home from work.

    Someone left a handful of sweets on my desk this week- I gave them the bin treatment.

  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    itsthekz wrote: »
    I remember these 5 words being my most hated sentence from anyone's mouth when I was following a program. I don't know why it's so hard for people to just leave you alone when you choose to get healthy and pass on food or drinks that will set you back or foods you truly don't want anymore! If I say "no thank you" they always have to follow with "oh come on! You can have just one!!"

    What is your biggest peeve that people say when you are trying to get healthy?

    Nothing tops this. It's the one I hate most. I now refuse to listen to anyone except myself. Maybe I'd take the advice of a nutritionist if a doctor referred me to a good one. Everyone else can take a flying leap into a cold pond.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    I don't really give a damn what other people think of my weight and physique because they're not me. There is only one person's opinion that matters, and I'm that person.

