Overweight pregnancy vs fit pregnancy



  • JediMaster_intraining
    Thanks for the encouraging news. I am constantly worried about having a baby when I finally am being healthy again! Another reason for me to continue to lose weight because I will be married this year and who knows what will happen next. :)
  • theflyingpelican
    theflyingpelican Posts: 42 Member
    You look fab, all bump! I didn't look that cheerful the day before labour lol, mainly because I was so overdue and fed up!

    Thanks! That day was my actual due date so I wanted to do something fun to distract myself. It's a good policy that I highly recommend. =)

    My children were 10, 12 and 11 days overdue, I'd have had to find a lot of distracting, fun things :)
    Actually, first time round was fine, I just met friends a lot, second and third times were harder as I had my child(ren) already to look after.

    Oh dang girl, I would have been SO over it too lol
  • Bj0223
    Bj0223 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm just reading this because I love babies. You all are doing so great and the pictures were beautiful. I have a son in college and a drama queen teenage daughter so I like reading about babies. Please continue. Don't mind me.
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    Following :)
  • AllAboutThatPace
    AllAboutThatPace Posts: 151 Member
    edited January 2015
    My first was born in July 2010 and it was a rough pregnancy in the way of weight gain. I had gained about 28 lbs up until week 34 and then put on another 22 in 4 weeks due to preeclampsia. I was so swollen and bloated and just felt awful. I lost about 18 of it after I had him. Then I started exercising and lost another 8-10, then gained a little back...

    My daughter was born in April 2014 and I only gained 27 lbs total. I really watched what I ate with her and tried to be as healthy as possible. However, I had HORRIBLE morning sickness with her. I mean, some days I was getting sick around 6 or 7 times. It was not fun! I was about to breastfeed her for about a month and lost all of the weight within about 3 weeks.

    I was holding onto 26 lbs from my first pregnancy when I started MFP back in November. Now, I have 3 pounds left to hit pre-pregnancy weight from my son in 2010! :)
  • bstetson1
    bstetson1 Posts: 17 Member
    I have three daughters, all teens now but I'll share my pregnancy experience. I started small and gained way too much weight with my first and second pregnancies. I was young and viewed pregnancy as a reason to abandon all eating restraint.

    I got pregnant with my third daughter the month after I gave birth to my second, I actually had the same due date two years in a row! I was still carrying all the excess baby weight and couldn't stand the thought of adding more. I began eating healthy and joined a gym. I worked out on the elliptical and lifted weights up until the day before I gave birth. I actually lost ten pounds (with doctor supervision) during my last pregnancy.

    Of course I recovered my body much quicker from this birth, but here is the point I really want to get across: My middle daughter was 9.8 oz at birth my last was 6.4oz a year later. My youngest is 17 now and has no weight issues where as my 18 and 20 year olds have always struggled. Based on my experience, I believe our actions during pregnancy affect our children's health way after they are out of the womb.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    bstetson1 wrote: »
    I have three daughters, all teens now but I'll share my pregnancy experience. I started small and gained way too much weight with my first and second pregnancies. I was young and viewed pregnancy as a reason to abandon all eating restraint.

    I got pregnant with my third daughter the month after I gave birth to my second, I actually had the same due date two years in a row! I was still carrying all the excess baby weight and couldn't stand the thought of adding more. I began eating healthy and joined a gym. I worked out on the elliptical and lifted weights up until the day before I gave birth. I actually lost ten pounds (with doctor supervision) during my last pregnancy.

    Of course I recovered my body much quicker from this birth, but here is the point I really want to get across: My middle daughter was 9.8 oz at birth my last was 6.4oz a year later. My youngest is 17 now and has no weight issues where as my 18 and 20 year olds have always struggled. Based on my experience, I believe our actions during pregnancy affect our children's health way after they are out of the womb.

    I think our lifestyle in general makes a difference. I'm very active and so are my children. However, I worked out the most in my third pregnancy, and started that pregnancy at my smallest, but my baby was bigger than my other two.

    As far as weight is concerned, my 5 and 3 year olds are taller than average and don't have weight issues, and my baby is nearly 9 months so no idea if she'll have weight issues or not, but she's also long for her age. They're very active kids and eat healthily, so I've done something right.
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    I was obese for both my pregnancies (about 5 lbs lighter for the second), but controlling the weight gain makes a huge difference in how you feel and how quickly you recover. The first time around I gained about 35 lbs; started out ok but then just gave up mid-way through. Was miserable by the time I delivered and my weight bounced around quite a bit after. I lost all the baby weight plus 5 lbs, got pregnant again, and gained only 3 lbs my first trimester. Felt great, but was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and had to closely monitor my weight, meet with a nutritionist, etc. Only gained 17 lbs total and was 5 lbs lighter when I left the hospital than when I conceived. Much better pregnancy all around despite the GD. Although I think we are done, I wouldn't hesitate to have another now that I am so much healthier--I now know what to do to lose the weight and get back in shape.

    So just be sensible with the weight gain and you will have nothing to fear!
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I have no kids, but thought about what might happen if I decided to have kids and how to not go back to being 100lbs over weight. Thanks for sharing!! :D