Daily Exercise + Under Daily Calories = No Weight Loss!



  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    So you're going to start accurate tracking of food then


    See you in a couple of weeks

    Hope you do let everyone know how you are doing after a couple of weeks. You got lots of good advice here.
  • DanielNotDan
    DanielNotDan Posts: 30 Member
    edited January 2015
    hlwick12 wrote: »
    ...you may not be eating enough [calories]? I only see ppl telling you to eat less. .... Eat more! Sounds counterproductive but it true. 2100 should be your NET calorie goal

    Thanks. Still, I *think* it has to do with my macros, as "eating more" is too generic of advice, begging the question, "Eat more broccoli or French fries?" which are identical (according to SOME folks in the MFP community).

    I wonder: is there an app where I type in my desired calories target & macros and it generates a meal & snack plan/grocery list?© No one better steal that idea or I'll sue!
  • DanielNotDan
    DanielNotDan Posts: 30 Member
    ncfitbit wrote: »
    Hope you do let everyone know how you are doing after a couple of weeks. You got lots of good advice here.

    Thx! I sure will (update) and have (received good advice).
  • DanielNotDan
    DanielNotDan Posts: 30 Member
    Are your goals realistic? 8% body fat...

    Weighing your food ...makes you informed. .... If your burns are always estimates, I wouldn't eat many of those calories back.

    ....I wonder if you ever take a break or a few rest days?

    Goals: why wouldn't 8-10% body fat be realistic? Are there no 6' 53 yo who are? We ALL likely know people (aliens) who are or who have made themselves that way. If I'm willing to do the work (as well as find/follow the credible advice/adviser) WHY NOT? I tend to believe the adage, "You get muscular in the gym and lean in the kitchen."

    Burn calories: agreed. I under-estimate and (tho not consistently) use a HRM. I agree that "feelings" aren't "facts."

    Rest: I average 4-5/month. I'm of the mind that daily exercise is overrated... Although I enjoy it, I don't panic because "I MISSED MY WORKOUT MY GOD I'M A LAZY TOAD WHO'LL DIE AN EARLY DEATH!!" I simply chill and (USUALLY) don't eat as much that day.

    Thx for your input!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    My guess would be that it is your VLCD that is messing with you. How long ago was it? I did some reading a few years ago about metabolism and they said a slowed metabolism from a VLCD isn't a forever thing but it can stay low for a while. As I recall, lots of variance but on average, after a year of normal eating your metabolism should be almost back to normal. To my surprise they said that age differences are insignificant when you factor out muscle. Meaning if 51 year old you has as much muscle as 25 year old you your metabolism should be close to the same. I suspect what they left unsaid is that it is almost impossible to have as much muscle at 51 as you did at 25.

    Would it be a crazy idea to bring your calories to maintenance and spend three months with your sole focus on increasing muscle mass (as evidenced by lifting improvements) and THEN trying to cut?

    Sorry to hear you are so frustrated. Sadly I know lots of 50 somethings who are also frustrated. I have decided for 2015 that my own goal is to eat well (at or near goals) and exercise pretty close to daily, scales be damned.
  • hlwick12
    hlwick12 Posts: 135 Member
    edited January 2015
    If 1500-1800 = your NET calories, then your body is basically saying "F you, you're not feeding me enough, I'm going to hang on to whatever nourishment you give me." Based on your BMR and moderate exercise you should be consuming around 2100 net calories. Obviously healthy nutrient rich food is better. But don't drive yourself crazy....eat a sandwich, or broccoli or chicken etc. Just try to be within closer proximity to the 2100. Healthy average weight loss = 2 lbs per week. Some weeks you'll lose 5, some 0, but it should average out.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    My guess would be that it is your VLCD that is messing with you. How long ago was it? I did some reading a few years ago about metabolism and they said a slowed metabolism from a VLCD isn't a forever thing but it can stay low for a while. As I recall, lots of variance but on average, after a year of normal eating your metabolism should be almost back to normal. To my surprise they said that age differences are insignificant when you factor out muscle. Meaning if 51 year old you has as much muscle as 25 year old you your metabolism should be close to the same. I suspect what they left unsaid is that it is almost impossible to have as much muscle at 51 as you did at 25.

    Would it be a crazy idea to bring your calories to maintenance and spend three months with your sole focus on increasing muscle mass (as evidenced by lifting improvements) and THEN trying to cut?

    Sorry to hear you are so frustrated. Sadly I know lots of 50 somethings who are also frustrated. I have decided for 2015 that my own goal is to eat well (at or near goals) and exercise pretty close to daily, scales be damned.

    I did briefly discussed this early. Being on an HCG diet was probably the biggest mistake he could have made since it's a starvation diet. And considering he had large weight loss, it probably also meant he had large muscle loss since you can't sustain muscle on a 500 calorie diet, let alone sustain a metabolism. Like I mention before, it took a year for the MFP member I worked with to get your resting metabolic rate close to where it should be been. For a year, she was eating 1700 calories and not losing about. 2 months ago, she started losing about .5lb per week which means the high protein diet and heavy weight training provided to be beneficial to her metabolism.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    What has been your average caloric intake for the last month? I maintain at 2540 and am less active then you, and shorter, and lighter, and a little younger. Granted, I'm not a weight loss author such as yourself, but I'd start with your actual numbers and just for sharts and goggles what is your current BF percent?
  • hashTag_Wade
    hashTag_Wade Posts: 14 Member
    I am 40, 6', and weighed 210 lbs in Sept 2014. I started running again in October and lost a few pounds. On Nov 3rd (at 202.5 lbs) I started P90X3 and have done every single workout, in order, on the schedule without missing in addition to running 10-15 miles/week and/or cycling 15-20 miles/week. On November 6th, I discovered and started logging all of my meals on MFP. I typically have pretty high calorie burns every day but stay under my original calorie goal and do NOT "eat back" my calories. I am now at 183 lbs with only two P90X3 workout left.

    I know you stated that you are typically doing weight training. Are you doing any cardio? If so, I might suggest that, in addition to logging consistently and with more accuracy, that you try to start increasing your cardio and daily calorie burn.
  • brandiaw7
    Muscle weighs more than fat... It will take time for you to see results if you are gaining muscle... Give it some time... If you measure you will see a difference.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    brandiaw7 wrote: »
    Muscle weighs more than fat... It will take time for you to see results if you are gaining muscle... Give it some time... If you measure you will see a difference.

    He wont' gain muscle on such a low calorie diet. Also, it generally takes a surplus to gain muscle as your body requires more energy to create actually new muscle.

  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    You're sounding a bit defensive there. People here are just trying to help.

    Stop stressing yourself out. None of that stuff matters in the end. If you're eating what you're eating and not losing weight, eat less. It doesn't matter whether it's 1800 to 1600, or 2000 to 1800 or whatever. Just eat less.

    BMR is irrelevant to weight loss. TDEE is the number you want to focus on, and that number is an *estimate* from every calculator and may or may not apply to you exactly. Plus, it will fluctuate daily.

    Try this: Eat what you've been eating already, but strive for more consistency (i.e. log everything, resist the temptation to say "aw, f**k this *kitten*") and as much accuracy as you can reasonably muster. And then cut something out -- eat 10% less. If that doesn't work, try 15% less. Recognize that, even if you're underestimating, you're probably underestimating by the same amount each day, so just subtract from that.

    You can do this. It doesn't have to be stressful.

    "A much more accurate method for determining TDEE is to determine your basal metabolic rate (BMR) using multiple factors, including height, weight, age, and sex, then multiply the BMR by an activity factor to calculate TDEE. "

    Quote from Kansas State article. Maybe BMR is more important then some or many people realize.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Can you afford to see a nutritionist? They can test you to see what your resting metabolic rate truly is, so that you can take the calculations from there. They'll help you troubleshoot it. That's what I did and it worked.
  • DanielNotDan
    DanielNotDan Posts: 30 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    Can you afford to see a nutritionist? ...
    Haven't seen one yet. I've been looking for a local nutritionist/trainer (i.e., one person who is both) to help. Thx!
  • hlwick12
    hlwick12 Posts: 135 Member
    If you're willing to humor me for one week, I may be able to help. And if I don't have the answer, I have access to a network of ppl in personal training and nutrition - I can defer to them, or try to help find someone local (to you) for you to consult with. No quick fixes, no gimmicks, no guarantees. I'm not selling anything. Feel free to send me a friend request. If not, no worries.
  • DanielNotDan
    DanielNotDan Posts: 30 Member
    hlwick12 wrote: »
    If you're willing to humor me for one week, I may be able to help. And if I don't have the answer, I have access to a network of ppl in personal training and nutrition - I can defer to them, or try to help find someone local (to you) for you to consult with. No quick fixes, no gimmicks, no guarantees. I'm not selling anything. Feel free to send me a friend request. If not, no worries.

    Thanks! Not sure how to send a friend request via this board, tho...(?)
  • RNGRZulu
    RNGRZulu Posts: 3,964 Member
    hlwick12 wrote: »
    If you're willing to humor me for one week, I may be able to help. And if I don't have the answer, I have access to a network of ppl in personal training and nutrition - I can defer to them, or try to help find someone local (to you) for you to consult with. No quick fixes, no gimmicks, no guarantees. I'm not selling anything. Feel free to send me a friend request. If not, no worries.

    Thanks! Not sure how to send a friend request via this board, tho...(?)

    I haven't been able to do this on the iOS app...only on the web based application.
  • DanielNotDan
    DanielNotDan Posts: 30 Member
    Thx. I think you're right about the iOS