Reese's peanut butter eggs



  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    edited January 2015
    Cadbury is made by Hershey's here. Big difference. It has something to do with a lawsuit.
  • vmsolko
    vmsolko Posts: 51 Member
    They ARE better! I swear to God, it's a different chocolate/peanut butter ratio or something, but ALL the seasonal ones taste WAY better! They are the biggest temptation for me. And they are constantly around- pumpkins, trees, hearts, eggs! I can't escape them!!
  • auntchellebelle
    auntchellebelle Posts: 127 Member
    lgutches wrote: »
    Chocolate lovers over here are jealous of your access to Cadbury! They've pulled out of the U.S., which is sad sad sad for us.

    Huh? I live in South Carolina and have seen them in every store.

    Its a different chocolate this year.

    I know that. The quote said they were pull from the US. That is what my HUH was for.
  • 4bettermenow
    4bettermenow Posts: 166 Member
    lgutches wrote: »
    Chocolate lovers over here are jealous of your access to Cadbury! They've pulled out of the U.S., which is sad sad sad for us.

    Huh? I live in South Carolina and have seen them in every store.

    Its a different chocolate this year.

    I know that. The quote said they were pull from the US. That is what my HUH was for.

    Ah, gotcha.
  • ashleycde
    ashleycde Posts: 622 Member
    I don't think we have these in Canada :'(
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    edited January 2015
    I think this thread is great because a lot of people think "going on a diet" means never having sweet treats again. It took a lot of those "IIFYM" type threads for me to finally believe that it's okay to fit in goodies. Now, I am really happy and slowly, steadily losing. Last night I had a Doubletree cookie, but during the day I had a kale/banana smoothie for breakfast, yummy vegetable soup for lunch and steamed shrimp/chicken/ veggies for dinner. It all fit in my macros and calories. DH was like, but "aren't you on a diet?" Nope. Never again. Just eating at a reasonable deficit.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited January 2015
    I knew I forgot to buy something at the store this morning...
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    Holla4mom wrote: »
    ...but "aren't you on a diet?" Nope. Never again. Just eating at a reasonable deficit.

    No doubt! "Diet" implies a time restriction. I'm looking for sustainable life changes - and eliminating happiness a/k/a chocolate is not in the cards for me. Not to mention ... hey, I ran six miles today. I think I earned some chocolate, if I really want it. (I don't happen to want any today ... or most days ... because I've removed the *need* for it. BUT when I want it, you'd better believe I'm going to help myself.) :)
  • ashleycde
    ashleycde Posts: 622 Member
    edited January 2015
    emily_stew wrote: »
    ashleycde wrote: »
    I don't think we have these in Canada :'(

    We do, at least where I am, but they only seem to appear around Easter.

    I don't go to convenient stores much anymore, but maybe I'll start looking.
  • ashleycde
    ashleycde Posts: 622 Member
    Eggscellent *touches finger tips maniacally*
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,520 Member
    emily_stew wrote: »
    ashleycde wrote: »
    emily_stew wrote: »
    ashleycde wrote: »
    I don't think we have these in Canada :'(

    We do, at least where I am, but they only seem to appear around Easter.

    I don't go to convenient stores much anymore, but maybe I'll start looking.

    I usually see them at Shopper's during Easter season.

    Shopper's, how I miss you. CVS and Walgreens just don't compare.
  • shelleygold
    shelleygold Posts: 178 Member
    I hope I was not demonising chocolate or dampening the excitement surrounding our love for yummy snacks. I just think we devote a bit more time and focus to the "foods" which actually do contribute to obesity which tend to be a function of sugar and/or trans-fatty ingredients. I don't notice the same hype for the healthy least not in my experience. Not trying to sound like a zealot. I just want to get this food-life balance right for the first time in over 5 decades and the snacky foods have been my achilles heel. Perhaps I am lone voice in the wilderness. Enjoy your eggs and chocolate and have some for me.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    I hope I was not demonising chocolate or dampening the excitement surrounding our love for yummy snacks. I just think we devote a bit more time and focus to the "foods" which actually do contribute to obesity which tend to be a function of sugar and/or trans-fatty ingredients. I don't notice the same hype for the healthy least not in my experience. Not trying to sound like a zealot. I just want to get this food-life balance right for the first time in over 5 decades and the snacky foods have been my achilles heel. Perhaps I am lone voice in the wilderness. Enjoy your eggs and chocolate and have some for me.

    Nah ... you probably won't see that hype over an apple.

    BUT - at least for me - the hype is a little put-on. All that oooohing and ahhhhing, but I probably won't actually eat one this season because it's such a temporary happy indulgence - and I'm in the middle of a serious push this year to take this extra stress off my knees. And if I get a taste for them, I will buy them by the six-pack and keep them in my desk drawer. It's a problem.

    I think the backlash - at least from my perspective - is about the suggestion that we couldn't/shouldn't if we wanted to. We can. You can. The balance we're seeking is at least partially about personal control and quality of life. There's nothing inherently wrong with eating a Reese's peanut butter cup on occasion, as long as the rest is in balance.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Probably because a Reese cup is way better than an apple. We do have a bunch of threads about Greek yogurt too though...

    Anyway, I blame this thread for having some chocolate peanut butter oatmeal this morning (although I cheated and used PB2).
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I hope I was not demonising chocolate or dampening the excitement surrounding our love for yummy snacks. I just think we devote a bit more time and focus to the "foods" which actually do contribute to obesity which tend to be a function of sugar and/or trans-fatty ingredients. I don't notice the same hype for the healthy least not in my experience. Not trying to sound like a zealot. I just want to get this food-life balance right for the first time in over 5 decades and the snacky foods have been my achilles heel. Perhaps I am lone voice in the wilderness. Enjoy your eggs and chocolate and have some for me.

    Nah, you'll find me in threads extolling the greatness of Greek yogurt and its amazing versatility to pump up our protein intake. Or using cauliflower as a thickening in soup instead of using a roux, and blending other veggies to increase the nutritional content in stews and chilis). Oh, and my intense love for all things legume/beans (mmm, they truly are the magical fruit!).

    But alas, this thread is about our love of choc/PB eggs. And will honor and praise this perfect treat, and indulge (very modestly) in them for the short season in which they are available. And yes, balance is SO important. That's how most of us operate (I see a lot of that here in this thread)--we work our butts off to get our nutritious foods eaten within goal, so as to have a bit of room once in a while for this treat.

    And this treat is perfect--we can buy SINGLES of them (that's important for me--I'm a former/recovered binger--NO bags of candy in my house plz), yet the singles still seem like an indulgent size.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    My taste buds would like to thank this thread...
    You made this?

    Ha, no. I made a run to the store. Got a craving from reading this thread...
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I hope I was not demonising chocolate or dampening the excitement surrounding our love for yummy snacks. I just think we devote a bit more time and focus to the "foods" which actually do contribute to obesity which tend to be a function of sugar and/or trans-fatty ingredients. I don't notice the same hype for the healthy least not in my experience. Not trying to sound like a zealot. I just want to get this food-life balance right for the first time in over 5 decades and the snacky foods have been my achilles heel. Perhaps I am lone voice in the wilderness. Enjoy your eggs and chocolate and have some for me.

    Nah, you'll find me in threads extolling the greatness of Greek yogurt and its amazing versatility to pump up our protein intake. Or using cauliflower as a thickening in soup instead of using a roux, and blending other veggies to increase the nutritional content in stews and chilis). Oh, and my intense love for all things legume/beans (mmm, they truly are the magical fruit!).

    But alas, this thread is about our love of choc/PB eggs. And will honor and praise this perfect treat, and indulge (very modestly) in them for the short season in which they are available. And yes, balance is SO important. That's how most of us operate (I see a lot of that here in this thread)--we work our butts off to get our nutritious foods eaten within goal, so as to have a bit of room once in a while for this treat.

    And this treat is perfect--we can buy SINGLES of them (that's important for me--I'm a former/recovered binger--NO bags of candy in my house plz), yet the singles still seem like an indulgent size.

    Where can you get singles of them? Sounds like what I need, lol.