Skinny Male Bulk Plan

I am 5'7, 105 pounds, male 19 years old. This is quite underweight.

2 Month Goal: gain 8-16 pounds in 2 months (fat or muscle, I'm too skinny). This will get me to about 115-120 at that point. I will of course continue bulking at that point, but just want a tangible goal for now.

Maintenance calories: 2300(I am very active and have high metabolism)
Daily goal calories: 2300 to 3300 ( surplus of 300 to 1000 a day)
Weekly weight gain goal: gain 1 to 2 pounds
Macros: 130 protein (minimum), 80 fat (minimum), rest carbs

I will be doing starting strength. Here are my starting lifts:
Squat 3 x 5 105 lbs
Bench press 3 x 5 60 lbs
Deadlift 1 x 5 105 lbs
Press 3 x 5 45 lbs

Here are my starting photos. What do you think my BF % is?


  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    maybe 10%. it's hard to tell on very skinny guys.

    I would add a bit more protein and try to be on the high end of that goal calorie range. You won't need to worry about fat gain for a while. I was in a similar starting position once. basically, anything you do will work.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited February 2015
    You will need too be in a surplus of 500 to 1000 per day to hit your goal. If you don't have a lifting program check out a beginer 5x5 varuation but not madcow as that's intermediate to advanced.

    Good luck.
  • Glitch267
    I will continue to update this post from time to time
  • ozgunsinal
    ozgunsinal Posts: 1
    edited February 2015
    You should also have ON Serious Mass to help you to fulfill your goal. Besides, you should train your big muscle groups(chest,back,legs and butt) more. That is the only key for someone like you.
  • Glitch267
    Glitch267 Posts: 32
    edited February 2015
    Why am I hungrier on non lifting days than lifting days?
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    The bigger question is why are you doing cardio?
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Some cardio is always required and even guys like Jim Wendler, Marc Lobliner and Layne Norton advocate cardio even while bulking. Cardio, as long as it's not excessive, helps improve your endurance and will have positive affects on lifts as well as improve overall health.
  • Glitch267
    It's 30 minutes of light elliptical, bike, or treadmill. It's not much.
  • Glitch267
    Here are my current lifts

    Squat 85
    Overhead press 50
    Barbell row 65
    Deadlift 125
    Bench press 70

    My body weight has gone from 104.8-106.4 lbs
    This weight gain is after 13 days.

    I started taking creatine a week before I started weighing myself and am still taking it. I take 5 grams a day. Is my weight gain creatine or true weight gain? Remember, I started creatine a week before weighing myself so the water gain may have already stopped accumulating by that point.
  • zaxx1953
    zaxx1953 Posts: 389 Member
    I would basically stick with what you're doing, but maybe not worry so much about week to week results. I also think it's a bit crazy to think 16lbs of decent weight should be put on in 2 months. Stick to a more modest goal like 5-8.5 lbs of a decent mix (fat/muscle) for the starting strength cycle (~9 weeks?).

    Concentrate on getting stronger and maintaining your caloric/macro goals. Don't sweat the scale so much yet.

    Also, do you take a casein/slower digesting protein before bed/at night? If your metabolism is crazy fast naturally, I might take it with some zinc/mag supplements and fish oil.

    You're definitely on the right track!!!
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    edited February 2015
    Glitch267 wrote: »
    Why am I hungrier on non lifting days than lifting days?

    That's when all the muscle repair work is being done, and it's for this reason that it's good to stay in calorie excess and not do cardio. Then you're ready for your next session, all fixed up and full of glycogen.

    I'd add that if you go for more than a pound a week gain (500 cal excess per day), you run the risk of having a higher fat to muscle ratio, and that my man, is a pain in ze azz.
  • Glitch267
    I binged on around 6000 calories yesterday. It was not due to hunger but was a more emotional thing. Just had a really stressful week with midterms and then was really happy since I got some grades back and they were good. So again, it was not from hunger, it was an emotional or event type thing. It was an isolated incident and does not happen often (last time I way overate was either Christmas or thanksgiving so once every six weeks or so at most which is normal).

    I am currently on a bulk and trying to gain weight. My calorie surplus goal is 300-1000 a day and was eating a 300 calorie surplus everyday for last week straight.

    My parents just sent me a massive care package with great foods. After the hard week and stress, I ate a lot of food. Was with friends and one thing lead to another.

    This happened after I had already eaten all I planned on eating that day (I had eaten maintenance plus 300 so already in surplus). I then had the binge. I ate large amounts of frosted cookies, dessert breads, and this chocolate and peanut butter covered snack mix. And I ate a lot of it all. It was several thousand calories worth of fat and sugar, all coming after I already was eating in a surplus for the day (probably 300+ over maintenance, maybe more. End day calories estimated at 6000).

    What should I do now? How do I approach food the next couple of days? Should I lower at all or continue to eat normal (like 300 surplus 1000 surplus etc)?

    For the last week, my daily surplus has only been about 300 calories a day. Could I just pretend that the binge was spread out over that week and didn't happen in one day and act as if my surplus each day was more like 800 calories instead of 300? My goal is a large surplus anyways.
    My logic: 6 days of 300 surplus + 1 day binge calorie surplus = 7 days of 800 calorie surplus
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    One day isn't going to kill you. You can put in a few control days of a slight caloric deficit (maybe 250 a day for 3 days) but don't go nuts trying to make up for it. Just move on and adjust accordingly.
  • se015
    se015 Posts: 583 Member
    Hey Glitch, so welcome to the gaining weight club! Remember right now you're fairly young, when I was your age I was in the same boat! Eat lots of carbs and fat. Protein obviously is important too. I would aim for no more than 150 grams of protein for you per day. The rest of your total calories should be carbs and fat. You're total calorie intake should be about between 2,000-2,500 calories per day.

    You should NOT do ANY cardio whatsoever. I know some people are going to yell at me here. Cardio is good for your overall health but for a guy your age and your good health, right now that's not your focus. Eliminate it! You should be lifting very heavy although do not comprimise form and avoid heavy to the point of injury. Squats and deadlifts should be done but remember you need low rep range with high weights right now. Eventually you can step up the reps and bring down the weight.

    Back to your diet, you got to be way more patient. It will happen, you will gain weight, just very very slowly. What's your appetite like, I know I seem to have issues trying to eat so much at a time, so I break my meals up throughout the day. Small meals spread out all day will keep your total calories high. Some of those meals could even be shakes. I recently bought a Carb powder called karbolic, it's got 50 grams of Carbs, and NO sugar, crazy! I also got a protein powder that's 30 grams of protein per serving.

    Anyways, good luck and message me if you have any questions!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ^ why no cardio?
  • Glitch267
    I have decided to change my lifting program a bit. I am going to do the same lifts, but at different weights.

    I decided to not peruse the usual progression rate of starting strength. Adding that much each workout is too much for me. I don't want to be adding that much weight because it's hurting my form.

    So, I am going to do slower progression and slightly lower weight to focus on my form. I noticed my form was slipping. Being a novice, I want to focus on form over the weight I'm lifting. I don't want to build a bad foundation.

    Weight update:
    So far, my body weight has been increasing by 1.5 pounds a week. Is that a good rate to continue at?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    It's always best to make sure your form is solid before you get to heavy. That said, don't use form as an excuse for not increasing weights.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Glitch267 wrote:
    Maintenance calories: 2300 (I am very active and have high metabolism)
    Daily goal calories: 2600 to 3300 (surplus of 300 to 1000 a day)
    Weekly weight gain goal: gain 1 to 2 pounds
    Macros: 130 protein (minimum), 80 fat (minimum), rest carbs

    Here's a table which explains the healthy macro ranges:

    page 1, carbs, 45 - 65% of calories (4 cal per gram)
    page 2, fat, 20 - 35% of calories (9 cal per gram)
    page 4, protein, 10 - 35% of calories (4 cal per gram)

    If you aim for 3000 calories per day, taking the simplest macro distribution:
    50% carbs = 1500 calories = 375 grams
    25% fat = 750 calories = 83 grams
    25% protein = 750 calories = 188 grams
    Here are my starting photos. What do you think my BF % is?
    Put your measurements into this body fat calculator.
  • nadr0j
    nadr0j Posts: 16
    My advice, vis-a-vis your specific situation: sign up at (free), and look through Jim Stoppani, PhD's 12-Week Shortcut To Size. Also read his nutrition advice. I used to be in your shoes, though maybe not quite as skinny, and was a very hard gain my whole life (I'm 33). Stoppani's program maps everything out, and was the best thing I found to packing on very solid muscle, consistently. The first time I did that, I think I added about 8-10 lbs of muscle. As for cardio, just get it in things you enjoy doing. If you like playing basketball, go do that. Etc. I really would not worry much about forcing yourself to ride a stationary bike or jog for 30 minutes.