OFFICIAL youngings May Challenge



  • mamabearr
    mamabearr Posts: 304
    Yeah week 1 hasn't been so great so far. I've only wroked out 2 days this week, and usually when I don't work out I end up going over.
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    i Have not gone over my calories, i have gone under....but because i havent finished my logging at all this week till today ...i realized that i have gone under my calories tooo much...uggggg ...i need to get more calories.
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    It is now week two!!! Exercise everyday for at least 45 mins. Well i started out my day with shoveling malch for a couple hours...later today I am going for a 20 min. bike ride, and I will be walking around the mall for awhile. I also plan on playing wii fit for 15 mins. Overall I think this adds up to over 45 mins!
  • roqoru
    roqoru Posts: 31 Member
    Week 2 weigh in: 192.6. Total weight lost this week: 2.4 lbs.

    I'll probably walk around OCCC for 45 minutes. Does packing count as exercise? :tongue:
  • jjones649
    jjones649 Posts: 15
    week one sucked *kitten* for me.... I had finals (I'm in the nursing program and our tests consists of 4 options for every question and all are right, we have to pick the best one). I don't have access to a scale today bt will weigh tomorrow.
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    starting weight: 185
    current weight: 182.8
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    Week 2 weigh in! SW: 552.2
    CW: 248.2
    Total lost week 1: 4 pounds!
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    Today's exercise: 45 minutes of spin class and Forty minutes moving about in stations at the gym :)
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    yesturday's exercise : jogged for 10 minutes and did step for 35 minutes
    Today's exercise: An hour of a swimming class
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    Firday's Exercise: 45 mins at personal training
    Today's exercise: an hour of spinning.
  • roqoru
    roqoru Posts: 31 Member
    This week I started exercising for the first time in gods know how long. I rode the stationary bike for 30 minutes and did weight training for around 15 minutes. And I found that it was actually fun! I was really really surprised, honestly. I do it by myself, since I do it at the school gym and my roommates don't go to my school, but I've started rereading A Song of Ice and Fire and that gets me through the cardio portion happily. :)

    SW: 195
    CW: 190.2
    Weight lost: 4.8 lbs
  • mamabearr
    mamabearr Posts: 304
    Sorry I haven't been on all week! I've been working constantly and haven't had time to log on or work out. =/
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    Well i am starting week 3 off not eating past 9 ...which is good for me
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    Weigh in!
    SW (as of May): 552.2
    Week one: 248.2 pounds
    Total lost week one: 4 pounds
    Week two: 245 pounds
    Total lost week two: 3.2 pounds
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    Weigh in!
    SW (as of May): 252.2
    Week 1: 248:2 pounds
    Total lost week one: 4 pounds
    Week two:245 pounds
    Total lost week two: 3.2 pounds
    Week three: 243
    Total lost week three: 2 pounds
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    Last weigh in
    Weigh in!
    SW (as of May): 252.2
    Week 1: 248:2 pounds
    Total lost week one: 4 pounds
    Week two:245 pounds
    Total lost week two: 3.2 pounds
    Week three: 243
    Total lost week three: 2 pounds
    Week four: 236.8
    Total lost week four: 6.2 pounds
    Total lost in May: 15.4 pounds
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