SAHM 5/9-5/15

SAHM 5/9 - 5/15
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Welcome!! We are a fabulous group of Stay at Home Moms that support each other through our weightloss and the most important job....being a mom! We welcome all newcomers, join in any time, we would love to get to know you! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


  • StrongerMomto7
    StrongerMomto7 Posts: 1,158 Member
    :) love it. I'm a SAHM of 7 little ones. :)
  • hmkeith
    hmkeith Posts: 9
    I am a SAHM to two little girls. We like to call exercise babysitters (so you can go work out or run) barnacle Busters at our house. :) It can be difficult to get out there. I finally got a double jogging stroller and man is it hard to run with!
  • popchex
    popchex Posts: 52 Member
    Oh I was wondering if there was a SAHM group! :) I have two boys, 2 and almost-5 (as he says!) AND my husband works at home on our business, so it's like having three kids. :tongue: All four of us are at home most of the time because pre-school is only 2.5 hours a day 4x a week, so I try to fit my exercise in during that time. lol
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    First, I want to share that we had a "toddler-related mishap" with our laptop keys, so if I am missing letters or spaces and don't catch it, just take a guess :)

    Welcome to the new ladies!

    I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day! Saturday we finished the lower portion of the deck, which was the best Mother's Day present ever! We spent all afternoon out there yesterday and it was lovely. Yesterday I had to work in the morning, so I was running around the church all morning. I got to take a little nap after I got home and then we spent the rest of the day playing outside.

    Today I have to be an absolute super-mom. Thursday morning, I am going to a conference with a co-worker (for those that missed my last explanation, I work for a church about 20hrs a week and my son comes with me, so I still consider myself a SAHM). The conference lasts until Friday, when my husband and son are picking me up, and we are drivig on to my parents, who are watching the little man for the weekend (Sat-Sun) while DH and I fly down to Floriday for a wedding. ANYWAY, so today I need to get all the laundry washed and hung to dry, begin packing both of my bags, grocery shopping at the commissary, and making a multitude of packiing lists for my husband for getting him and little man out the door on Friday. Somewhere in there, I need to get to the gym too. Wowza.

    That said, I'm off for the day! Happy Monday!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Happy Mother's Day everyone! We had a nice weekend of warmth and sunshine (as evidenced by my sunburned shoulders). I didn't eat particularly well nutrition wise but I wasn't hog wild either. Starting fresh today, I already did my 6 am EVO and will head in for cardio (undo the weekend).

    Welcome to all the new moms!

    I will check back in later and see how everyone is doing.
  • htuzzi324
    htuzzi324 Posts: 20 Member
    Happy Mother's Day! The little guy and I are about to go on a little jog since it's still cool out, and I see storm clouds coming (boo:grumble: ) This weekend was pretty good. I got to sleep 7 hours in a row. Haha, is it weird that sleeping was the highlight of my weekend?
    Hi to all the new moms joining us!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Hi to all new moms to this thread.

    KC~I still consider myself a SAHM. I work 2 hrs a day 5 days a week at the kids school. So don't sweat it. The deck sounds like some fun. Your right your week does sound busy!

    Holly~It was nice weather here only on Sat but yesterday and now today it has been raining. I don't mind the rain though better it's better than the snow.

    Well the hubby's bday was this weekend. We ordered out and took it to the park to play with the little ones. Then of course he had to drive on some non paved roads to make himself feel like he was four wheeling. :laugh: As we were driving on one of the dirt roads our oldest daughter says to him "Dad I am trusting you to not kill me". Gave us all a good laugh. This weekend I also got my hair chopped off and highlighted. It was a nice surprise to the hubby since I kept telling him that I was not cutting my hair. I cut about 6-8 inches and have bangs for the first time since way before me and him met. When I got home after doing it he was so shocked he didn't know what to say. Shortly after he dragged me outside so that he could see the highlights in the sun (did auburn highlights and I have dark brown hair). He kept circling me telling me how hot it was. Self esteem booster. Also go to say that this is the first time ever that I have had so many people complimenting me on my hair. When we went to church yesterday pretty much every woman that passed me or talked to me was telling me how much they loved my new hair cut. Lets just say that was about 20 + women. It sure felt good. Two of the women were saying how it made me look thinner BONUS! Well got go the boys are getting into the cereal and making a mess. Oh and can't remember the name of the one that said they had 7 little ones but just wanted to give a shout out, I do too! What is the age range of yours?
  • mklafka
    mklafka Posts: 2
    I am a stay at home mom of 2 1/2 year old boy/girl twins and a 5 year old. My 5 year old will start school in August. I make it a priority to go to Gold's gym at least 5 times a week. We live off of a golf course so on the days we don't go to the gym we walk about 3.5 miles on the golf course. My kids love the Kids Gym and walking on the golf course. On Saturdays I am usually helping my husband with yardwork and of course the housework throughout the week. I have a best friend that is staying with me that also goes to the gym with me. We do Zumba, Body Combat (tae kwon do), and Body Pump (strengthening class). Took last week off for the most part but getting back into the swing of things tonight.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Katie-Show some pics of the new hair style! How great that everyone really liked it, that's a nice mood booster! Happy Birthday to your husband, sounds like you all had a nice weekend even if you had some rain. I do agree rain is much better than snow!

    KC-We have had the toddler mishap with computer keys at least twice!! So Frustrating! Ours were so badly broken they couldn't be put back on and the keyboard had to be replaced..ugh

    mklafka-Welcome to the group! I have 4 children 2 1/2 yr. old and 4 yr. old girls, 13 yr. old son and 15 yr. old girl keeps things interesting here. I also am a self proclaimed gym rat. I am there M-F and sometimes on Sat. for Zumba. I take a class 3X a week at 6 a.m. and sometimes go back in later in the morning with the little girls to get in more cardio. I did that today to undo the caloric damage from the weekend. How nice that you have a friend that goes with you.

    htuzzi324-Welcome! I hope you got your run in before the rain today. Nice that you got 7 hours of sleep too! My youngest is 2 1/2 and it's still rare that she doesn't wake up at night..

    Sunny and 87 here again today, tomorrows high is 90+ evidentally there is no spring this year..lots of exercise today to make up for the weekend I am really hoping to get into the 120's by the end of the week..seems like it moves so slow right now.

    We cleaned out our garden area and planted some corn and broccoli, I have several other things started to be planted in a few weeks. Had some friends over after church yesterday for a Mother's Day lunch then off to Lucy's soccer game. So cute watching a bunch of 4 yr. olds playing soccer.

    My bad news of the week was I found out my Grandmother, she's 88, has a rare form of spine cancer and since it starts in the bone marrow there is no cure for it. She is due to see the Oncologist today so we'll find out what form of treatment will help to minimize her pain. I haven't seen her in a few years as she's in Virginia and I'm in Nebraska so are going to try to save up to make a trip to see here while she's still up for it. Praying for her pain to be manageable and for her to live as independently as possible as long as possible.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother holly :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the new mummies :drinker:

    Happy mothering sunday for those who had it this weekend gone (ours was last month and I know lots of Europe have it in March - confusing!!)

    My DD had her operation today, she is ok but has been verrrrrrrrrrrrrry screamy since coming round, she has stitches where they cut off her skin tags so I'm guessing she's a bit sore, plus she screamed the place down when they pinned her down to put her under so I'm guessing she is just all round feeling a bit battered by everything. I have been eating awfully the last few days and this morning was registering a pound gain, but hubby's birthday combined with DD's op has not been a good combo, so have just done as much exercise as I can, and cut myself some slack. Starting afresh tomorrow.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Welcome Greulings, hmsuit, popchex, & mklafka!! :flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone had a fantastic mother’s day!

    With all the new mommies on here, I will reintroduce myself.

    My name is Barb, I’m 27 yrs old. I have a little girl, Kelsey, who is 7 years old and a little boy, Jeremey, who just turned 1 (April 30th). My husband is a 3rd shift trucker driver and sometimes he’s home every day, sometimes every other day, and sometimes he gone from Monday night until Saturday afternoon, and has weekends off (just depends on how much freight is available). My husband and I have been together 8 years (April 5th, 2003) & will be celebrating our :heart: 5 year anniversary :heart: on Friday (May 13th, 2006):love: . Currently, living with my inlaws, so I’ll complain every now and then (we were hoping to move out this summer, but had some things pop up that are keeping us here another year) .:cry: We live in South Bend, Indiana and if you're not sure where that is, we're just a few minutes away from Norte Dame College, at my inlaws house, go down the road about 3-4 mins and you're there....that's how close we live to ND (sorry not a ND fan).....I started my weight loss March 2009 and when I started needed to lose about 92 lbs, and I've lost 50 lbs so far. Feel free to check out my weight loss story. Anything else, feel free to ask. :smile:

    We had a pretty good mother’s day. Hubby, lil guy, and me went to Applebee’s for lunch, came home to pick up our daughter and hubby’s half brother (they went to church) and we went to the park, played, and walked the riverwalk, and then had some del taco for dinner and then came home and relaxed. Hubby and I will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary next weekend, we’re planning on dinner and a movie and we’re gonna see Pirates 4, can’t wait!

    Holly-Sorry to hear about your grandma. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • popchex
    popchex Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks for the welcome!

    Katie - that's great about your hair-cut! It's always good when our SO's lavish attention on us. lol

    Holly - sad news about your grandma. I hope it's as painless as possible for her.

    I'm getting to be envious of all the nice weather stuff I'm reading! I'm in Australia and we're going into winter here, so it was a chilly 11 degrees Celsius (51 F) this morning. It's not unbearable (I grew up in Chicago!) but I'm hoping the sun comes out today instead of being cloudy. That makes a huge difference!

    This is my last school term of kindy (pre-school) mucking up my days. My son is on a split schedule, so two mornings, two afternoons, and it throws everything off. I can't work out with him here, and I have barely enough time between dropping him off, and picking him up, to work out and shower and eat. I can't wait for full-day school to start in July! lol
  • AngelaLVGJN
    AngelaLVGJN Posts: 39 Member
    I honestly don't have the brain power to respond to this tonight...but I am going to try:)

    Welcome to all the new members! It is great to meet new people each week on here.

    Katie - Pictures of the new haircut? I would love to see it! I am sure it makes you look gorgeous!

    Holly Sorry to hear about your grandma! Prayers for her!

    Shoppie - Glad to hear your DD came through her surgery successfully! Hope you can get back on track and life can get back to normal as is possible with kids:)

    Barb - Congrats on the 5 year anniversary! We are hitting our 5-year in June!

    A little about myself. I have a 2.5 year old daughter and a 15 month son. I spent 10 years in the Active Duty Air Force, and then I taught Middle/high school history and Math in California. My husband is in the Air Force, so now live in Ohio while my he gets his PhD in Electrical Engineering. I used to love running, but since getting pregnant with my son, I haven't really ran very much. I am training for a half-marathon in September, and right now can't run more than 2 miles. So...I am trying to get my butt in shape.

    Hope you all have a wonderful next few days!

  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    For those requesting pics of the new haircut, I plan on it just have not gotten around to it yet.

    Welcome to all new moms to this board.

    Holly~I too am sorry to hear about your grandma. Will pray for her and your family.

    Shoppie~Hope that your daughter is recovering from surgery alright and that you are getting the rest that you need.

    Barb~Happy Anniversary! It flies by. I can't believe that me and my hubby have been together for 12 years now and that our 11th wedding anni is coming up soon. It has just gone so fast.

    Popchex~It has been raining here for the last couple of days. I am looking forward to that warm weather here it is suppose to get to the upper 70's this week.

    Well I woke up and the hubby was trying to log-in to his myfitness account for the first time in 8 months. I was shocked. Even more than that he went and weighed himself and had me measure him. His measurements were not that bad of a gain but he gained 15 lbs. He is pretty disgusted with himself right now. I guess we will see if it helps him get going on exercise. Him measuring got me to as well. My measurements were not bad either but I gained 6 lbs since the last time I weighed in. :cry: Just something to help me get my butt in gear and start to exercise. So Stacey are you up for checking in on the exercise again? Or even some one else so that I can get my but in gear. I really need it. I have contemplated taking some more swim suit shots to show me how bad it is. Got to run need to go pick up the kindergartener. Hope you all have a good day.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Hey girls!

    I discovered one of my real-life friends is using the site today, so I have sent her a link to our thread and hopefully she will join :bigsmile:

    Katie - I got my hair done yesterday too! My new profile pic is a pic of me! Do share your pics! Sorryto hear you have gained a bit back, the only way is to get right back onto it and I'm sure you will x

    Angie - am so impressed with your goal of a half marathon! After I had DS2 I managed to get my running up to 10k but my back really suffered and I'm too afraid to try again - I paid a lot out on osteo to sort it and just wouldn't have the money now!

    A reminder on me for the new peeps - I'm 33, have been married 10 years in Sept. I'm currently a SAHM of 3, 2 boys aged 4 and 2 and a DD aged 3 months. I will be returning to work in HR/ Personnel in Jan 2012. I lost 17 lbs in 6 weeks, but have been a bit stuck for the last 3 weeks with DH's birthday and DD's operation, but now I'm determined to get properly back on track - day 2 of that and am very hungry!!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    I've posted a boastng thread after I changed my profile pic and noticed how different my face looked :blushing:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    just tagging for later!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    quick to katiem--sure check in with me. i check in/encourage with kim too on my friends list.

    i have not exercised since last wednesday. :( probably won't get it in today either.
    soooo thur-sun i will have to get at it!

    i lost another 1+ pounds! yay!!
    my ticker will finally start moving again b/c i'm below my original starting wt. (had to get back to that!)

    so, post up here or on your check in and i'll cheer you on! glad to have you back!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    shoppie - Glad your daughter's surgery went well! I noticed your new picture earlier, nice to see your face :)

    stacey - Congrats on your loss! I haven't been around lately, but I think last time I saw your ticker was still at the start.

    I am big time off my exercise game since R's birthday week. I had to take a week off to get the house ready, then spent the week after napping when she napped :laugh: Now I'm on antibiotics for a UTI, a really bad one I was useless for 24 hours before I could see anyone, and the meds are kicking my butt. I just feel run down :yawn: Despite an overindulgent Mother's Day (ie: ate so much it HURT) the scale still showed a small loss this morning, so hopefully we can get another walk in tomorrow and will make it to Stroller Strides this week. We missed last week, that's $$ down the drain!

    In non-weight loss news we have a deposit down on a house currently. Home inspection was decent today. There is an issue we're going to see if they'll fix (minor mold in the attic needing treatment and some extra venting up there). The Realtor said it shouldn't cost too too much in scheme of things so we'll see what happens. It's not a deal breaker for us or anything as we haven't liked one single other property in our price range and the inspector was overall satisfied with the state of things.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks wildcat! and good luck with the house!

    welcome to the new ladies! this is a great group for motivation and support!

    holly, sorry to hear about your grandmother. hope they are able to help her live comfortably.

    did not get in formal exercise today but did play/run at the park with kids and pulled weeds. dinner is cooked. yay. and it's off to ballet for dd2.
